blob: 090a1f25f0eb3d076bfdb91386e545e3fe78bc02 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
% File src/library/utils/man/vignette.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2016 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{View, List or Get R Source of Package Vignettes}
\alias{vignettes} % to link to from e.g. grid-package.Rd
%% \alias{getRcode}
%% \alias{getRcode.vignette}%hidden
View a specified package vignette, or list the available ones;
display it rendered in a viewer, and get or edit its \R source file.
vignette(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, all = TRUE)
\S3method{print}{vignette}(x, \dots)
\S3method{edit}{vignette}(name, \dots)
%% \S3method{getRcode}{vignette}(x, strict=TRUE, \dots)
\item{topic}{a character string giving the (base) name of the vignette
to view. If omitted, all vignettes from all installed packages are
\item{package}{a character vector with the names of packages to
search through, or \code{NULL} in which \sQuote{all} packages (as
defined by argument \code{all}) are searched.}
\item{lib.loc}{a character vector of directory names of \R libraries,
or \code{NULL}. The default value of \code{NULL} corresponds to all
libraries currently known.}
\item{all}{logical; if \code{TRUE} search all available packages in
the library trees specified by \code{lib.loc}, and if \code{FALSE},
search only attached packages.}
\item{x, name}{object of class \code{vignette}.}
\item{\dots}{ignored by the \code{print} method, passed on to
\code{\link{file.edit}} by the \code{edit} method.}
Function \code{vignette} returns an object of the same class, the
print method opens a viewer for it.
On Unix-alikes,
The program specified by the \code{pdfviewer} option is used for
viewing PDF versions of vignettes.
If several vignettes have PDF/HTML versions with base name identical
to \code{topic}, the first one found is used.
If no topics are given, all available vignettes are listed. The
corresponding information is returned in an object of class
%% \code{getRcode(x)} gets the (full path) file name of the \R code
%% extracted from the vignette, and the \code{edit} method that \R code
%% to a temporary file and opens the file in an editor (see
%% \code{\link{edit}}). This makes it very easy to execute the commands
%% line by line, modify them in any way you want to help you test
%% variants, etc.
\code{\link{browseVignettes}} for an HTML-based vignette browser;
\code{\link{RShowDoc}(<basename>, package = "<pkg>")} displays a
\dQuote{rendered} vignette (pdf or html).
## List vignettes from all *attached* packages
vignette(all = FALSE)
## List vignettes from all *installed* packages (can take a long time!):
vignette(all = TRUE)
## The grid intro vignette -- open it
\dontrun{vignette("grid") # calling print()}
## The same (conditional on existence of the vignettte).
## Note that 'package = *' is much faster in the case of many installed packages:
if(!is.null(v1 <- vignette("grid", package="grid"))) {
\dontrun{v1 # calling print(.)}
## Now let us have a closer look at the code
%% print(utils:::getRcode(v1)) # the R file name
%% if(interactive()) # "display" it
%% ## or even more interactively:
\dontrun{edit(v1) # e.g., to send lines ...}
}# if( has vignette "installed")
## A package can have more than one vignette (package grid has several):
vignette(package = "grid")
if(interactive()) {
## vignette("rotated")
## The same, but without searching for it:
vignette("rotated", package = "grid")