blob: c51b730debad52fa8f11ab5ac623635d5ef99797 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/tools/man/writePACKAGES.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2017 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Generate PACKAGES Files}
Generate \file{PACKAGES}, \file{PACKAGES.gz} and \file{PACKAGES.rds}
files for a repository of source or Mac/Windows binary packages.
write_PACKAGES(dir = ".", fields = NULL,
type = c("source", "mac.binary", "win.binary"),
verbose = FALSE, unpacked = FALSE, subdirs = FALSE,
latestOnly = TRUE, addFiles = FALSE, rds_compress = "xz",
validate = FALSE)
\item{dir}{Character vector describing the location of the repository
(directory including source or binary packages) to generate the
\file{PACKAGES}, \file{PACKAGES.gz} and \file{PACKAGES.rds} files
from and write them to.
a character vector giving the fields to be used in the
\file{PACKAGES}, \file{PACKAGES.gz} and \file{PACKAGES.rds} files in
addition to the default ones, or \code{NULL} (default).
The default corresponds to
the fields needed by \code{\link{available.packages}}:
\code{"Package"}, \code{"Version"}, \code{"Priority"},
\code{"Depends"}, \code{"Imports"}, \code{"LinkingTo"},
\code{"Suggests"}, \code{"Enhances"}, \code{"OS_type"},
\code{"License"} and \code{"Archs"}, and those fields will always
be included, plus
the file name in field \code{"File"} if \code{addFile = TRUE}
and the path to the subdirectory in field \code{"Path"} if subdirectories
are used.
Type of packages: currently source \file{.tar.\{gz,bz2,xz\}} archives,
and macOS or Windows binary (\file{.tgz} or \file{.zip},
respectively) packages are supported. Defaults to
\code{"win.binary"} on Windows and to \code{"source"} otherwise.
\item{verbose}{logical. Should packages be listed as they are
\item{unpacked}{a logical indicating whether the package contents are
available in unpacked form or not (default).}
\item{subdirs}{either logical (to indicate if subdirectories should be
included, recursively) or a character vector of names of subdirectories
to include (which are not recursed).}
\item{latestOnly}{logical: if multiple versions of a package are
available should only the latest version be included?}
\item{addFiles}{logical: should the filenames be included as field
\samp{File} in the \file{PACKAGES} file.}
\item{rds_compress}{The type of compression to be used for
\file{PACKAGES.rds}: see \code{\link{saveRDS}}. The default is the
one found to give maximal compression, and is as used on \acronym{CRAN}.}
\item{validate}{a logical indicating whether \file{DESCRIPTION} files
should be validated, and the corresponding packages skipped in case
this finds problems.}
\code{write_PACKAGES} scans the named directory for R packages,
extracts information from each package's \file{DESCRIPTION} file, and
writes this information into the \file{PACKAGES}, \file{PACKAGES.gz}
and \file{PACKAGES.rds} files, where the first two represent the
information in DCF format, and the third serializes it via
Including non-latest versions of packages is only useful if they have
less constraining version requirements, so for example
\code{latestOnly = FALSE} could be used for a source repository when
\samp{foo_1.0} depends on \samp{R >= 2.15.0} but \samp{foo_0.9} is
available which depends on \samp{R >= 2.11.0}.
Support for repositories with subdirectories and hence for
\code{subdirs != FALSE} depends on recording a \code{"Path"} field in
the \file{PACKAGES} files.
Support for more general file names (e.g., other types of compression)
\emph{via} a \code{"File"} field in the \file{PACKAGES} files can be
used by \code{\link{download.packages}}. If the file names are not of
the standard form, use \code{addFiles = TRUE}.
\code{type = "win.binary"} uses \code{\link{unz}} connections to read
all \file{DESCRIPTION} files contained in the (zipped) binary packages
for Windows in the given directory \code{dir}, and builds files
\file{PACKAGES}, \file{PACKAGES.gz} and \file{PACKAGES.rds} files from
this information.
For a remote repository there is a tradeoff between download speed and
time spent by \code{\link{available.packages}} processing the
downloaded file(s). For large repositories it is likely to be
beneficial to use \code{rds_compress = "xz"}.
Invisibly returns the number of packages described in the resulting
\file{PACKAGES}, \file{PACKAGES.gz} and \file{PACKAGES.rds} files. If
\code{0}, no packages were found and no files were written.
Processing \file{.tar.gz} archives to extract the \file{DESCRIPTION}
files is quite slow.
This function can be useful on other OSes to prepare a repository to
be accessed by Windows machines, so \code{type = "win.binary"} should
work on all OSes.
Uwe Ligges and R-core.
See \code{\link{read.dcf}} and \code{\link{write.dcf}} for reading
\file{DESCRIPTION} files and writing the \file{PACKAGES} and
\file{PACKAGES.gz} files. See \code{\link{update_PACKAGES}} for
efficiently updating existing \file{PACKAGES} and \file{PACKAGES.gz}
write_PACKAGES("c:/myFolder/myRepository") # on Windows
type = "win.binary") # on Linux