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% File src/library/stats/man/ecdf.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2019 R Core Team
% Copyright 2002-2016 The R Foundation
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function}
\method{plot}{ecdf}(x, \dots, ylab="Fn(x)", verticals = FALSE,
col.01line = "gray70", pch = 19)
\method{print}{ecdf}(x, digits= getOption("digits") - 2, \dots)
\method{summary}{ecdf}(object, \dots)
\method{quantile}{ecdf}(x, \dots)
\item{x, object}{numeric vector of the observations for \code{ecdf}; for
the methods, an object inheriting from class \code{"ecdf"}.}
\item{\dots}{arguments to be passed to subsequent methods, e.g.,
\code{\link{plot.stepfun}} for the \code{plot} method.}
\item{ylab}{label for the y-axis.}
\item{verticals}{see \code{\link{plot.stepfun}}.}
\item{col.01line}{numeric or character specifying the color of the
horizontal lines at y = 0 and 1, see \code{\link{colors}}.}
\item{pch}{plotting character.}
\item{digits}{number of significant digits to use, see
Compute an empirical cumulative distribution function, with several
methods for plotting, printing and computing with such an
\dQuote{ecdf} object.
The e.c.d.f. (empirical cumulative distribution function)
\eqn{F_n}{Fn} is a step function with jumps \eqn{i/n} at
observation values, where \eqn{i} is the number of tied observations
at that value. Missing values are ignored.
For observations
\code{x}\eqn{= (}\eqn{x_1,x_2}{x1,x2}, \ldots \eqn{x_n)}{xn)},
\eqn{F_n}{Fn} is the fraction of observations less or equal to \eqn{t},
\deqn{F_n(t) = \#\{x_i\le t\}\ / n
= \frac1 n\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf{1}_{[x_i \le t]}.}{
Fn(t) = #{xi <= t}/n = 1/n sum(i=1,n) Indicator(xi <= t).}
The function \code{plot.ecdf} which implements the \code{\link{plot}}
method for \code{ecdf} objects, is implemented via a call to
\code{\link{plot.stepfun}}; see its documentation.
For \code{ecdf}, a function of class \code{"ecdf"}, inheriting from the
\code{"\link{stepfun}"} class, and hence inheriting a
\code{\link{knots}()} method.
For the \code{summary} method, a summary of the knots of \code{object}
with a \code{"header"} attribute.
The \code{\link{quantile}(obj, ...)} method computes the same quantiles as
\code{quantile(x, ...)} would where \code{x} is the original sample.
Martin Maechler; fixes and new features by other R-core members.
The objects of class \code{"ecdf"} are not intended to be used for
permanent storage and may change structure between versions of \R (and
did at \R 3.0.0). They can usually be re-created by
\preformatted{ eval(attr(old_obj, "call"), environment(old_obj))}
since the data used is stored as part of the object's environment.
\seealso{\code{\link{stepfun}}, the more general class of step functions,
\code{\link{approxfun}} and \code{\link{splinefun}}.
##-- Simple didactical ecdf example :
x <- rnorm(12)
Fn <- ecdf(x)
Fn # a *function*
Fn(x) # returns the percentiles for x
tt <- seq(-2, 2, by = 0.1)
12 * Fn(tt) # Fn is a 'simple' function {with values k/12}
##--> see below for graphics
knots(Fn) # the unique data values {12 of them if there were no ties}
y <- round(rnorm(12), 1); y[3] <- y[1]
Fn12 <- ecdf(y)
knots(Fn12) # unique values (always less than 12!)
## Advanced: What's inside the function closure?
## "f" "method" "na.rm" "nobs" "x" "y" "yleft" "yright"
stopifnot(all.equal(quantile(Fn12), quantile(y)))
###----------------- Plotting --------------------------
op <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1), mgp = c(1.5, 0.8, 0), mar = .1+c(3,3,2,1))
F10 <- ecdf(rnorm(10))
plot(F10, verticals = TRUE, do.points = FALSE)
plot(Fn12 , lwd = 2) ; mtext("lwd = 2", adj = 1)
xx <- unique(sort(c(seq(-3, 2, length.out = 201), knots(Fn12))))
lines(xx, Fn12(xx), col = "blue")
abline(v = knots(Fn12), lty = 2, col = "gray70")
plot(xx, Fn12(xx), type = "o", cex = .1) #- plot.default {ugly}
plot(Fn12, col.hor = "red", add = TRUE) #- plot method
abline(v = knots(Fn12), lty = 2, col = "gray70")
## luxury plot
plot(Fn12, verticals = TRUE, col.points = "blue",
col.hor = "red", col.vert = "bisque")
##-- this works too (automatic call to ecdf(.)):
title("via simple plot.ecdf(x)", adj = 1)