blob: b6f9e3e0bd22e370ab5e3d56501467744cc74dd2 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/stats/man/contrasts.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Get and Set Contrast Matrices}
Set and view the contrasts associated with a factor.
contrasts(x, contrasts = TRUE, sparse = FALSE)
contrasts(x, how.many = NULL) <- value
\item{x}{a factor or a logical variable.}
\item{contrasts}{logical. See \sQuote{Details}.}
\item{sparse}{logical indicating if the result should be sparse
(of class \code{\link[Matrix:dgCMatrix-class]{dgCMatrix}}), using
package \CRANpkg{Matrix}.}
\item{how.many}{integer number indicating how many contrasts should be
made. Defaults to one
less than the number of levels of \code{x}. This need not be the
same as the number of columns of \code{value}.}
\item{value}{either a numeric matrix (or a sparse or dense matrix of a
class extending \code{\link[Matrix:dMatrix-class]{dMatrix}} from
package \CRANpkg{Matrix}) whose columns give coefficients for
contrasts in the levels of \code{x}, or the (quoted) name of a
function which computes such matrices.}
If contrasts are not set for a factor the default functions from
\code{\link{options}("contrasts")} are used.
A logical vector \code{x} is converted into a two-level factor with
levels \code{c(FALSE, TRUE)} (regardless of which levels occur in the
The argument \code{contrasts} is ignored if \code{x} has a matrix
\code{contrasts} attribute set. Otherwise if \code{contrasts = TRUE}
it is passed to a contrasts function such as
\code{\link{contr.treatment}} and if \code{contrasts = FALSE}
an identity matrix is returned. Suitable functions have a first
argument which is the character vector of levels, a named argument
\code{contrasts} (always called with \code{contrasts = TRUE}) and
optionally a logical argument \code{sparse}.
If \code{value} supplies more than \code{how.many} contrasts, the
first \code{how.many} are used. If too few are supplied, a suitable
contrast matrix is created by extending \code{value} after ensuring
its columns are contrasts (orthogonal to the constant term) and not
Chambers, J. M. and Hastie, T. J. (1992)
\emph{Statistical models.}
Chapter 2 of \emph{Statistical Models in S}
eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
\code{\link{C}},% ./zC.Rd
fff <- ff[, drop = TRUE] # reduce to 5 levels.
contrasts(fff) # treatment contrasts by default
contrasts(C(fff, sum))
contrasts(fff, contrasts = FALSE) # the 5x5 identity matrix
contrasts(fff) <- contr.sum(5); contrasts(fff) # set sum contrasts
contrasts(fff, 2) <- contr.sum(5); contrasts(fff) # set 2 contrasts
# supply 2 contrasts, compute 2 more to make full set of 4.
contrasts(fff) <- contr.sum(5)[, 1:2]; contrasts(fff)
\donttest{## using sparse contrasts: % useful, once model.matrix() works with these :
ffs <- fff
contrasts(ffs) <- contr.sum(5, sparse = TRUE)[, 1:2]; contrasts(ffs)
stopifnot(all.equal(ffs, fff))
contrasts(ffs) <- contr.sum(5, sparse = TRUE); contrasts(ffs)