blob: 4f0988f08aa4d9e0b278bd4a131e2383751dd480 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/utils/man/unzip.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
Extract or List Zip Archives
Extract files from or list a zip archive.
unzip(zipfile, files = NULL, list = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE,
junkpaths = FALSE, exdir = ".", unzip = "internal",
setTimes = FALSE)
\item{zipfile}{The pathname of the zip file: tilde expansion (see
\code{\link{path.expand}}) will be performed.}
\item{files}{A character vector of recorded filepaths to be extracted:
the default is to extract all files.}
\item{list}{If \code{TRUE}, list the files and extract none. The
equivalent of \command{unzip -l}.}
\item{overwrite}{If \code{TRUE}, overwrite existing files (the equivalent
of \command{unzip -o}), otherwise ignore such files (the equivalent of
\command{unzip -n}).}
\item{junkpaths}{If \code{TRUE}, use only the basename of the stored
filepath when extracting. The equivalent of \command{unzip -j}.}
\item{exdir}{The directory to extract files to (the equivalent of
\code{unzip -d}). It will be created if necessary.}
\item{unzip}{The method to be used. An alternative is to use
\code{getOption("unzip")}, which on a Unix-alike may be set to the
path to a \command{unzip} program.}
\item{setTimes}{logical. For the internal method only, should the
file times be set based on the times in the zip file? (NB: this
applies to included files, not to directories.)}
The default internal method is a minimal implementation, principally
designed for Windows' users to be able to unpack Windows binary
packages without external software. It does not (for example) support
Unicode filenames as introduced in \command{zip 3.0}: for that use
\code{unzip = "unzip"} with \command{unzip 6.00} or later. It does
have some support for \command{bzip2} compression and > 2GB zip files
(but not >= 4GB files pre-compression contained in a zip file: like
many builds of \command{unzip} it may truncate these, in \R's case
with a warning if possible).
If \code{unzip} specifies a program, the format of the dates listed
with \code{list = TRUE} is unknown (on Windows it can even depend on
the current locale) and the return values could be \code{NA} or
expressed in the wrong time zone or misinterpreted (the latter being
far less likely as from \command{unzip 6.00}).
File times in zip files are stored in the style of MS-DOS, as local times
to an accuracy of 2 seconds. This is not very useful when
transferring zip files between machines (even across continents), so
we chose not to restore them by default.
If \code{list = TRUE}, a data frame with columns \code{Name}
(character) \code{Length} (the size of the uncompressed file, numeric)
and \code{Date} (of class \code{"\link{POSIXct}"}).
Otherwise for the \code{"internal"} method, a character vector of the
filepaths extracted to, invisibly.
The internal C code uses \code{zlib} and is in particular based on the
contributed \samp{minizip} application in the \code{zlib} sources
(from \url{}) by Gilles Vollant.
\code{\link{unz}} to read a single component from a zip file.
\code{\link{zip}} for packing, i.e., the \dQuote{inverse} of \code{unzip()};
further \code{\link{untar}} and \code{\link{tar}}, the corresponding
pair for (un)packing tar archives (\dQuote{tarballs}) such as \R
source packages.