blob: 53f5877e7be14275a8d2b98ed5ef39425126478f [file] [log] [blame]
* Claus Ekstrøm,
* July 15, 2003.
* Merge in to R:
* Copyright (C) 2003-2015 The R Foundation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
* Requires the following auxiliary routines:
* lgammafn(x) - log gamma function
* pnt(x, df, ncp) - the distribution function for
* the non-central t distribution
* From Johnson, Kotz and Balakrishnan (1995) [2nd ed.; formula (31.15), p.516],
* the non-central t density is
* f(x, df, ncp) =
* exp(-.5*ncp^2) * gamma((df+1)/2) / (sqrt(pi*df)* gamma(df/2)) * (df/(df+x^2))^((df+1)/2) *
* sum_{j=0}^Inf gamma((df+j+1)/2)/(factorial(j)* gamma((df+1)/2)) * (x*ncp*sqrt(2)/sqrt(df+x^2))^ j
* The functional relationship
* f(x, df, ncp) = df/x *
* (F(sqrt((df+2)/df)*x, df+2, ncp) - F(x, df, ncp))
* is used to evaluate the density at x != 0 and
* f(0, df, ncp) = exp(-.5*ncp^2) /
* (sqrt(pi)*sqrt(df)*gamma(df/2))*gamma((df+1)/2)
* is used for x=0.
* All calculations are done on log-scale to increase stability.
* FIXME: pnt() is known to be inaccurate in the (very) left tail and for ncp > 38
* ==> use a direct log-space summation formula in that case
#include "nmath.h"
#include "dpq.h"
double dnt(double x, double df, double ncp, int give_log)
double u;
#ifdef IEEE_754
if (ISNAN(x) || ISNAN(df))
return x + df;
/* If non-positive df then error */
if (df <= 0.0) ML_WARN_return_NAN;
if(ncp == 0.0) return dt(x, df, give_log);
/* If x is infinite then return 0 */
return R_D__0;
/* If infinite df then the density is identical to a
normal distribution with mean = ncp. However, the formula
loses a lot of accuracy around df=1e9
if(!R_FINITE(df) || df > 1e8)
return dnorm(x, ncp, 1., give_log);
/* Do calculations on log scale to stabilize */
/* Consider two cases: x ~= 0 or not */
if (fabs(x) > sqrt(df * DBL_EPSILON)) {
u = log(df) - log(fabs(x)) +
log(fabs(pnt(x*sqrt((df+2)/df), df+2, ncp, 1, 0) -
pnt(x, df, ncp, 1, 0)));
/* FIXME: the above still suffers from cancellation (but not horribly) */
else { /* x ~= 0 : -> same value as for x = 0 */
u = lgammafn((df+1)/2) - lgammafn(df/2)
- (M_LN_SQRT_PI + .5*(log(df) + ncp*ncp));
return (give_log ? u : exp(u));