blob: 27432ab6b3a83840fb15eb09bceecc928c772286 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/tools/man/package_dependencies.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 2012-2020 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Computations on the Dependency Hierarchy of Packages}
Find (recursively) dependencies or reverse dependencies of packages.
package_dependencies(packages = NULL, db = NULL, which = "strong",
recursive = FALSE, reverse = FALSE,
verbose = getOption("verbose"))
\item{packages}{a character vector of package names.}
\item{db}{character matrix as from \code{\link{available.packages}()}
(with the default \code{NULL} the results of this call)
or data frame variants thereof. Alternatively, a package database
like the one available from
\item{which}{a character vector listing the types of
dependencies, a subset of
\code{c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")}.
Character string \code{"all"} is shorthand for that vector,
character string \code{"most"} for the same vector without
character string \code{"strong"} (default) for the first three
elements of that vector.
\item{recursive}{a logical indicating whether (reverse) dependencies
of (reverse) dependencies (and so on) should be included, or a
character vector like \code{which} indicating the type of (reverse)
dependencies to be added recursively.}
\item{reverse}{logical: if \code{FALSE} (default), regular
dependencies are calculated, otherwise reverse dependencies.}
\item{verbose}{logical indicating if output should monitor the package
search cycles.}
Named list with one element for each package in argument \code{packages},
each consists of a character vector naming the (recursive) (reverse) dependencies
of that package.
For given packages which are not found in the db, \code{NULL} entries are returned,
as opposed to \code{character(0)} entries which indicate no dependencies.
myPkgs <- c("MASS", "Matrix", "KernSmooth", "class", "cluster", "codetools")
pdb <- available.packages()
dep1 <- package_dependencies(myPkgs, db = pdb) # all arguments at default
) # very fast
utils::str(dep1, vec.len=10)
system.time( ## reverse dependencies, recursively --- takes much longer:
deps <- package_dependencies(myPkgs, db = pdb, which = "most",
recursive = TRUE, reverse = TRUE)
) # seen ~ 10 seconds
lengths(deps) # 2020-05-03: all are 16053, but codetools with 16057
## install.packages(dependencies = TRUE) installs 'most' dependencies
## and the strong recursive dependencies of these: these dependencies
## can be obtained using 'which = "most"' and 'recursive = "strong"'.
## To illustrate on the the first packages with non-missing Suggests:
packages <- pdb[head(which(![, "Suggests"]))), "Package"]
package_dependencies(packages, db = pdb,
which = "most", recursive = "strong")
}% dont test