blob: f4943c16cf97860453c8b50808a8d17a21a8d1e9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
% File src/library/stats/man/plot.HoltWinters.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Plot function for HoltWinters objects}
Produces a chart of the original time series along with the fitted
values. Optionally, predicted values (and their confidence bounds) can
also be plotted.
\method{plot}{HoltWinters}(x, predicted.values = NA, intervals = TRUE,
separator = TRUE, col = 1, col.predicted = 2,
col.intervals = 4, col.separator = 1, lty = 1,
lty.predicted = 1, lty.intervals = 1, lty.separator = 3,
ylab = "Observed / Fitted",
main = "Holt-Winters filtering",
ylim = NULL, \dots)
\item{x}{Object of class \code{"HoltWinters"}}
\item{predicted.values}{Predicted values as returned by \code{predict.HoltWinters}}
\item{intervals}{If \code{TRUE}, the prediction intervals are plotted (default).}
\item{separator}{If \code{TRUE}, a separating line between fitted and predicted values is plotted (default).}
\item{col, lty}{Color/line type of original data (default: black solid).}
\item{col.predicted, lty.predicted}{Color/line type of
fitted and predicted values (default: red solid).}
\item{col.intervals, lty.intervals}{Color/line type of prediction
intervals (default: blue solid).}
\item{col.separator, lty.separator}{Color/line type of
observed/predicted values separator (default: black dashed).}
\item{ylab}{Label of the y-axis.}
\item{main}{Main title.}
\item{ylim}{Limits of the y-axis. If \code{NULL}, the range is chosen
such that the plot contains the original series, the fitted values,
and the predicted values if any.}
\item{\dots}{Other graphics parameters.}
C. C. Holt (1957)
Forecasting trends and seasonals by exponentially weighted
moving averages,
\emph{ONR Research Memorandum, Carnegie Institute of Technology} \bold{52}.
P. R. Winters (1960).
Forecasting sales by exponentially weighted moving averages.
\emph{Management Science}, \bold{6}, 324--342.
David Meyer \email{}
\code{\link{HoltWinters}}, \code{\link{predict.HoltWinters}}