blob: 17f93760af5fb714def86ed91d4ce40384b5fe6f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The R Core Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
# include <config.h>
#ifdef Win32
# define R_USE_SIGNALS 1
#include <Defn.h>
#include <Internal.h>
#include <Fileio.h>
#include <errno.h>
// for unlink
# include <unistd.h>
# include <curl/curl.h>
This needed libcurl >= 7.28.0 (Oct 2012) for curl_multi_wait.
Substitute code is provided for a Unix-alike only.
There is a configure test but it is not used on Windows and system
software can change.
# ifdef Win32
# error libcurl 7.28.0 or later is required.
# endif
# else
# error libcurl 7.22.0 or later is required.
# endif
# endif
extern void Rsleep(double timeint);
static int current_timeout = 0;
// curl/curl.h includes <sys/select.h> and headers it requires.
#define curl_multi_wait R_curl_multi_wait
static CURLMcode
R_curl_multi_wait(CURLM *multi_handle,
/* IGNORED */ void *unused,
/* IGNORED */ unsigned int extra,
int timeout_ms, int *ret)
fd_set fdread;
fd_set fdwrite;
fd_set fdexcep;
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = timeout_ms / 1000;
timeout.tv_usec = (timeout_ms % 1000) * 1000;
int maxfd = -1;
mc = curl_multi_fdset(multi_handle, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &maxfd);
if (maxfd == -1) {
*ret = 0;
} else
*ret = select(maxfd+1, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &timeout);
return mc;
SEXP attribute_hidden in_do_curlVersion(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
checkArity(op, args);
SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, 1));
curl_version_info_data *d = curl_version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW);
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, 0, mkChar(d->version));
SEXP sSSLVersion = install("ssl_version");
setAttrib(ans, sSSLVersion,
mkString(d->ssl_version ? d->ssl_version : "none"));
SEXP sLibSSHVersion = install("libssh_version");
setAttrib(ans, sLibSSHVersion,
mkString(((d->age >= 3) && d->libssh_version) ? d->libssh_version : ""));
const char * const *p;
int n, i;
for (p = d->protocols, n = 0; *p; p++, n++) ;
SEXP protocols = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, n));
for (p = d->protocols, i = 0; i < n; i++, p++)
SET_STRING_ELT(protocols, i, mkChar(*p));
setAttrib(ans, install("protocols"), protocols);
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, 0, mkChar(""));
return ans;
static const char *http_errstr(const long status)
const char *str;
switch(status) {
case 400: str = "Bad Request"; break;
case 401: str = "Unauthorized"; break;
case 402: str = "Payment Required"; break;
case 403: str = "Forbidden"; break;
case 404: str = "Not Found"; break;
case 405: str = "Method Not Allowed"; break;
case 406: str = "Not Acceptable"; break;
case 407: str = "Proxy Authentication Required"; break;
case 408: str = "Request Timeout"; break;
case 409: str = "Conflict"; break;
case 410: str = "Gone"; break;
case 411: str = "Length Required"; break;
case 412: str = "Precondition Failed"; break;
case 413: str = "Request Entity Too Large"; break;
case 414: str = "Request-URI Too Long"; break;
case 415: str = "Unsupported Media Type"; break;
case 416: str = "Requested Range Not Satisfiable"; break;
case 417: str = "Expectation Failed"; break;
case 500: str = "Internal Server Error"; break;
case 501: str = "Not Implemented"; break;
case 502: str = "Bad Gateway"; break;
case 503: str = "Service Unavailable"; break;
case 504: str = "Gateway Timeout"; break;
default: str = "Unknown Error"; break;
return str;
static const char *ftp_errstr(const long status)
const char *str;
switch (status) {
case 421: str = "Service not available, closing control connection"; break;
case 425: str = "Cannot open data connection"; break;
case 426: str = "Connection closed; transfer aborted"; break;
case 430: str = "Invalid username or password"; break;
case 434: str = "Requested host unavailable"; break;
case 450: str = "Requested file action not taken"; break;
case 451: str = "Requested action aborted; local error in processing"; break;
case 452:
str = "Requested action not taken; insufficient storage space in system";
case 501: str = "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"; break;
case 502: str = "Command not implemented"; break;
case 503: str = "Bad sequence of commands"; break;
case 504: str = "Command not implemented for that parameter"; break;
case 530: str = "Not logged in"; break;
case 532: str = "Need account for storing files"; break;
case 550:
str = "Requested action not taken; file unavailable";
case 551: str = "Requested action aborted; page type unknown"; break;
case 552:
str = "Requested file action aborted; exceeded storage allocation";
case 553: str = "Requested action not taken; file name not allowed"; break;
default: str = "Unknown Error"; break;
return str;
Check curl_multi_info_read for errors, reporting as warnings
Return: number of errors encountered
static int curlMultiCheckerrs(CURLM *mhnd)
int retval = 0;
for(int n = 1; n > 0;) {
CURLMsg *msg = curl_multi_info_read(mhnd, &n);
if (msg && (msg->data.result != CURLE_OK)) {
const char *url, *strerr, *type;
long status = 0;
curl_easy_getinfo(msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &url);
curl_easy_getinfo(msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE,
// This reports the redirected URL
if (status >= 400) {
if (url && url[0] == 'h') {
strerr = http_errstr(status);
type = "HTTP";
} else {
strerr = ftp_errstr(status);
type = "FTP";
warning(_("cannot open URL '%s': %s status was '%d %s'"),
url, type, status, strerr);
} else {
strerr = curl_easy_strerror(msg->data.result);
if (streql(strerr, "Timeout was reached"))
warning(_("URL '%s': Timeout of %d seconds was reached"),
url, current_timeout);
warning(_("URL '%s': status was '%s'"), url, strerr);
return retval;
static void curlCommon(CURL *hnd, int redirect, int verify)
const char *capath = getenv("CURL_CA_BUNDLE");
if (verify) {
if (capath && capath[0])
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_CAINFO, capath);
#ifdef Win32
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);
} else {
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);
#if 0
// for consistency, but all utils:::makeUserAgent does is look up an option.
SEXP sMakeUserAgent = install("makeUserAgent");
SEXP agentFun = PROTECT(lang2(sMakeUserAgent, ScalarLogical(0)));
SEXP utilsNS = PROTECT(R_FindNamespace(mkString("utils")));
SEXP sua = eval(agentFun, utilsNS);
UNPROTECT(1); /* utilsNS */
if(TYPEOF(sua) != NILSXP)
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, CHAR(STRING_ELT(sua, 0)));
int Default = 1;
SEXP sua = GetOption1(install("HTTPUserAgent")); // set in utils startup
if (TYPEOF(sua) == STRSXP && LENGTH(sua) == 1 ) {
const char *p = CHAR(STRING_ELT(sua, 0));
if (p[0] && p[1] && p[2] && p[0] == 'R' && p[1] == ' ' && p[2] == '(') {
} else {
Default = 0;
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, p);
if (Default) {
char buf[20];
curl_version_info_data *d = curl_version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW);
snprintf(buf, 20, "libcurl/%s", d->version);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, buf);
int timeout0 = asInteger(GetOption1(install("timeout")));
long timeout = (timeout0 == NA_INTEGER) ? 0 : (1000L * timeout0);
current_timeout = (timeout0 == NA_INTEGER) ? 0 : timeout0;
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, timeout);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, timeout);
if (redirect) {
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 20L);
int verbosity = asInteger(GetOption1(install("")));
if (verbosity < 2) curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
// enable the cookie engine, keep cookies in memory
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "");
static char headers[500][2049]; // allow for terminator
static int used;
static size_t
rcvHeaders(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
char *d = (char*)buffer;
size_t result = size * nmemb, res = result > 2048 ? 2048 : result;
if (used >= 500) return result;
strncpy(headers[used], d, res);
// 'Do not assume that the header line is zero terminated!'
headers[used][res] = '\0';
return result;
static size_t
rcvBody(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp)
// needed to discard spurious ftp 'body' otherwise written to stdout
return size * nmemb;
SEXP attribute_hidden
in_do_curlGetHeaders(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
checkArity(op, args);
error(_("curlGetHeaders is not supported on this platform"));
return R_NilValue;
if (!isString(CAR(args)) || LENGTH(CAR(args)) != 1)
error("invalid %s argument", "url");
const char *url = translateChar(STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0));
used = 0;
int redirect = asLogical(CADR(args));
if (redirect == NA_LOGICAL)
error(_("invalid %s argument"), "redirect");
int verify = asLogical(CADDR(args));
if (verify == NA_LOGICAL)
error(_("invalid %s argument"), "verify");
int timeout = asInteger(CADDDR(args));
if (timeout == NA_INTEGER)
error(_("invalid %s argument"), "timeout");
SEXP sTLS = CAD4R(args);
const char *TLS = "";
if (isString(sTLS) && LENGTH(sTLS) == 1 && STRING_ELT(sTLS, 0) != NA_STRING)
TLS = translateChar(STRING_ELT(sTLS, 0));
else error(_("invalid %s argument"), "TLS");
CURL *hnd = curl_easy_init();
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_URL, url);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, &rcvHeaders);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, &headers);
/* libcurl (at least 7.40.0) does not respect CURLOPT_NOBODY
for some ftp header info (Content-Length and Accept-ranges). */
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &rcvBody);
curlCommon(hnd, redirect, verify);
if (timeout > 0) {
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, timeout);
current_timeout = timeout;
if (!streql(TLS, "")) {
// 7.34.0 was released 2013-12-17
if (streql(TLS, "1.0")) TLS_ver = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0;
else if (streql(TLS, "1.1")) TLS_ver = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1;
else if (streql(TLS, "1.2")) TLS_ver = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2;
else if (streql(TLS, "1.3")) TLS_ver = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_3;
# endif
else error(_("invalid %s argument"), "TLS");
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, TLS_ver);
# else
error("TLS argument is unsupported in this libcurl version %d.%d",
char errbuf[CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, errbuf);
// libcurl does not initialize this
errbuf[0] = '\0';
CURLcode ret = curl_easy_perform(hnd);
if (ret != CURLE_OK) {
if (errbuf[0])
error(_("libcurl error code %d:\n\t%s\n"), ret, errbuf);
else if(ret == 77)
error(_("libcurl error code %d:\n\t%s\n"), ret,
"unable to access SSL/TLS CA certificates");
else // rare case, error but no message
error("libcurl error code %d\n", ret);
long http_code = 0;
curl_easy_getinfo (hnd, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code);
SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, used));
for (int i = 0; i < used; i++)
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, mkChar(headers[i]));
SEXP sStatus = install("status");
setAttrib(ans, sStatus, ScalarInteger((int) http_code));
return ans;
static double total;
static int ndashes;
static void putdashes(int *pold, int new)
for (int i = *pold; i < new; i++) REprintf("=");
if (R_Consolefile) fflush(R_Consolefile);
*pold = new;
# ifdef Win32
#include <ga.h>
/* We could share this window with internet.c, then re-positioning
would apply to both */
typedef struct {
window wprog;
progressbar pb;
label l_url;
RCNTXT cntxt;
int pc;
} winprogressbar;
static winprogressbar pbar = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
static void doneprogressbar(void *data)
winprogressbar *pbar = data;
# endif // Win32
int progress(void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow,
double ultotal, double ulnow)
CURL *hnd = (CURL *) clientp;
long status;
curl_easy_getinfo(hnd, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status);
# ifdef Win32
static int factor = 1;
# endif
// we only use downloads. dltotal may be zero.
if ((status < 300) && (dltotal > 0.)) {
if (total == 0.) {
total = dltotal;
char *type = NULL;
curl_easy_getinfo(hnd, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE, &type);
REprintf("Content type '%s'", type ? type : "unknown");
if (total > 1024.0*1024.0)
// might be longer than long, and is on 64-bit windows
REprintf(" length %0.0f bytes (%0.1f MB)\n",
total, total/1024.0/1024.0);
else if (total > 10240)
REprintf(" length %d bytes (%d KB)\n",
(int)total, (int)(total/1024));
REprintf(" length %d bytes\n", (int)total);
# ifdef Win32
if(R_Interactive) {
if (total > 1e9) factor = total/1e6; else factor = 1;
setprogressbarrange(pbar.pb, 0, total/factor);
if (R_Interactive) {
setprogressbar(pbar.pb, dlnow/factor);
if (total > 0) {
static char pbuf[30];
int pc = 0.499 + 100.0*dlnow/total;
if (pc > pbar.pc) {
snprintf(pbuf, 30, "%d%% downloaded", pc);
settext(pbar.wprog, pbuf);
pbar.pc = pc;
} else putdashes(&ndashes, (int)(50*dlnow/total));
return 0;
# else
if (R_Consolefile) fflush(R_Consolefile);
putdashes(&ndashes, (int)(50*dlnow/total));
return 0;
# endif
#endif // HAVE_LIBCURL
/* download(url, destfile, quiet, mode, headers, cacheOK) */
SEXP attribute_hidden
in_do_curlDownload(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
checkArity(op, args);
error(_("download.file(method = \"libcurl\") is not supported on this platform"));
return R_NilValue;
SEXP scmd, sfile, smode, sheaders;
const char *url, *file, *mode;
int quiet, cacheOK;
struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
scmd = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
if (!isString(scmd) || length(scmd) < 1)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "url");
int nurls = length(scmd);
sfile = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
if (!isString(sfile) || length(sfile) < 1)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "destfile");
if (length(sfile) != length(scmd))
error(_("lengths of 'url' and 'destfile' must match"));
quiet = asLogical(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
if (quiet == NA_LOGICAL)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "quiet");
smode = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
if (!isString(smode) || length(smode) != 1)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "mode");
mode = CHAR(STRING_ELT(smode, 0));
cacheOK = asLogical(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
if (cacheOK == NA_LOGICAL)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "cacheOK");
sheaders = CAR(args);
if(TYPEOF(sheaders) != NILSXP && !isString(sheaders))
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "headers");
if(TYPEOF(sheaders) != NILSXP) {
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(sheaders); i++) {
struct curl_slist *tmp =
curl_slist_append(headers, CHAR(STRING_ELT(sheaders, i)));
if (!tmp) {
error(_("out of memory"));
headers = tmp;
/* This comes mainly from curl --libcurl on the call used by
download.file(method = "curl").
if (!cacheOK) {
/* This _is_ the right way to do this: see §14.9 of */
struct curl_slist *tmp =
curl_slist_append(headers, "Pragma: no-cache");
if(!tmp) {
error(_("out of memory"));
headers = tmp;
CURLM *mhnd = curl_multi_init();
int still_running, repeats = 0, n_err = 0;
CURL **hnd[nurls];
FILE *out[nurls];
for(int i = 0; i < nurls; i++) {
url = CHAR(STRING_ELT(scmd, i));
hnd[i] = curl_easy_init();
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_URL, url);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L);
/* Users will normally expect to follow redirections, although
that is not the default in either curl or libcurl. */
curlCommon(hnd[i], 1, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);
/* check that destfile can be written */
file = translateChar(STRING_ELT(sfile, i));
out[i] = R_fopen(R_ExpandFileName(file), mode);
if (!out[i]) {
n_err += 1;
warning(_("URL %s: cannot open destfile '%s', reason '%s'"),
url, file, strerror(errno));
if (nurls == 1) break; else continue;
} else {
// This uses the internal CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, out[i]);
curl_multi_add_handle(mhnd, hnd[i]);
total = 0.;
if (!quiet && nurls <= 1) {
// It would in principle be possible to have
// multiple progress bars on Windows.
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0L);
ndashes = 0;
#ifdef Win32
if (R_Interactive) {
if (!pbar.wprog) {
pbar.wprog = newwindow(_("Download progress"),
rect(0, 0, 540, 100),
Titlebar | Centered);
setbackground(pbar.wprog, dialog_bg());
pbar.l_url = newlabel(" ", rect(10, 15, 520, 25),
pbar.pb = newprogressbar(rect(20, 50, 500, 20),
0, 1024, 1024, 1);
pbar.pc = 0;
settext(pbar.l_url, url);
setprogressbar(pbar.pb, 0);
settext(pbar.wprog, "Download progress");
begincontext(&(pbar.cntxt), CTXT_CCODE, R_NilValue, R_NilValue,
R_NilValue, R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
pbar.cntxt.cend = &doneprogressbar;
pbar.cntxt.cenddata = &pbar;
// For libcurl >= 7.32.0 use CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, progress);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA, hnd[i]);
} else curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L);
/* This would allow the negotiation of compressed HTTP transfers,
but it is not clear it is always a good idea.
curl_easy_setopt(hnd[i], CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip, deflate");
if (!quiet) REprintf(_("trying URL '%s'\n"), url);
if (n_err == nurls) {
// no dest files could be opened, so bail out
return ScalarInteger(1);
// curl_multi_wait needs curl >= 7.28.0 .
curl_multi_perform(mhnd, &still_running);
do {
int numfds;
CURLMcode mc = curl_multi_wait(mhnd, NULL, 0, 100, &numfds);
if (mc != CURLM_OK) { // internal, do not translate
warning("curl_multi_wait() failed, code %d", mc);
if (!numfds) {
/* 'numfds' being zero means either a timeout or no file
descriptors to wait for. Try timeout on first
occurrence, then assume no file descriptors to wait for
means 'sleep for 100 milliseconds'.
if (repeats++ > 0) Rsleep(0.1); // do not block R process
} else repeats = 0;
curl_multi_perform(mhnd, &still_running);
} while(still_running);
#ifdef Win32
if (R_Interactive && !quiet && nurls<=1) {
} else if (total > 0.) {
if (total > 0.) REprintf("\n");
if (R_Consolefile) fflush(R_Consolefile);
if (nurls == 1) {
long status;
curl_easy_getinfo(hnd[0], CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status);
double cl, dl;
curl_easy_getinfo(hnd[0], CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD, &dl);
if (!quiet && status == 200) {
if (dl > 1024*1024)
REprintf("downloaded %0.1f MB\n\n", (double)dl/1024/1024);
else if (dl > 10240)
REprintf("downloaded %d KB\n\n", (int) dl/1024);
REprintf("downloaded %d bytes\n\n", (int) dl);
curl_easy_getinfo(hnd[0], CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, &cl);
if (cl >= 0 && dl != cl)
warning(_("downloaded length %0.f != reported length %0.f"), dl, cl);
n_err += curlMultiCheckerrs(mhnd);
long status = 0L;
for (int i = 0; i < nurls; i++) {
if (out[i]) {
double dl;
curl_easy_getinfo(hnd[i], CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD, &dl);
curl_easy_getinfo(hnd[i], CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status);
// should we do something about incomplete transfers?
if (status != 200 && dl == 0. && strchr(mode, 'w'))
unlink(R_ExpandFileName(translateChar(STRING_ELT(sfile, i))));
curl_multi_remove_handle(mhnd, hnd[i]);
if(nurls > 1) {
if (n_err == nurls) error(_("cannot download any files"));
else if (n_err) warning(_("some files were not downloaded"));
} else if(n_err) {
if (status != 200)
error(_("cannot open URL '%s'"), CHAR(STRING_ELT(scmd, 0)));
error(_("download from '%s' failed"), CHAR(STRING_ELT(scmd, 0)));
return ScalarInteger(0);
/* -------------------------- connections part ------------------------*/
/* Unfortunately the libcurl interface is not well adapted to reading
data in user-requested chunks.
But it does read in up to CURL_MAX_WRITE_SIZE chunks, which is 16K.
So we implement a buffer which holds two chunks, and when what we
have is not enough we move down what it left and fetch another
chunk above it. For safety, the buffer is expandable but this
should not be exercised.
It seems that expanding was being done by a couple of packages and
gave a use-after-free error with libcurl 7.64.0. So initial size
increased to 16x.
An alternative design would be for consumeData to return what is
available and reset current. Then rcvData would only be called on
a completely empty buffer.
#include <Rconnections.h>
#define R_MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
typedef struct Curlconn {
char *buf, *current; // base of buffer, last read address
size_t bufsize, filled; // buffer size, amount which has been filled
Rboolean available; // to be read out
int sr; // 'still running' count
CURLM *mh; CURL *hnd;
struct curl_slist *headers;
} *RCurlconn;
static size_t rcvData(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *ctx)
RCurlconn ctxt = (RCurlconn) ctx;
/* move down any unused data: can overlap */
if (ctxt->filled) memmove(ctxt->buf, ctxt->current, ctxt->filled);
size_t add = size * nitems;
if (add) {
/* Allocate more space if required: unlikely.
Do so as an integer multiple of the current size.
if (ctxt->filled + add > ctxt->bufsize) {
int mult = (int) ceil((double)(ctxt->filled + add)/ctxt->bufsize);
size_t newbufsize = mult * ctxt->bufsize;
void *newbuf = realloc(ctxt->buf, newbufsize);
if (!newbuf) error("Failure in re-allocation in rcvData");
ctxt->buf = newbuf; ctxt->bufsize = newbufsize;
memcpy(ctxt->buf + ctxt->filled, ptr, add);
ctxt->filled += add;
ctxt->available = TRUE;
ctxt->current = ctxt->buf;
return add;
static size_t consumeData(void *ptr, size_t max, RCurlconn ctxt)
size_t size = R_MIN(ctxt->filled, max); // guaranteed > 0
memcpy(ptr, ctxt->current, size);
ctxt->current += size; ctxt->filled -= size;
return size;
return: number of errors encountered
static int fetchData(RCurlconn ctxt)
int repeats = 0;
CURLM *mhnd = ctxt->mh;
do {
int numfds;
CURLMcode mc = curl_multi_wait(mhnd, NULL, 0, 100, &numfds);
if (mc != CURLM_OK) {
warning("curl_multi_wait() failed, code %d", mc);
if (!numfds) {
if (repeats++ > 0) Rsleep(0.1);
} else repeats = 0;
curl_multi_perform(mhnd, &ctxt->sr);
if (ctxt->available) break;
} while(ctxt->sr);
return curlMultiCheckerrs(mhnd);
static void Curl_close(Rconnection con)
RCurlconn ctxt = (RCurlconn)(con->private);
curl_multi_remove_handle(ctxt->mh, ctxt->hnd);
con->isopen = FALSE;
static void Curl_destroy(Rconnection con)
RCurlconn ctxt;
if (NULL == con)
ctxt = (RCurlconn)(con->private);
if (NULL == ctxt)
static size_t Curl_read(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems,
Rconnection con)
RCurlconn ctxt = (RCurlconn)(con->private);
size_t nbytes = size*nitems;
char *p = (char *) ptr;
size_t total = consumeData(ptr, nbytes, ctxt);
int n_err = 0;
while((total < nbytes) && ctxt->sr) {
n_err += fetchData(ctxt);
total += consumeData(p + total, (nbytes - total), ctxt);
if (n_err != 0) {
error(_("cannot read from connection"), n_err);
return total/size;
static Rboolean Curl_open(Rconnection con)
char *url = con->description;
RCurlconn ctxt = (RCurlconn)(con->private);
int mlen;
if (con->mode[0] != 'r') {
REprintf("can only open URLs for reading");
return FALSE;
ctxt->hnd = curl_easy_init();
curl_easy_setopt(ctxt->hnd, CURLOPT_URL, url);
curl_easy_setopt(ctxt->hnd, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L);
curlCommon(ctxt->hnd, 1, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(ctxt->hnd, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(ctxt->hnd, CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1L);
if (ctxt->headers) {
curl_easy_setopt(ctxt->hnd, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ctxt->headers);
curl_easy_setopt(ctxt->hnd, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, rcvData);
curl_easy_setopt(ctxt->hnd, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, ctxt);
ctxt->mh = curl_multi_init();
curl_multi_add_handle(ctxt->mh, ctxt->hnd);
ctxt->current = ctxt->buf; ctxt->filled = 0; ctxt->available = FALSE;
// Establish the connection: not clear if we should do this now.
ctxt->sr = 1;
int n_err = 0;
while(ctxt->sr && !ctxt->available)
n_err += fetchData(ctxt);
if (n_err != 0) {
error(_("cannot open the connection to '%s'"), url);
con->isopen = TRUE;
con->canwrite = (con->mode[0] == 'w' || con->mode[0] == 'a');
con->canread = !con->canwrite;
mlen = (int) strlen(con->mode);
if (mlen >= 2 && con->mode[mlen - 1] == 'b') con->text = FALSE;
else con->text = TRUE;
con->save = -1000;
return TRUE;
static int Curl_fgetc_internal(Rconnection con)
unsigned char c;
size_t n = Curl_read(&c, 1, 1, con);
return (n == 1) ? c : R_EOF;
// 'type' is unused.
in_newCurlUrl(const char *description, const char * const mode,
SEXP headers, int type)
Rconnection new = (Rconnection) malloc(sizeof(struct Rconn));
if (!new) error(_("allocation of url connection failed"));
new->class = (char *) malloc(strlen("url-libcurl") + 1);
if (!new->class) {
error(_("allocation of url connection failed"));
/* for Solaris 12.5 */ new = NULL;
strcpy(new->class, "url-libcurl");
new->description = (char *) malloc(strlen(description) + 1);
if (!new->description) {
free(new->class); free(new);
error(_("allocation of url connection failed"));
/* for Solaris 12.5 */ new = NULL;
init_con(new, description, CE_NATIVE, mode);
new->canwrite = FALSE;
new->open = &Curl_open;
new->close = &Curl_close;
new->destroy = &Curl_destroy;
new->fgetc_internal = &Curl_fgetc_internal;
new->fgetc = &dummy_fgetc;
new->read = &Curl_read;
new->private = (void *) malloc(sizeof(struct Curlconn));
if (!new->private) {
free(new->description); free(new->class); free(new);
error(_("allocation of url connection failed"));
/* for Solaris 12.5 */ new = NULL;
RCurlconn ctxt = (RCurlconn) new->private;
ctxt->bufsize = 16 * CURL_MAX_WRITE_SIZE;
ctxt->buf = malloc(ctxt->bufsize);
if (!ctxt->buf) {
free(new->description); free(new->class); free(new->private);
error(_("allocation of url connection failed"));
/* for Solaris 12.5 */ new = NULL;
ctxt->headers = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH(headers); i++) {
struct curl_slist *tmp =
curl_slist_append(ctxt->headers, CHAR(STRING_ELT(headers, i)));
if (!tmp) {
free(new->description); free(new->class); free(new->private);
free(new); curl_slist_free_all(ctxt->headers);
error(_("allocation of url connection failed"));
/* for Solaris 12.5 */ new = NULL;
ctxt->headers = tmp;
return new;
error(_("url(method = \"libcurl\") is not supported on this platform"));
return (Rconnection)0; /* -Wall */