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% File src/library/graphics/man/spineplot.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Spine Plots and Spinograms}
Spine plots are a special cases of mosaic plots, and can be seen as
a generalization of stacked (or highlighted) bar plots. Analogously,
spinograms are an extension of histograms.
spineplot(x, \dots)
\method{spineplot}{default}(x, y = NULL,
breaks = NULL, tol.ylab = 0.05, off = NULL,
ylevels = NULL, col = NULL,
main = "", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
xaxlabels = NULL, yaxlabels = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = c(0, 1), axes = TRUE, \dots)
\method{spineplot}{formula}(formula, data = NULL,
breaks = NULL, tol.ylab = 0.05, off = NULL,
ylevels = NULL, col = NULL,
main = "", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
xaxlabels = NULL, yaxlabels = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = c(0, 1), axes = TRUE, \dots,
subset = NULL, drop.unused.levels = FALSE)
\item{x}{an object, the default method expects either a single variable
(interpreted to be the explanatory variable) or a 2-way table. See
\item{y}{a \code{"factor"} interpreted to be the dependent variable}
\item{formula}{a \code{"formula"} of type \code{y ~ x} with a single
dependent \code{"factor"} and a single explanatory variable.}
\item{data}{an optional data frame.}
\item{breaks}{if the explanatory variable is numeric, this controls how
it is discretized. \code{breaks} is passed to \code{\link{hist}} and can
be a list of arguments.}
\item{tol.ylab}{convenience tolerance parameter for y-axis annotation.
If the distance between two labels drops under this threshold, they are
plotted equidistantly.}
\item{off}{vertical offset between the bars (in per cent). It is fixed to
\code{0} for spinograms and defaults to \code{2} for spine plots.}
\item{ylevels}{a character or numeric vector specifying in which order
the levels of the dependent variable should be plotted.}
\item{col}{a vector of fill colors of the same length as \code{levels(y)}.
The default is to call \code{\link{gray.colors}}.}
\item{main, xlab, ylab}{character strings for annotation}
\item{xaxlabels, yaxlabels}{character vectors for annotation of x and y axis.
Default to \code{levels(y)} and \code{levels(x)}, respectively for the
spine plot. For \code{xaxlabels} in the spinogram, the breaks are
\item{xlim, ylim}{the range of x and y values with sensible defaults.}
\item{axes}{logical. If \code{FALSE} all axes (including those giving
level names) are suppressed.}
\item{\dots}{additional arguments passed to \code{\link{rect}}.}
\item{subset}{an optional vector specifying a subset of observations
to be used for plotting.}
\item{drop.unused.levels}{should factors have unused levels dropped?
Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
\code{spineplot} creates either a spinogram or a spine plot. It can
be called via \code{spineplot(x, y)} or \code{spineplot(y ~ x)} where
\code{y} is interpreted to be the dependent variable (and has to be
categorical) and \code{x} the explanatory variable. \code{x} can be
either categorical (then a spine plot is created) or numerical (then a
spinogram is plotted). Additionally, \code{spineplot} can also be
called with only a single argument which then has to be a 2-way table,
interpreted to correspond to \code{table(x, y)}.
Both, spine plots and spinograms, are essentially mosaic plots with
special formatting of spacing and shading. Conceptually, they plot
\eqn{P(y | x)} against \eqn{P(x)}. For the spine plot (where both
\eqn{x} and \eqn{y} are categorical), both quantities are approximated
by the corresponding empirical relative frequencies. For the
spinogram (where \eqn{x} is numerical), \eqn{x} is first discretized
(by calling \code{\link{hist}} with \code{breaks} argument) and then
empirical relative frequencies are taken.
Thus, spine plots can also be seen as a generalization of stacked bar
plots where not the heights but the widths of the bars corresponds to
the relative frequencies of \code{x}. The heights of the bars then
correspond to the conditional relative frequencies of \code{y} in
every \code{x} group. Analogously, spinograms extend stacked
The table visualized is returned invisibly.
\code{\link{mosaicplot}}, \code{\link{hist}}, \code{\link{cdplot}}
Friendly, M. (1994).
Mosaic displays for multi-way contingency tables.
\emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, \bold{89},
Hartigan, J.A., and Kleiner, B. (1984).
A mosaic of television ratings.
\emph{The American Statistician}, \bold{38}, 32--35.
Hofmann, H., Theus, M. (2005),
\emph{Interactive graphics for visualizing conditional distributions}.
Unpublished Manuscript.
Hummel, J. (1996).
Linked bar charts: Analysing categorical data graphically.
\emph{Computational Statistics}, \bold{11}, 23--33.
Achim Zeileis \email{}
## treatment and improvement of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
treatment <- factor(rep(c(1, 2), c(43, 41)), levels = c(1, 2),
labels = c("placebo", "treated"))
improved <- factor(rep(c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3), c(29, 7, 7, 13, 7, 21)),
levels = c(1, 2, 3),
labels = c("none", "some", "marked"))
## (dependence on a categorical variable)
(spineplot(improved ~ treatment))
## applications and admissions by department at UC Berkeley
## (two-way tables)
(spineplot(marginSums(UCBAdmissions, c(3, 2)),
main = "Applications at UCB"))
(spineplot(marginSums(UCBAdmissions, c(3, 1)),
main = "Admissions at UCB"))
## NASA space shuttle o-ring failures
fail <- factor(c(2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1,
1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
levels = c(1, 2), labels = c("no", "yes"))
temperature <- c(53, 57, 58, 63, 66, 67, 67, 67, 68, 69, 70, 70,
70, 70, 72, 73, 75, 75, 76, 76, 78, 79, 81)
## (dependence on a numerical variable)
(spineplot(fail ~ temperature))
(spineplot(fail ~ temperature, breaks = 3))
(spineplot(fail ~ temperature, breaks = quantile(temperature)))
## highlighting for failures
spineplot(fail ~ temperature, ylevels = 2:1)