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% File src/library/stats/man/model.frame.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2022 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Extracting the Model Frame from a Formula or Fit}
model.frame(formula, \dots)
\method{model.frame}{default}(formula, data = NULL,
subset = NULL, na.action =,
drop.unused.levels = FALSE, xlev = NULL, \dots)
\method{model.frame}{aovlist}(formula, data = NULL, \dots)
\method{model.frame}{glm}(formula, \dots)
\method{model.frame}{lm}(formula, \dots)
get_all_vars(formula, data, \dots)
\item{formula}{a model \code{\link{formula}} or \code{\link{terms}}
object or an \R object.}
\item{data}{a data.frame, list or environment (or object
coercible by \code{\link{}} to a data.frame),
containing the variables in \code{formula}. Neither a matrix nor an
array will be accepted.}
\item{subset}{a specification of the rows to be used: defaults to all
rows. This can be any valid indexing vector (see
\code{\link{[.data.frame}}) for the rows of \code{data} or if that is not
supplied, a data frame made up of the variables used in
\code{formula}. (See additional details about how this argument
interacts with data-dependent bases under \sQuote{Details} below.)}
\item{na.action}{how \code{NA}s are treated. The default is first,
any \code{na.action} attribute of \code{data}, second
a \code{na.action} setting of \code{\link{options}}, and third
\code{\link{}} if that is unset. The \sQuote{factory-fresh}
default is \code{\link{na.omit}}. Another possible value is \code{NULL}.}
\item{drop.unused.levels}{should factors have unused levels dropped?
Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
\item{xlev}{a named list of character vectors giving the full set of levels
to be assumed for each factor.}
\item{\dots}{for \code{model.frame} methods, a mix of further
arguments such as \code{data}, \code{na.action}, \code{subset} to pass
to the default method. Any additional arguments (such as
\code{offset} and \code{weights} or other named arguments) which
reach the default method are used to create further columns in the
model frame, with parenthesised names such as \code{"(offset)"}.
For \code{get_all_vars}, further named columns to include
in the model frame.}
\code{model.frame} (a generic function) and its methods return a
\code{\link{data.frame}} with the variables needed to use
\code{formula} and any \code{\dots} arguments.
Exactly what happens depends on the class and attributes of the object
\code{formula}. If this is an object of fitted-model class such as
\code{"lm"}, the method will either return the saved model frame
used when fitting the model (if any, often selected by argument
\code{model = TRUE}) or pass the call used when fitting on to the
default method. The default method itself can cope with rather
standard model objects such as those of class
\code{"\link[MASS]{lqs}"} from package \CRANpkg{MASS} if no other
arguments are supplied.
The rest of this section applies only to the default method.
If either \code{formula} or \code{data} is already a model frame (a
data frame with a \code{"terms"} attribute) and the other is missing,
the model frame is returned. Unless \code{formula} is a terms object,
\code{as.formula} and then \code{terms} is called on it. (If you wish
to use the \code{keep.order} argument of \code{terms.formula}, pass a
terms object rather than a formula.)
Row names for the model frame are taken from the \code{data} argument
if present, then from the names of the response in the formula (or
rownames if it is a matrix), if there is one.
All the variables in \code{formula}, \code{subset} and in \code{\dots}
are looked for first in \code{data} and then in the environment of
\code{formula} (see the help for \code{\link{formula}()} for further
details) and collected into a data frame. Then the \code{subset}
expression is evaluated, and it is used as a row index to the data
frame. Then the \code{na.action} function is applied to the data frame
(and may well add attributes). The levels of any factors in the data
frame are adjusted according to the \code{drop.unused.levels} and
\code{xlev} arguments: if \code{xlev} specifies a factor and a
character variable is found, it is converted to a factor (as from \R
Because variables in the formula are evaluated before rows are dropped
based on \code{subset}, the characteristics of data-dependent bases such
as orthogonal polynomials (i.e. from terms using \code{\link{poly}}) or
splines will be computed based on the full data set rather than the
subsetted one.
Unless \code{na.action = NULL}, time-series attributes will be removed
from the variables found (since they will be wrong if \code{NA}s are
Note that \emph{all} the variables in the formula are included in the
data frame, even those preceded by \code{-}.
Only variables whose type is raw, logical, integer, real, complex or
character can be included in a model frame: this includes classed
variables such as factors (whose underlying type is integer), but
excludes lists.
\code{get_all_vars} returns a \code{\link{data.frame}} containing the
variables used in \code{formula} plus those specified in \code{\dots}
which are recycled to the number of data frame rows.
Unlike \code{model.frame.default}, it returns the input variables and
not those resulting from function calls in \code{formula}.
A \code{\link{data.frame}} containing the variables used in
\code{formula} plus those specified in \code{\dots}. It will have
additional attributes, including \code{"terms"} for an object of class
\code{"\link[=terms.object]{terms}"} derived from \code{formula},
and possibly \code{"na.action"} giving information on the handling of
\code{NA}s (which will not be present if no special handling was done,
e.g.\sspace{}by \code{\link{na.pass}}).
\seealso{\code{\link{model.matrix}} for the \sQuote{design matrix},
\code{\link{formula}} for formulas and
\code{\link{expand.model.frame}} for model.frame manipulation.
Chambers, J. M. (1992)
\emph{Data for models.}
Chapter 3 of \emph{Statistical Models in S}
eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
data.class(model.frame(dist ~ speed, data = cars))
## get_all_vars(): new var.s are recycled (iff length matches: 50 = 2*25)
ncars <- get_all_vars(sqrt(dist) ~ I(speed/2), data = cars, newVar = 2:3)
identical(cars, ncars[,names(cars)]),
ncol(ncars) == ncol(cars) + 1)