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% File src/library/base/man/zMachine.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\concept{long double}
\title{Numerical Characteristics of the Machine}
\code{.Machine} is a variable holding information on the numerical
characteristics of the machine \R is running on, such as the largest
double or integer and the machine's precision.
A list with components
\item{double.eps}{the smallest positive floating-point number
\code{x} such that \code{1 + x != 1}. It equals
\code{double.base ^ ulp.digits} if either \code{double.base} is 2 or
\code{double.rounding} is 0; otherwise, it is
\code{(double.base ^ double.ulp.digits) / 2}. Normally
\item{double.neg.eps}{a small positive floating-point number \code{x}
such that \code{1 - x != 1}. It equals
\code{double.base ^ double.neg.ulp.digits} if \code{double.base} is 2
or \code{double.rounding} is 0; otherwise, it is
\code{(double.base ^ double.neg.ulp.digits) / 2}. Normally
\code{1.110223e-16}. As \code{double.neg.ulp.digits} is bounded
below by \code{-(double.digits + 3)}, \code{double.neg.eps} may not
be the smallest number that can alter 1 by subtraction.}
\item{double.xmin}{the smallest non-zero normalized
floating-point number, a power of the radix, i.e.,
\code{double.base ^ double.min.exp}. Normally \code{2.225074e-308}.}
\item{double.xmax}{the largest normalized floating-point number.
Typically, it is equal to \code{(1 - double.neg.eps) *
double.base ^ double.max.exp}, but
on some machines it is only the second or third largest such
number, being too small by 1 or 2 units in the last digit of the
significand. Normally \code{1.797693e+308}. Note that larger
unnormalized numbers can occur.}
\item{double.base}{the radix for the floating-point representation:
normally \code{2}.}
\item{double.digits}{the number of base digits in the floating-point
significand: normally \code{53}.}
\item{double.rounding}{the rounding action, one of\cr
0 if floating-point addition chops; \cr
1 if floating-point addition rounds, but not in the IEEE style; \cr
2 if floating-point addition rounds in the IEEE style; \cr
3 if floating-point addition chops, and there is partial underflow; \cr
4 if floating-point addition rounds, but not in the IEEE style, and
there is partial underflow; \cr
5 if floating-point addition rounds in the IEEE style, and there is
partial underflow.\cr
Normally \code{5}.}
\item{double.guard}{the number of guard digits for multiplication
with truncating arithmetic. It is 1 if floating-point arithmetic
truncates and more than \code{double digits} base-\code{double.base} digits
participate in the post-normalization shift of the floating-point
significand in multiplication, and 0 otherwise.\cr
Normally \code{0}.}
\item{double.ulp.digits}{the largest negative integer \code{i} such
that \code{1 + double.base ^ i != 1}, except that it is bounded below by
\code{-(double.digits + 3)}. Normally \code{-52}.}
\item{double.neg.ulp.digits}{the largest negative integer \code{i}
such that \code{1 - double.base ^ i != 1}, except that it is bounded
below by \code{-(double.digits + 3)}. Normally \code{-53}.}
the number of bits (decimal places if \code{double.base} is 10) reserved
for the representation of the exponent (including the bias or sign)
of a floating-point number. Normally \code{11}.}
the largest in magnitude negative integer \code{i} such that
\code{double.base ^ i} is positive and normalized. Normally \code{-1022}.}
the smallest positive power of \code{double.base} that overflows. Normally
\item{integer.max}{the largest integer which can be represented.
Always \eqn{2^31 - 1 = 2147483647}.}
\item{sizeof.long}{the number of bytes in a C \code{long} type:
\code{4} or \code{8} (most 64-bit systems, but not Windows).}
\item{sizeof.longlong}{the number of bytes in a C \code{long long}
type. Will be zero if there is no such type, otherwise usually
\item{sizeof.longdouble}{the number of bytes in a C \code{long double}
type. Will be zero if there is no such type (or its use was
disabled when \R was built), otherwise possibly
\code{12} (most 32-bit builds), \code{16} (most 64-bit builds) or 8
% 64-bit ARM Linux compilers have a software-implemented
% quad-precison as long double
(CPUs such as ARM where for most compilers \code{long double} is
identical to \code{double}).}
\item{sizeof.pointer}{the number of bytes in a C \code{SEXP}
type. Will be \code{4} on 32-bit builds and \code{8} on 64-bit
builds of \R.}
\item{longdouble.eps, longdouble.neg.eps, longdouble.digits, ...}{
introduced in \R 4.0.0. When
\code{\link{capabilities}("long.double")} is true, there are 10 such
\code{"longdouble.<kind>"} values, specifying the \code{long double}
property corresponding to its \code{"double.*"} counterpart. See
also \sQuote{Note}.}
The algorithm is based on Cody's (1988) subroutine MACHAR. As all
current implementations of \R use 32-bit integers and use IEC 60559
floating-point (double precision) arithmetic, the \code{"integer"} and
\code{"double"} related values are the same for almost all \R builds.
% differing sizeof.(long|longdouble|pointer)
Note that on most platforms smaller positive values than
\code{.Machine$double.xmin} can occur. On a typical \R platform the
smallest positive double is about \code{5e-324}.
In the (typical) case where \code{\link{capabilities}("long.double")} is
true, \R uses the \code{long double} C type in quite a few places internally
for accumulators in e.g.\sspace{}\code{\link{sum}}, reading non-integer
numeric constants into (binary) double precision numbers, or arithmetic
such as \code{x \%\% y}; also, \code{long double} can be read by
For this reason, in that case, \code{.Machine} contains ten further components,
\code{longdouble.eps}, \code{*.neg.eps}, \code{*.digits}, \code{*.rounding}
\code{*.guard}, \code{*.ulp.digits}, \code{*.neg.ulp.digits},
\code{*.exponent}, \code{*.min.exp}, and \code{*.max.exp}, computed
entirely analogously to their \code{double.*} counterparts, see there.
\code{sizeof.longdouble} only tells you the amount of storage
allocated for a long double. Often what is stored is the 80-bit extended
double type of IEC 60559, padded to the double alignment used on the
platform --- this seems to be the case for the common \R platforms
using ix86 and x86_64 chips. There are other implementation of long
double, usually in software for example on Sparc Solaris and AIX.
Note that it is legal for a platform to have a \code{long double} C
type which is identical to the \code{double} type --- this happens on
ARM cpus. In that case \code{\link{capabilities}("long.double")} will
be false but on versions of \R prior to 4.0.4, \code{.Machine} may contain
\code{"longdouble.<kind>"} elements.
Uses a C translation of Fortran code in the reference, modified by the
R Core Team to defeat over-optimization in modern compilers.
Cody, W. J. (1988).
MACHAR: A subroutine to dynamically determine machine parameters.
\emph{Transactions on Mathematical Software}, \bold{14}(4), 303--311.
\code{\link{.Platform}} for details of the platform.
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