blob: 96de48a5e49cf936bf0d6c3aa928b5a3fcb98ac8 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/tcltk/man/tclServiceMode.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2020 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{ Allow Tcl events to be serviced or not }
This function controls or reports on the Tcl service mode,
i.e., whether Tcl will respond to events.
tclServiceMode(on = NULL)
\item{on}{(logical) Whether event servicing is turned on. }
If called with \code{on == NULL} (the default), no change is made.
Note that this blocks all Tcl/Tk activity, including for widgets from
other packages. It may be better to manage mapping of windows individually.
The value of the Tcl service mode before the call.
## see demo(tkcanvas) for an example
oldmode <- tclServiceMode(FALSE)
# Do some work to create a nice picture.
# Nothing will be displayed until...
## another idea is to use tkwm.withdraw() ... tkwm.deiconify()
\keyword{ misc }