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% File src/library/stats/man/cancor.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Canonical Correlations}
cancor(x, y, xcenter = TRUE, ycenter = TRUE)
\item{x}{numeric matrix (\eqn{n \times p_1}{n * p1}), containing the
x coordinates.}
\item{y}{numeric matrix (\eqn{n \times p_2}{n * p2}), containing the
y coordinates.}
\item{xcenter}{logical or numeric vector of length \eqn{p_1}{p1},
describing any centering to be done on the x values before the
analysis. If \code{TRUE} (default), subtract the column means.
If \code{FALSE}, do not adjust the columns. Otherwise, a vector
of values to be subtracted from the columns.}
\item{ycenter}{analogous to \code{xcenter}, but for the y values.}
Compute the canonical correlations between two data matrices.
The canonical correlation analysis seeks linear combinations of the
\code{y} variables which are well explained by linear combinations
of the \code{x} variables. The relationship is symmetric as
\sQuote{well explained} is measured by correlations.
A list containing the following components:
\item{xcoef}{estimated coefficients for the \code{x} variables.}
\item{ycoef}{estimated coefficients for the \code{y} variables.}
\item{xcenter}{the values used to adjust the \code{x} variables.}
\item{ycenter}{the values used to adjust the \code{x} variables.}
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988).
\emph{The New S Language}.
Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
Hotelling H. (1936).
Relations between two sets of variables.
\emph{Biometrika}, \bold{28}, 321--327.
Seber, G. A. F. (1984).
\emph{Multivariate Observations}.
New York: Wiley.
\code{\link{qr}}, \code{\link{svd}}.
\examples{\donttest{## signs of results are random
pop <- LifeCycleSavings[, 2:3]
oec <- LifeCycleSavings[, -(2:3)]
cancor(pop, oec)
x <- matrix(rnorm(150), 50, 3)
y <- matrix(rnorm(250), 50, 5)
(cxy <- cancor(x, y))
all(abs(cor(x \%*\% cxy$xcoef,
y \%*\% cxy$ycoef)[,1:3] - diag(cxy $ cor)) < 1e-15)
all(abs(cor(x \%*\% cxy$xcoef) - diag(3)) < 1e-15)
all(abs(cor(y \%*\% cxy$ycoef) - diag(5)) < 1e-15)