blob: 19b0946f69f81b93964cdcb2d927358fdb80ae55 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/stats/man/nls.control.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2020 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Control the Iterations in nls}
Allow the user to set some characteristics of the \code{\link{nls}}
nonlinear least squares algorithm.
nls.control(maxiter = 50, tol = 1e-05, minFactor = 1/1024,
printEval = FALSE, warnOnly = FALSE, scaleOffset = 0,
nDcentral = FALSE)
\item{maxiter}{A positive integer specifying the maximum number of
iterations allowed.}
\item{tol}{A positive numeric value specifying the tolerance level for
the relative offset convergence criterion.}
\item{minFactor}{A positive numeric value specifying the minimum
step-size factor allowed on any step in the iteration. The
increment is calculated with a Gauss-Newton algorithm and
successively halved until the residual sum of squares has been
decreased or until the step-size factor has been reduced below this
\item{printEval}{a logical specifying whether the number of evaluations
(steps in the gradient direction taken each iteration) is printed.}
\item{warnOnly}{a logical specifying whether \code{\link{nls}()} should
return instead of signalling an error in the case of termination
before convergence.
Termination before convergence happens upon completion of \code{maxiter}
iterations, in the case of a singular gradient, and in the case that the
step-size factor is reduced below \code{minFactor}.}
\item{scaleOffset}{a constant to be added to the denominator of the relative
offset convergence criterion calculation to avoid a zero divide in the case
where the fit of a model to data is very close. The default value of
\code{0} keeps the legacy behaviour of \code{nls()}. A value such as
\code{1} seems to work for problems of reasonable scale with very small
\item{nDcentral}{only when \emph{numerical} derivatives are used:
\code{\link{logical}} indicating if \emph{central} differences
should be employed, i.e., \code{\link{numericDeriv}(*, central=TRUE)}
be used.}
A \code{\link{list}} with components
with meanings as explained under \sQuote{Arguments}.
Bates, D. M. and Watts, D. G. (1988),
\emph{Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications}, Wiley.
\author{Douglas Bates and Saikat DebRoy; John C. Nash for part of the
\code{scaleOffset} option.}
nls.control(minFactor = 1/2048)