blob: 7318f0c993d2c5b2d711f9576dce230d5515ab03 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/base/man/try.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Try an Expression Allowing Error Recovery}
\code{try} is a wrapper to run an expression that might fail and allow
the user's code to handle error-recovery.
try(expr, silent = FALSE,
outFile = getOption("try.outFile", default = stderr()))
\item{expr}{an \R expression to try.}
\item{silent}{logical: should the report of error messages be
\item{outFile}{a \link{connection}, or a character string naming the
file to print to (via \code{\link{cat}(*, file = outFile)});
used only if \code{silent} is false, as by default.}
\code{try} evaluates an expression and traps any errors that occur
during the evaluation. If an error occurs then the error
message is printed to the \code{\link{stderr}} connection unless
\code{options("show.error.messages")} is false or
the call includes \code{silent = TRUE}. The error message is also
stored in a buffer where it can be retrieved by
\code{geterrmessage}. (This should not be needed as the value returned
in case of an error contains the error message.)
\code{try} is implemented using \code{\link{tryCatch}}; for
programming, instead of \code{try(expr, silent = TRUE)}, something like
\code{tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e)} (or other simple
error handler functions) may be more efficient and flexible.
It may be useful to set the default for \code{outFile} to
\code{\link{stdout}()}, i.e., \preformatted{ options(try.outFile = stdout()) }
instead of the default \code{\link{stderr}()},
notably when \code{try()} is used inside a \code{\link{Sweave}} code
chunk and the error message should appear in the resulting document.
The value of the expression if \code{expr} is evaluated without error:
otherwise an invisible object inheriting from class \code{"try-error"}
containing the error message with the error condition as the
\code{"condition"} attribute.
Do not test\preformatted{
if (class(res) == "try-error"))
as if there is no error, the result might (now or in future) have a
class of length > 1. Use \code{if(\link{inherits}(res, "try-error"))}
\code{\link{options}} for setting error handlers and suppressing the
printing of error messages;
\code{\link{geterrmessage}} for retrieving the last error message.
The underlying \code{\link{tryCatch}} provides more flexible means of
catching and handling errors.
\code{\link{assertCondition}} in package \pkg{tools} is related and
useful for testing.
## this example will not work correctly in example(try), but
## it does work correctly if pasted in
options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
## alternatively,
print(try(log("a"), TRUE))
## run a simulation, keep only the results that worked.
x <- stats::rnorm(50)
doit <- function(x)
x <- sample(x, replace = TRUE)
if(length(unique(x)) > 30) mean(x)
else stop("too few unique points")
## alternative 1
res <- lapply(1:100, function(i) try(doit(x), TRUE))
## alternative 2
\dontrun{res <- vector("list", 100)
for(i in 1:100) res[[i]] <- try(doit(x), TRUE)}
unlist(res[sapply(res, function(x) !inherits(x, "try-error"))])