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% File src/library/base/man/system.time.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2020, 2022 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{CPU Time Used}
system.time(expr, gcFirst = TRUE)
\item{expr}{Valid \R expression to be timed.}
\item{gcFirst}{Logical - should a garbage collection be performed
immediately before the timing? Default is \code{TRUE}.}
\description{Return CPU (and other) times that \code{expr} used.
\code{system.time} calls the function \code{\link{proc.time}},
evaluates \code{expr}, and then calls \code{proc.time} once more,
returning the difference between the two \code{proc.time} calls.
\code{unix.time} has been an alias of \code{system.time}, for
compatibility with S, has been deprecated in 2016 and finally became
defunct in 2022.
Timings of evaluations of the same expression can vary considerably
depending on whether the evaluation triggers a garbage collection. When
\code{gcFirst} is \code{TRUE} a garbage collection (\code{\link{gc}})
will be performed immediately before the evaluation of \code{expr}.
This will usually produce more consistent timings.
A object of class \code{"proc_time"}: see
\code{\link{proc.time}} for details.
\code{\link{proc.time}}, \code{\link{time}} which is for time series.
\code{\link{setTimeLimit}} to limit the (CPU/elapsed) time \R is allowed
to use.
\code{\link{Sys.time}} to get the current date & time.
\donttest{system.time(for(i in 1:100) mad(runif(1000)))}
exT <- function(n = 10000) {
# Purpose: Test if system.time works ok; n: loop size
system.time(for(i in 1:n) x <- mean(rt(1000, df = 4)))
#-- Try to interrupt one of the following (using Ctrl-C / Escape):
exT() #- about 4 secs on a 2.5GHz Xeon
system.time(exT()) #~ +/- same