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% File src/library/stats/man/biplot.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Biplot of Multivariate Data}
biplot(x, \dots)
\method{biplot}{default}(x, y, var.axes = TRUE, col, cex = rep(par("cex"), 2),
xlabs = NULL, ylabs = NULL, expand = 1,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, arrow.len = 0.1,
main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, \dots)
\item{x}{The \code{biplot}, a fitted object. For \code{biplot.default},
the first set of points (a two-column matrix), usually associated
with observations.}
\item{y}{The second set of points (a two-column matrix), usually associated
with variables.}
\item{var.axes}{If \code{TRUE} the second set of points have arrows
representing them as (unscaled) axes.}
\item{col}{A vector of length 2 giving the colours for the first and
second set of points respectively (and the corresponding axes). If a
single colour is specified it will be used for both sets. If
missing the default colour is looked for in the
\code{\link{palette}}: if there it and the next colour as used,
otherwise the first two colours of the palette are used.}
\item{cex}{The character expansion factor used for labelling the
points. The labels can be of different sizes for the two sets by
supplying a vector of length two.}
\item{xlabs}{A vector of character strings to label the first set of
points: the default is to use the row dimname of \code{x}, or
\code{1:n} if the dimname is \code{NULL}.}
\item{ylabs}{A vector of character strings to label the second set of
points: the default is to use the row dimname of \code{y}, or
\code{1:n} if the dimname is \code{NULL}.}
\item{expand}{An expansion factor to apply when plotting the second set
of points relative to the first. This can be used to tweak the
scaling of the two sets to a physically comparable scale.}
\item{arrow.len}{The length of the arrow heads on the axes plotted in
\code{var.axes} is true. The arrow head can be suppressed by
\code{arrow.len = 0}.}
\item{xlim, ylim}{Limits for the x and y axes in the units of the
first set of variables.}
\item{main, sub, xlab, ylab, \dots}{graphical parameters.}
Plot a biplot on the current graphics device.
A biplot is plot which aims to represent both the observations and
variables of a matrix of multivariate data on the same plot. There are
many variations on biplots (see the references) and perhaps the most
widely used one is implemented by \code{\link{biplot.princomp}}.
The function \code{biplot.default} merely provides the
underlying code to plot two sets of variables on the same figure.
Graphical parameters can also be given to \code{biplot}: the size of
\code{xlabs} and \code{ylabs} is controlled by \code{cex}.
\section{Side Effects}{
a plot is produced on the current graphics device.
K. R. Gabriel (1971).
The biplot graphical display of matrices with application to principal
component analysis.
\emph{Biometrika}, \bold{58}, 453--467.
J.C. Gower and D. J. Hand (1996).
Chapman & Hall.
\seealso{\code{\link{biplot.princomp}}, also for examples.}