blob: cdfc3500e97a8f77a568fae8ab62ccdb07cac6f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
% File src/library/utils/man/read.socket.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2012 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{ Read from or Write to a Socket}
read.socket(socket, maxlen = 256L, loop = FALSE)
write.socket(socket, string)
\item{socket}{a socket object.}
\item{maxlen}{maximum length (in bytes) of string to read.}
\item{loop}{wait for ever if there is nothing to read?}
\item{string}{string to write to socket.}
\code{read.socket} reads a string from the specified socket,
\code{write.socket} writes to the specified socket. There is very
little error checking done by either.
\code{read.socket} returns the string read as a length-one character vector.
\code{write.socket} returns the number of bytes written.
\author{Thomas Lumley}
\code{\link{close.socket}}, \code{\link{make.socket}}
finger <- function(user, host = "localhost", port = 79, print = TRUE)
if (!is.character(user))
stop("user name must be a string")
user <- paste(user,"\r\n")
socket <- make.socket(host, port)
write.socket(socket, user)
output <- character(0)
ss <- read.socket(socket)
if (ss == "") break
output <- paste(output, ss)
if (print) cat(output)
finger("root") ## only works if your site provides a finger daemon}