blob: afbfa32882503d11da81e633f4f9c275ed677f51 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/utils/man/read.fwf.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Read Fixed Width Format Files}
Read a table of \bold{f}ixed \bold{w}idth \bold{f}ormatted
data into a \code{\link{data.frame}}.
read.fwf(file, widths, header = FALSE, sep = "\t",
skip = 0, row.names, col.names, n = -1,
buffersize = 2000, fileEncoding = "", \dots)
the name of the file which the data are to be read from.
Alternatively, \code{file} can be a \link{connection}, which
will be opened if necessary, and if so closed at the end of the
function call.
\item{widths}{integer vector, giving the widths of the fixed-width
fields (of one line), or list of integer vectors giving widths for
multiline records.}
\item{header}{a logical value indicating whether the file contains the
names of the variables as its first line. If present, the names
must be delimited by \code{sep}.}
\item{sep}{character; the separator used internally; should be a
character that does not occur in the file (except in the header).}
\item{skip}{number of initial lines to skip; see
\item{row.names}{see \code{\link{read.table}}.}
\item{col.names}{see \code{\link{read.table}}.}
\item{n}{the maximum number of records (lines) to be read, defaulting
to no limit.}
\item{buffersize}{Maximum number of lines to read at one time}
\item{fileEncoding}{character string: if non-empty declares the
encoding used on a file (not a connection) so the character data can
be re-encoded. See the \sQuote{Encoding} section of the help for
\code{\link{file}}, the \sQuote{R Data Import/Export} manual and
\item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to
\code{\link{read.table}}. Useful such arguments include
\code{}, \code{na.strings}, \code{colClasses} and \code{strip.white}.}
% PR#8083 mentions strip.white
A \code{\link{data.frame}} as produced by \code{\link{read.table}}
which is called internally.
Multiline records are concatenated to a single line before processing.
Fields that are of zero-width or are wholly beyond the end of the line
in \code{file} are replaced by \code{NA}.
Negative-width fields are used to indicate columns to be skipped, e.g.,
\code{-5} to skip 5 columns. These fields are not seen by
\code{read.table} and so should not be included in a \code{col.names}
or \code{colClasses} argument (nor in the header line, if present).
Reducing the \code{buffersize} argument may reduce memory use when
reading large files with long lines. Increasing \code{buffersize} may
result in faster processing when enough memory is available.
Note that \code{read.fwf} (not \code{read.table}) reads the supplied
file, so the latter's argument \code{encoding} will not be useful.
Brian Ripley for \R version: originally in \code{Perl} by Kurt Hornik.
\code{\link{scan}} and \code{\link{read.table}}.
\code{\link{read.fortran}} for another style of fixed-format files.
ff <- tempfile()
cat(file = ff, "123456", "987654", sep = "\n")
read.fwf(ff, widths = c(1,2,3)) #> 1 23 456 \\ 9 87 654
read.fwf(ff, widths = c(1,-2,3)) #> 1 456 \\ 9 654
cat(file = ff, "123", "987654", sep = "\n")
read.fwf(ff, widths = c(1,0, 2,3)) #> 1 NA 23 NA \\ 9 NA 87 654
cat(file = ff, "123456", "987654", sep = "\n")
read.fwf(ff, widths = list(c(1,0, 2,3), c(2,2,2))) #> 1 NA 23 456 98 76 54