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% File src/library/base/man/utf8Conversion.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\alias{code point}
\title{Convert Integer Vectors to or from UTF-8-encoded Character Vectors}
Conversion of UTF-8 encoded character vectors to and from integer
vectors representing a UTF-32 encoding.
intToUtf8(x, multiple = FALSE, allow_surrogate_pairs = FALSE)
\item{x}{object to be converted.}
\item{multiple}{logical: should the conversion be to a single
character string or multiple individual characters?}
\item{allow_surrogate_pairs}{logical: should interpretation of
surrogate pairs be attempted? (See \sQuote{Details}.)
Only supported for \code{multiple = FALSE}.}
These will work in any locale, including on platforms that do not
otherwise support multi-byte character sets.
Unicode defines a name and a number of all of the glyphs it
encompasses: the numbers are called \emph{code points}: since RFC3629
they run from \code{0} to \code{0x10FFFF} (with about 5\% being
assigned by version 13.0 of the Unicode standard and 7\% reserved for
\sQuote{private use}).
\code{intToUtf8} does not by default handle surrogate pairs: inputs in
the surrogate ranges are mapped to \code{NA}. They might occur if a
UTF-16 byte stream has been read as 2-byte integers (in the correct
byte order), in which case \code{allow_surrogate_pairs = TRUE} will
try to interpret them (with unmatched surrogate values still treated
as \code{NA}).
Which code points are regarded as valid has changed over the lifetime
of UTF-8. Originally all 32-bit unsigned integers were potentially
valid and could be converted to up to 6 bytes in UTF-8. Since 2003 it
has been stated that there will never be valid code points larger than
\code{0x10FFFF}, and so valid UTF-8 encodings are never more than 4
The code points in the surrogate-pair range \code{0xD800} to
\code{0xDFFF} are prohibited in UTF-8 and so are regarded as invalid
by \code{utf8ToInt} and by default by \code{intToUtf8}.
The position of \sQuote{noncharacters} (notably \code{0xFFFE} and
\code{0xFFFF}) was clarified by \sQuote{Corrigendum 9} in 2013. These
are valid but will never be given an official interpretation. (In some
earlier versions of \R \code{utf8ToInt} treated them as invalid.)
\code{utf8ToInt} converts a length-one character string encoded in
UTF-8 to an integer vector of Unicode code points.
\code{intToUtf8} converts a numeric vector of Unicode code points
either (default) to a single character string or a character vector of
single characters. Non-integral numeric values are truncated to
integers. For output to a single character string \code{0} is
silently omitted: otherwise \code{0} is mapped to \code{""}. The
\code{\link{Encoding}} of a non-\code{NA} return value is declared as
Invalid and \code{NA} inputs are mapped to \code{NA} output.
\url{}, the current standard for UTF-8.
\url{} for non-characters.
## will only display in some locales and fonts
intToUtf8(0x03B2L) # Greek beta
## A valid UTF-16 surrogate pair (for U+10437)
x <- c(0xD801, 0xDC37)
intToUtf8(x, TRUE)
(xx <- intToUtf8(x, , TRUE)) # will only display in some locales and fonts
\donttest{## An example of how surrogate pairs might occur
x <- "\U10437"
foo <- tempfile()
writeLines(x, file(foo, encoding = "UTF-16LE"))
## next two are OS-specific, but are mandated by POSIX
system(paste("od -x", foo)) # 2-byte units, correct on little-endian platforms
system(paste("od -t x1", foo)) # single bytes as hex
y <- readBin(foo, "integer", 2, 2, FALSE, endian = "little")
sprintf("\%X", y)
intToUtf8(y, , TRUE)