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% File src/library/utils/man/str.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object}
str(object, \dots)
\method{str}{data.frame}(object, \dots)
\method{str}{default}(object, max.level = NA,
vec.len = strO$vec.len, digits.d = strO$digits.d,
nchar.max = 128, give.attr = TRUE,
drop.deparse.attr = strO$drop.deparse.attr,
give.head = TRUE, give.length = give.head,
width = getOption("width"), nest.lev = 0,
indent.str = paste(" ", max(0, nest.lev + 1)),
collapse = ".."),
comp.str = "$ ", no.list = FALSE, envir = baseenv(),
strict.width = strO$strict.width,
formatNum = strO$formatNum, list.len = strO$list.len,
deparse.lines = strO$deparse.lines, \dots)
strOptions(strict.width = "no", digits.d = 3, vec.len = 4,
list.len = 99, deparse.lines = NULL,
drop.deparse.attr = TRUE,
formatNum = function(x, ...)
format(x, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE, ...))
Compactly display the internal \bold{str}ucture of an \R object, a
diagnostic function and an alternative to \code{\link{summary}}
(and to some extent, \code{\link{dput}}). Ideally, only one line for
each \sQuote{basic} structure is displayed. It is especially well suited
to compactly display the (abbreviated) contents of (possibly nested)
lists. The idea is to give reasonable output for \bold{any} \R
object. It calls \code{\link{args}} for (non-primitive) function objects.
\code{strOptions()} is a convenience function for setting
\code{\link{options}(str = .)}, see the examples.
\item{object}{any \R object about which you want to have some
\item{max.level}{maximal level of nesting which is applied for
displaying nested structures, e.g., a list containing sub lists.
Default NA: Display all nesting levels.}
\item{vec.len}{numeric (>= 0) indicating how many \sQuote{first few} elements
are displayed of each vector. The number is multiplied by different
factors (from .5 to 3) depending on the kind of vector. Defaults to
the \code{vec.len} component of option \code{"str"} (see
\code{\link{options}}) which defaults to 4.}
\item{digits.d}{number of digits for numerical components (as for
\code{\link{print}}). Defaults to the \code{digits.d} component of
option \code{"str"} which defaults to 3.}
\item{nchar.max}{maximal number of characters to show for
\code{\link{character}} strings. Longer strings are truncated, see
\code{longch} example below.}
\item{give.attr}{logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), show attributes
as sub structures.}
\item{drop.deparse.attr}{logical; if \code{TRUE} (default),
\code{\link{deparse}(control = <S>)} will not have
\code{"showAttributes"} in \code{<S>}. Used to be hard coded to
\code{FALSE} and hence can be set via \code{strOptions()} for back
\item{give.length}{logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), indicate
length (as \code{[1:\dots]}).}
\item{give.head}{logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), give (possibly
abbreviated) mode/class and length (as \code{<type>[1:\dots]}).}
\item{width}{the page width to be used. The default is the currently
active \code{\link{options}("width")}; note that this has only a
weak effect, unless \code{strict.width} is not \code{"no"}.}
\item{nest.lev}{current nesting level in the recursive calls to
\item{indent.str}{the indentation string to use.}
\item{comp.str}{string to be used for separating list components.}
\item{no.list}{logical; if true, no \sQuote{list of \dots} nor the
class are printed.}
\item{envir}{the environment to be used for \emph{promise} (see
\code{\link{delayedAssign}}) objects only.}
\item{strict.width}{string indicating if the \code{width} argument's
specification should be followed strictly, one of the values
\code{c("no", "cut", "wrap")}, which can be abbreviated.
Defaults to the \code{strict.width} component of option \code{"str"}
(see \code{\link{options}}) which defaults to \code{"no"} for back
compatibility reasons; \code{"wrap"} uses
\code{\link{strwrap}(*, width = width)} whereas \code{"cut"} cuts
directly to \code{width}. Note that a small \code{vec.length}
may be better than setting \code{strict.width = "wrap"}.}
\item{formatNum}{a function such as \code{\link{format}} for
formatting numeric vectors. It defaults to the \code{formatNum}
component of option \code{"str"}, see \dQuote{Usage} of
\code{strOptions()} above, which is almost back compatible to \R
<= 2.7.x, however, using \code{\link{formatC}} may be slightly better.}
\item{list.len}{numeric; maximum number of list elements to display
within a level.}
\item{deparse.lines}{numeric or \code{NULL} as by default, determining the
\code{nlines} argument to \code{\link{deparse}()} when \code{object} is
a \code{\link{call}}. When \code{NULL}, the \code{nchar.max} and
\code{width} arguments are used to determine a smart default.}
\item{\dots}{potential further arguments (required for Method/Generic
\code{str} does not return anything, for efficiency reasons.
The obvious side effect is output to the terminal.
See the extensive annotated \sQuote{Examples} below.
The default method tries to \dQuote{work always}, but needs to make some
assumptions for the case when \code{object} has a \code{\link{class}} but
no own \code{str()} method which is \emph{the typical} case: There it
relies on \code{"\link{[}"} and \code{"\link{[[}"} subsetting methods to
be compatible with \code{\link{length}()}. When this is not the case, or
when \code{is.list(object)} is \code{TRUE}, but \code{length(object)}
differs from \code{length(\link{unclass}(object))} it treats it as
\dQuote{irregular} and reports the contents of \code{unclass(object)}
as \dQuote{hidden list}.
\author{Martin Maechler \email{} since 1990.
\code{\link{ls.str}} for \emph{listing} objects with their structure;
\code{\link{summary}}, \code{\link{args}}.
require(stats); require(grDevices); require(graphics)
## The following examples show some of 'str' capabilities
str(args) #- more useful than args(args) !
str(.Machine, digits.d = 20) # extra digits for identification of binary numbers
str( lsfit(1:9, 1:9))
str( lsfit(1:9, 1:9), max.level = 1)
str( lsfit(1:9, 1:9), width = 60, strict.width = "cut")
str( lsfit(1:9, 1:9), width = 60, strict.width = "wrap")
op <- options(); str(op) # save first;
# otherwise internal options() is used. <-
!exists(".Device") || is.null(.Device) || .Device == "null device"
{ if( postscript()
ch <- letters[1:12]; <- 3:5
str(ch) # character NA's
str(list(a = "A", L = as.list(1:100)), list.len = 9)
## ------------
## " .. [list output truncated] "
## Long strings, 'nchar.max'; 'strict.width' :
nchar(longch <- paste(rep(letters,100), collapse = ""))
str(longch, nchar.max = 52)
str(longch, strict.width = "wrap")
## Multibyte characters in strings:
## Truncation behavior (<-> correct width measurement) for "long" non-ASCII:
idx <- c(65313:65338, 65345:65350)
fwch <- intToUtf8(idx) # full width character string: each has width 2
ch <- strtrim(paste(LETTERS, collapse="._"), 64)
(ncc <- c( = nchar(ch), = nchar(ch, "w"),
c.fw = nchar(fwch), w.fw = nchar(fwch, "w")))
stopifnot(unname(ncc) == c(64,64, 32, 64))
## nchar.max: 1st line needs an increase of 2 in order to see 1 (in UTF-8!):
invisible(lapply(60:66, function(N) str(fwch, nchar.max = N)))
invisible(lapply(60:66, function(N) str( ch , nchar.max = N))) # "1 is 1" here
## Settings for narrow transcript :
op <- options(width = 60,
str = strOptions(strict.width = "wrap"))
## reset to previous:
##-- Some "crazy" objects
str(array(1:5, dim = 20))
str(quote( { A+B; list(C, D) } ))
% package attaching/detaching only when needed:
had.stats4 <- "package:stats4" \%in\% search()
rs <- % the result of require() below
## S4 classes :
x <- 0:10; y <- c(26, 17, 13, 12, 20, 5, 9, 8, 5, 4, 8)
ll <- function(ymax = 15, xh = 6)
-sum(dpois(y, lambda=ymax/(1+x/xh), log=TRUE))
fit <- mle(ll)
\dontshow{if(!had.stats4 && rs) detach("package:stats4")}