blob: 50a57a922481b39a57fbb98e06d8a64195aa8f1f [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/tools/man/check_packages_in_dir.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 2013-2022 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Check Source Packages and Their Reverse Dependencies}
Check source packages in a given directory, optionally with their
reverse dependencies.
pfiles = Sys.glob("*.tar.gz"),
check_args = character(),
check_args_db = list(),
reverse = NULL,
check_env = character(),
xvfb = FALSE,
Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1L),
clean = TRUE,
summarize_check_packages_in_dir_results(dir, all = TRUE,
full = FALSE, ...)
summarize_check_packages_in_dir_timings(dir, all = FALSE,
full = FALSE)
summarize_check_packages_in_dir_depends(dir, all = FALSE,
which = c("Depends",
check_packages_in_dir_changes(dir, old,
outputs = FALSE, sources = FALSE, ...)
check_packages_in_dir_details(dir, logs = NULL, drop_ok = TRUE, ...)
\item{dir}{a character string giving the path to the directory with
the source \file{.tar.gz} files to be checked.}
\item{pfiles}{(optional) character vector of tarball files to be
checked. Useful for choosing a subset of the \file{*.tar.gz} files in
\item{check_args}{a character vector with arguments to be passed to
\command{R CMD check}, or a list of length two of such character
vectors to be used for checking packages and reverse dependencies,
\item{check_args_db}{a named list of character vectors with arguments
to be passed to \command{R CMD check}, with names the respective
package names.}
\item{reverse}{a list with names partially matching \code{"repos"},
\code{"which"}, or \code{"recursive"}, giving the repositories to
use for locating reverse dependencies (a subset of
\code{getOption("repos")}, the default), the types of reverse dependencies
(default: \code{c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")}, with
shorthands \code{"most"} and \code{"all"} as for
\code{\link{package_dependencies}}), and indicating whether to also
check reverse dependencies of reverse dependencies and so on
(default: \code{FALSE}), or \code{NULL} (default), in which case no
reverse dependencies are checked.}
\item{check_env}{a character vector of name=value strings to set
environment variables for checking, or a list of length two of such
character vectors to be used for checking packages and reverse
dependencies, respectively.}
\item{xvfb}{a logical indicating whether to perform checking inside a
virtual framebuffer X server (Unix only), or a character vector of
Xvfb options for doing so.}
\item{Ncpus}{the number of parallel processes to use for parallel
installation and checking.}
\item{clean}{a logical indicating whether to remove the downloaded
reverse dependency sources.}
\item{...}{passed to \code{\link{readLines}}, e.g. for reading log files
produced in a different encoding; currently not used by
\item{all}{a logical indicating whether to also summarize the reverse
dependencies checked.}
\item{full}{a logical indicating whether to also give details for
checks with non-ok results, or summarize check example timings (if
\item{which}{see \code{\link{package_dependencies}}.}
\item{old}{a character string giving the path to the directory of a
previous \code{check_packages_in_dir} run.}
\item{outputs}{a logical indicating whether to analyze changes in
the outputs of the checks performed, or only (default) the status of
the checks.}
\item{sources}{a logical indicating whether to also investigate the
changes in the source files checked (default: \code{FALSE}).}
\item{logs}{a character vector with the paths of \file{00check.log} to
analyze. Only used if \code{dir} was not given.}
\item{drop_ok}{a logical indicating whether to drop checks with
\sQuote{ok} status, or a character vector with the \sQuote{ok}
status tags to drop. The default corresponds to tags \samp{OK},
\samp{NONE} and \samp{SKIPPED}.}
\code{check_packages_in_dir} allows to conveniently check source
package \file{.tar.gz} files in the given directory \code{dir}, along
with their reverse dependencies as controlled by \code{reverse}.
The \code{"which"} component of \code{reverse} can also be a list, in
which case reverse dependencies are obtained for each element of the
list and the corresponding element of the \code{"recursive"} component
of \code{reverse} (which is recycled as needed).
If needed, the source \file{.tar.gz} files of the reverse dependencies
to be checked as well are downloaded into \code{dir} (and removed at
the end if \code{clean} is true). Next, all packages (additionally)
needed for checking are installed to the \file{Library} subdirectory
of \code{dir}. Then, all \file{.tar.gz} files are checked using the
given arguments and environment variables, with outputs and messages
to files in the \file{Outputs} subdirectory of \code{dir}. The
\file{*.Rcheck} directories with the check results of the reverse
dependencies are renamed by prefixing their base names with
Results and timings can conveniently be summarized using
\code{summarize_check_packages_in_dir_results} and
\code{summarize_check_packages_in_dir_timings}, respectively.
Installation and checking is performed in parallel if \code{Ncpus} is
greater than one: this will use \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} on
Unix and \code{\link[parallel:clusterApply]{parLapply}} on Windows.
\code{check_packages_in_dir} returns an object inheriting from class
\code{"check_packages_in_dir"} which has \code{\link{print}} and
\code{\link{summary}} methods.
\code{check_packages_in_dir_changes} allows to analyze the effect of
changing (some of) the sources. With \code{dir} and \code{old} the
paths to the directories with the new and old sources, respectively,
and the corresponding check results, possible changes in the check
results can conveniently be analyzed as controlled via options
\code{outputs} and \code{sources}. The changes object returned can be
subscripted according to change in severity from the old to the new
results by using one of \code{"=="}, \code{"!="}, \code{"<"},
\code{"<="}, \code{">"} or \code{">="} as row index.
\code{check_packages_in_dir_details} analyzes check log files to
obtain check details as a data frame which can be used for further
processing, providing check name, status and output for every check
performed and not dropped according to status tag (via variables
\code{Check}, \code{Status} and \code{Output}, respectively).
Environment variable \env{_R_CHECK_ELAPSED_TIMEOUT_} can be used to
set a limit on the elapsed time of each \command{check} run. See the
\sQuote{R Internals} manual for how the value is interpreted and for
other environment variables which can be used for finer-grained
control on timeouts within a \command{check} run.
This functionality is still experimental: interfaces may change in
future versions.
## Check packages in dir without reverse dependencies:
## Check packages in dir and their reverse dependencies using the
## defaults (all repositories in getOption("repos"), all "strong"
## reverse dependencies, no recursive reverse dependencies):
check_packages_in_dir(dir, reverse = list())
## Check packages in dir with their reverse dependencies from CRAN,
## using all strong reverse dependencies and reverse suggests:
reverse = list(repos = getOption("repos")["CRAN"],
which = "most"))
## Check packages in dir with their reverse dependencies from CRAN,
## using '--as-cran' for the former but not the latter:
check_args = c("--as-cran", ""),
reverse = list(repos = getOption("repos")["CRAN"]))