blob: 94c1681939ec8e2fa1dba6a895f69d2b3d7fb7b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000-2015 The R Core Team
* Algorithm AS 226 Appl. Statist. (1987) Vol. 36, No. 2
* by Russell V. Lenth
* Incorporates modification AS R84 from AS Vol. 39, pp311-2, 1990
* and AS R95 from AS Vol. 44, pp551-2, 1995
* by H. Frick and Min Long Lam.
* original (C) Royal Statistical Society 1987, 1990, 1995
* Returns the cumulative probability of x for the non-central
* beta distribution with parameters a, b and non-centrality ncp.
* Auxiliary routines required:
* lgamma - log-gamma function
* pbeta - incomplete-beta function {nowadays: pbeta_raw() -> bratio()}
#include "nmath.h"
#include "dpq.h"
LDOUBLE attribute_hidden
pnbeta_raw(double x, double o_x, double a, double b, double ncp)
/* o_x == 1 - x but maybe more accurate */
/* change errmax and itrmax if desired;
* original (AS 226, R84) had (errmax; itrmax) = (1e-6; 100) */
const static double errmax = 1.0e-9;
const int itrmax = 10000; /* 100 is not enough for pf(ncp=200)
see PR#11277 */
double a0, lBeta, c, errbd, x0, temp, tmp_c;
int ierr;
LDOUBLE ans, ax, gx, q, sumq;
if (ncp < 0. || a <= 0. || b <= 0.) ML_WARN_return_NAN;
if(x < 0. || o_x > 1. || (x == 0. && o_x == 1.)) return 0.;
if(x > 1. || o_x < 0. || (x == 1. && o_x == 0.)) return 1.;
c = ncp / 2.;
/* initialize the series */
x0 = floor(fmax2(c - 7. * sqrt(c), 0.));
a0 = a + x0;
lBeta = lbeta(a0, b); // = lgammafn(a0) + lgammafn(b) - lgammafn(a0 + b);
/* temp = pbeta_raw(x, a0, b, TRUE, FALSE), but using (x, o_x): */
bratio(a0, b, x, o_x, &temp, &tmp_c, &ierr, FALSE);
gx = exp(a0 * log(x) + b * (x < .5 ? log1p(-x) : log(o_x))
- lBeta - log(a0));
if (a0 > a) // x0 >= 1 (and *not* x0 << a)
q = exp(-c + x0 * log(c) - lgammafn(x0 + 1.));
else // a0 = a <== x0 << a
q = exp(-c);
sumq = 1. - q;
ans = ax = q * temp;
/* recurse over subsequent terms until convergence is achieved */
double j = floor(x0); // x0 could be billions, and is in package EnvStats
do {
temp -= (double) gx;
gx *= x * (a + b + j - 1.) / (a + j);
q *= c / j;
sumq -= q;
ax = temp * q;
ans += ax;
errbd = (double)((temp - gx) * sumq);
while (errbd > errmax && j < itrmax + x0);
if (errbd > errmax)
if (j >= itrmax + x0)
return ans;
double attribute_hidden
pnbeta2(double x, double o_x, double a, double b, double ncp,
/* o_x == 1 - x but maybe more accurate */
int lower_tail, int log_p)
LDOUBLE ans = pnbeta_raw(x, o_x, a,b, ncp);
/* return R_DT_val(ans), but we want to warn about cancellation here */
if (lower_tail)
return (double) (log_p ? logl(ans) : ans);
return log_p ? log(ans) : ans;
else {
if (ans > 1. - 1e-10) ML_WARNING(ME_PRECISION, "pnbeta");
if (ans > 1.0) ans = 1.0; /* Precaution */
#if defined(HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HAVE_LOG1PL)
return (double) (log_p ? log1pl(-ans) : (1. - ans));
/* include standalone case */
return (double) (log_p ? log1p((double)-ans) : (1. - ans));
double pnbeta(double x, double a, double b, double ncp,
int lower_tail, int log_p)
#ifdef IEEE_754
if (ISNAN(x) || ISNAN(a) || ISNAN(b) || ISNAN(ncp))
return x + a + b + ncp;
R_P_bounds_01(x, 0., 1.);
return pnbeta2(x, 1-x, a, b, ncp, lower_tail, log_p);