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% File src/library/stats/man/predict.loess.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2020 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Predict Loess Curve or Surface}
Predictions from a \code{loess} fit, optionally with standard errors.
\method{predict}{loess}(object, newdata = NULL, se = FALSE,
na.action = na.pass, \dots)
\item{object}{an object fitted by \code{loess}.}
\item{newdata}{an optional data frame in which to look for variables with
which to predict, or a matrix or vector containing exactly the variables
needs for prediction. If missing, the original data points are used.}
\item{se}{should standard errors be computed?}
\item{na.action}{function determining what should be done with missing
values in data frame \code{newdata}. The default is to predict \code{NA}.}
\item{\dots}{arguments passed to or from other methods.}
The standard errors calculation \code{se = TRUE} is slower than
prediction, notably as it needs a relatively large workspace (memory),
notably matrices of dimension \eqn{N \times Nf}{N * Nf} where \eqn{f =
}\code{span}, i.e., \code{se = TRUE} is \eqn{O(N^2)}
and hence stops when the sample size \eqn{N} is larger than about 40'600
(for default \code{span = 0.75}).
When the fit was made using \code{surface = "interpolate"} (the
default), \code{predict.loess} will not extrapolate -- so points outside
an axis-aligned hypercube enclosing the original data will have
missing (\code{NA}) predictions and standard errors.
If \code{se = FALSE}, a vector giving the prediction for each row of
\code{newdata} (or the original data). If \code{se = TRUE}, a list
containing components
\item{fit}{the predicted values.}
\item{se}{an estimated standard error for each predicted value.}
\item{residual.scale}{the estimated scale of the residuals used in
computing the standard errors.}
\item{df}{an estimate of the effective degrees of freedom used in
estimating the residual scale, intended for use with t-based
confidence intervals. }
If \code{newdata} was the result of a call to
\code{\link{expand.grid}}, the predictions (and s.e.'s if requested)
will be an array of the appropriate dimensions.
Predictions from infinite inputs will be \code{NA} since \code{loess}
does not support extrapolation.
B. D. Ripley, based on the \code{cloess} package of Cleveland,
Grosse and Shyu.
Variables are first looked for in \code{newdata} and then searched for
in the usual way (which will include the environment of the formula
used in the fit). A warning will be given if the
variables found are not of the same length as those in \code{newdata}
if it was supplied.
cars.lo <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars)
predict(cars.lo, data.frame(speed = seq(5, 30, 1)), se = TRUE)
# to get extrapolation
cars.lo2 <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars,
control = loess.control(surface = "direct"))
predict(cars.lo2, data.frame(speed = seq(5, 30, 1)), se = TRUE)