blob: 06f29163bed096d65105f85be25bf348ee122631 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/tcltk/man/TkWidgets.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2020 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Tk widgets}
Create Tk widgets and associated \R objects.
tkwidget(parent, type, ...)
tkbutton(parent, ...)
tkcanvas(parent, ...)
tkcheckbutton(parent, ...)
tkentry(parent, ...)
ttkentry(parent, ...)
tkframe(parent, ...)
tklabel(parent, ...)
tklistbox(parent, ...)
tkmenu(parent, ...)
tkmenubutton(parent, ...)
tkmessage(parent, ...)
tkradiobutton(parent, ...)
tkscale(parent, ...)
tkscrollbar(parent, ...)
tktext(parent, ...)
tktoplevel(parent = .TkRoot, ...)
ttkbutton(parent, ...)
ttkcheckbutton(parent, ...)
ttkcombobox(parent, ...)
ttkframe(parent, ...)
ttklabel(parent, ...)
ttklabelframe(parent, ...)
ttkmenubutton(parent, ...)
ttknotebook(parent, ...)
ttkpanedwindow(parent, ...)
ttkprogressbar(parent, ...)
ttkradiobutton(parent, ...)
ttkscale(parent, ...)
ttkscrollbar(parent, ...)
ttkseparator(parent, ...)
ttksizegrip(parent, ...)
ttkspinbox(parent, ...)
ttktreeview(parent, ...)
\item{parent}{Parent of widget window.}
\item{type}{string describing the type of widget desired.}
\item{\dots}{handled via \code{\link{.Tcl.args}}.}
These functions create Tk widgets. \code{tkwidget} creates a widget of
a given type, the others simply call \code{tkwidget} with the
respective \code{type} argument.
The functions starting \code{ttk} are for the themed widget set for Tk
8.5 or later. A tutorial can be found at \url{}.
It is not possible to describe the widgets and their arguments in
full. Please refer to the Tcl/Tk documentation.
\seealso{\code{\link{TclInterface}}, \code{\link{TkCommands}},
## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted
## into an interactive R session with the tcltk package loaded
tt <- tktoplevel()
label.widget <- tklabel(tt, text = "Hello, World!")
button.widget <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Push",
command = function()cat("OW!\n"))
tkpack(label.widget, button.widget) # geometry manager
# see Tk-commands
## Push the button and then...
## test for themed widgets
if(as.character(tcl("info", "tclversion")) >= "8.5") {
# make use of themed widgets
# list themes
themes <- as.character(tcl("ttk::style", "theme", "names"))
# select a theme -- for pre-XP windows
# tcl("ttk::style", "theme", "use", "winnative")
tcl("ttk::style", "theme", "use", themes[1])
} else {
# use Tk 8.0 widgets
\keyword{ misc }