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% File src/library/utils/man/methods.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes}
List all available methods for a S3 and S4 generic function, or all
methods for an S3 or S4 class.
methods(generic.function, class)
.S3methods(generic.function, class, envir=parent.frame())
\S3method{format}{MethodsFunction}(x, byclass = attr(x, "byclass"), \dots)
\S3method{print}{MethodsFunction}(x, byclass = attr(x, "byclass"), \dots)
\item{generic.function}{a generic function, or a character string naming a
generic function.}
\item{class}{a symbol or character string naming a class: only used if
\code{generic.function} is not supplied.}
\item{envir}{the environment in which to look for the definition of
the generic function, when the generic function is passed as a
character string.}
\item{x}{typically the result of \code{methods(..)}, an \R object of S3
class \code{"MethodsFunction"}, see \sQuote{Value} below.}
\item{byclass}{an optional \code{\link{logical}} allowing to override
the \code{"byclass"} attribute determining how the result is
printed, see \sQuote{Details}.}
\item{\dots}{potentially further arguments passed to and from methods;
unused currently.}
\code{methods()} finds S3 and S4 methods associated with either the
\code{generic.function} or \code{class} argument. Methods are found in
all packages on the current \code{search()} path. \code{.S3methods()}
finds only S3 methods, \code{.S4methods()} finds only only S4 methods.
When invoked with the \code{generic.function} argument, the
\code{"byclass"} attribute (see Details) is \code{FALSE}, and the
\code{print} method by default displays the signatures (full names) of
S3 and S4 methods. S3 methods are printed by pasting the generic
function and class together, separated by a \sQuote{.}, as
\code{generic.class}. The S3 method name is followed by an asterisk
\code{*} if the method definition is not exported from the package
namespace in which the method is defined. S4 method signatures are
printed as \code{generic,class-method}; S4 allows for multiple
dispatch, so there may be several classes in the signature
When invoked with the \code{class} argument, \code{"byclass"} is
\code{TRUE}, and the \code{print} method by default displays the names
of the generic functions associated with the class, \code{generic}.
The source code for all functions is available. For S3 functions
exported from the namespace, enter the method at the command line as
\code{generic.class}. For S3 functions not exported from the
namespace, see \code{getAnywhere} or \code{getS3method}. For S4
methods, see \code{getMethod}.
Help is available for each method, in addition to each generic. For
interactive help, use the documentation shortcut \code{?} with the
name of the generic and tab completion, \code{?"generic<tab>"} to
select the method for which help is desired.
The S3 functions listed are those which \emph{are named like methods}
and may not actually be methods (known exceptions are discarded in the
An object of class \code{"MethodsFunction"}, a character vector of
method names with \code{"byclass"} and \code{"info"} attributes. The
\code{"byclass"} attribute is a \code{\link{logical}} indicating if
the results were obtained with argument \code{class}
defined. The \code{"info"} attribute is a data frame with columns:
\item{generic}{\code{\link{character}} vector of the names of the generic.}
\item{visible}{logical(), is the method exported from the namespace
of the package in which it is defined?}
\item{isS4}{logical(), true when the method is an S4 method.}
\item{from}{a \code{\link{factor}}, the location or package name
where the method was found.}
The original \code{methods} function was written by Martin Maechler.
\code{\link{S3Methods}}, \code{\link{class}}, \code{\link{getS3method}}.
For S4, \code{\link{getMethod}}, \code{\link{showMethods}},
\link[methods]{Introduction} or \code{\link{Methods_Details}}.
Chambers, J. M. (1992)
\emph{Classes and methods: object-oriented programming in S.}
Appendix A of \emph{Statistical Models in S}
eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
methods(class = "MethodsFunction") # format and print
methods(class = "aov") # S3 class
## The same, with more details and more difficult to read:
print(methods(class = "aov"), byclass=FALSE)
methods("[[") # uses C-internal dispatching
methods("$<-") # replacement function
methods("+") # binary operator
methods("Math") # group generic
methods(axis) # looks like a generic, but is not
mf <- methods(format) # quite a few; ... the last few :
tail(cbind(meth = format(mf)))
if(require(Matrix, quietly = TRUE)) {
print(methods(class = "Matrix")) # S4 class
m <- methods(dim) # S3 and S4 methods
print(attr(m, "info")) # more extensive information
## --> help(showMethods) for related examples