blob: 41dd05bb4d67b547ef45ef707cd5875de820b43d [file] [log] [blame]
* Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions
* Copyright (C) 2000-2022 The R Core Team
* Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The R Foundation
* Copyright (C) 1998 Ross Ihaka
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
* #include <Rmath.h>
* void dpsifn(double x, int n, int kode, int m,
* double *ans, int *nz, int *ierr)
* double digamma(double x);
* double trigamma(double x)
* double tetragamma(double x)
* double pentagamma(double x)
* Compute the derivatives of the psi function
* and polygamma functions.
* The following definitions are used in dpsifn:
* Definition 1
* psi(x) = d/dx (ln(gamma(x)), the first derivative of
* the log gamma function.
* Definition 2
* k k
* psi(k,x) = d /dx (psi(x)), the k-th derivative
* of psi(x).
* "dpsifn" computes a sequence of scaled derivatives of
* the psi function; i.e. for fixed x and m it computes
* the m-member sequence
* (-1)^(k+1) / gamma(k+1) * psi(k,x)
* for k = n,...,n+m-1
* where psi(k,x) is as defined above. For kode=1, dpsifn
* returns the scaled derivatives as described. kode=2 is
* operative only when k=0 and in that case dpsifn returns
* -psi(x) + ln(x). That is, the logarithmic behavior for
* large x is removed when kode=2 and k=0. When sums or
* differences of psi functions are computed the logarithmic
* terms can be combined analytically and computed separately
* to help retain significant digits.
* Note that dpsifn(x, 0, 1, 1, ans) results in ans = -psi(x).
* x - argument, x > 0.
* n - first member of the sequence, 0 <= n <= 100
* n == 0 gives ans(1) = -psi(x) for kode=1
* -psi(x)+ln(x) for kode=2
* kode - selection parameter
* kode == 1 returns scaled derivatives of the
* psi function.
* kode == 2 returns scaled derivatives of the
* psi function except when n=0. In this case,
* ans(1) = -psi(x) + ln(x) is returned.
* m - number of members of the sequence, m >= 1
* ans - a vector of length at least m whose first m
* components contain the sequence of derivatives
* scaled according to kode.
* nz - underflow flag
* nz == 0, a normal return
* nz != 0, underflow, last nz components of ans are
* set to zero, ans(m-k+1)=0.0, k=1,...,nz
* ierr - error flag
* ierr=0, a normal return, computation completed
* ierr=1, input error, no computation
* ierr=2, overflow, x too small or n+m-1 too
* large or both
* ierr=3, error, n too large. dimensioned
* array trmr(nmax) is not large enough for n
* The nominal computational accuracy is the maximum of unit
* roundoff (d1mach(4)) and 1e-18 since critical constants
* are given to only 18 digits.
* The basic method of evaluation is the asymptotic expansion
* for large x >= xmin followed by backward recursion on a two
* term recursion relation
* w(x+1) + x^(-n-1) = w(x).
* this is supplemented by a series
* sum( (x+k)^(-n-1) , k=0,1,2,... )
* which converges rapidly for large n. both xmin and the
* number of terms of the series are calculated from the unit
* roundoff of the machine environment.
* Amos, D. E. (Fortran)
* Ross Ihaka (C Translation)
* Martin Maechler (x < 0, and psigamma())
* Handbook of Mathematical Functions,
* National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series 55,
* Edited by M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, equations 6.3.5,
* 6.3.18, 6.4.6, 6.4.9 and 6.4.10, pp.258-260, 1964.
* D. E. Amos, (1983). "A Portable Fortran Subroutine for
* Derivatives of the Psi Function", Algorithm 610,
* TOMS 9(4), pp. 494-502.
* Routines called: Rf_d1mach, Rf_i1mach.
#include "nmath.h"
#include <errno.h>
#define n_max (100)
// Compute d_n(x) = (d/dx)^n cot(x) ; cot(x) := cos(x) / sin(x)
double d_n_cot(double x, int n)
if (n == 0)
return cos(x)/sin(x);
else if (n == 1) // -1/sin^2
return -1/R_pow_di(sin(x), 2);
else if (n == 2) // 2 cos / sin^3
return 2*cos(x)/R_pow_di(sin(x), 3);
else if (n == 3) { // (-4 cos^2 - 2) / sin^4 ; num.= -2(2 cos^2 +1) = -2(3 - 2 sin^2)
// tt = -2*(2*R_pow_di(cos(x), 2) + 1.)/R_pow_di(sin(x), 4);
double sin2 = R_pow_di(sin(x), 2); // = sin^2
return -2*(3 - 2*sin2)/R_pow_di(sin2, 2);
else if (n == 4) { // 8 cos (cos^2 + 2) / sin^5
double co = cos(x);
return 8*co*(R_pow_di(co, 2) + 2) / R_pow_di(sin(x), 5);
else if (n == 5) { // (-16 cos^4 - 88 cos^2 - 16)/ sin^6
double co2 = R_pow_di(cos(x), 2); // cos^2
return -8*(2*R_pow_di(co2, 2) + 11*co2 + 2) / R_pow_di(sin(x), 6);
return ML_NAN;
/* From R, currently only used for kode = 1, m = 1 : */
void dpsifn(double x, int n, int kode, int m, double *ans, int *nz, int *ierr)
const static double bvalues[] = { /* Bernoulli Numbers */
int i, j, k, nn, np, nx, fn;
double arg, den, eps, fx, rxsq,
s, t, ta, tk, tol, tols, tss, tst,
tt, t1, t2, xdmln, xdmy, xinc,
xm, xmin, xq;
double trm[23], trmr[n_max + 1];
*ierr = 0;
*nz = 0;
if (n < 0 || kode < 1 || kode > 2 || m < 1) {
*ierr = 1;
if (x <= 0.) {
/* use Abramowitz & Stegun 6.4.7 "Reflection Formula", p.260
* psi(n, 1-x) + (-1)^(n+1) psi(n, x) = (-1)^n pi (d/dx)^n cot(pi*x)
* psi(n, x) = (-1)^n psi(n, 1-x) - pi^{n+1} d_n(pi*x),
where d_n(x) := (d/dx)^n cot(x)
if (x == round(x)) {
/* non-positive integer : +Inf or NaN depends on n */
for(j=0; j < m; j++) /* k = j + n : */
ans[j] = ((j+n) % 2) ? ML_POSINF : ML_NAN;
/* This could cancel badly */
dpsifn(1. - x, n, /*kode = */ 1, m, ans, nz, ierr);
/* ans[j] == (-1)^(k+1) / gamma(k+1) * psi(k, 1 - x)
* for j = 0:(m-1) , k = n + j
/* For now: only work for n in {0,1,..,5} : */
if(n > 5) {
/* not yet implemented for x < 0 and n >= 6 */
*ierr = 4; return;
// tt := d_n(pi * x)
x *= M_PI; /* pi * x */
// t := pi^(n+1) * d_n(x) / gamma(n+1)
t1 = t2 = s = 1.;
for(k=0, j=k-n; j < m; k++, j++, s = -s) {
/* k == n+j , s = (-1)^k */
t1 *= M_PI;/* t1 == pi^(k+1) */
if(k >= 2)
t2 *= k;/* t2 == k! == gamma(k+1) */
if(j >= 0) /* now using d_k(x) */
ans[j] = s*(ans[j] + t1/t2 * d_n_cot(x, k));
/* if (n == 0 && kode == 2) -- nonsense for x < 0 !
* ans[0] += log(x); */
} /* x <= 0 */
/* else : x > 0 */
double xln = log(x);
if(kode == 1 && m == 1) {/* the R case --- for very large x: */
double lrg = 1/(2. * DBL_EPSILON);
if(n == 0 && x * xln > lrg) {
ans[0] = -xln;
else if(n >= 1 && x > n * lrg) {
ans[0] = exp(-n * xln)/n; /* == x^-n / n == 1/(n * x^n) */
nx = imin2(-Rf_i1mach(15), Rf_i1mach(16));/* = 1021 */
const double
r1m5 = Rf_d1mach(5), // = M_LOG10_2 = log10(2) = 0.30103..
r1m4 = Rf_d1mach(4) * 0.5, // = DBL_EPSILON * 0.5 = 2^-53 = 1.110223e-16
wdtol = fmax2(r1m4, 0.5e-18); /* = 2^-53 = 1.11e-16 */
/* elim = approximate exponential over and underflow limit */
double elim = 2.302 * (nx * r1m5 - 3.0);/* = 700.6174... */
const double
rln = fmin2(r1m5 * Rf_i1mach(14), 18.06);// = 0.30103 * 53 = 15.95.. ~= #{decimals}
double fln = fmax2(rln, 3.0) - 3.0; // = 12.95..
const double yint = 3.50 + 0.40 * fln, // = 8.6818..
slope = 0.21 + fln * (0.0006038 * fln + 0.008677); // = 0.4237..
int mm = m;
for(;;) {
nn = n + mm - 1;
fn = nn;
t = (fn + 1) * xln;
/* overflow and underflow test for small and large x */
if (fabs(t) > elim) {
if (t <= 0.0) {
*ierr = 2;
else {
if (x < wdtol) {
ans[0] = R_pow_di(x, -n-1);
if (mm != 1) {
for(k = 1; k < mm ; k++)
ans[k] = ans[k-1] / x;
if (n == 0 && kode == 2)
ans[0] += xln;
/* compute xmin and the number of terms of the series, fln+1 */
xm = yint + slope * fn;
int mx = (int)xm + 1;
xmin = mx;
if (n != 0) {
xm = -2.302 * rln - fmin2(0.0, xln);
arg = fmin2(0., xm / n);
eps = exp(arg);
xm = (fabs(arg) < 1.0e-3) ? -arg : 1. - eps;
fln = x * xm / eps;
xm = xmin - x;
if (xm > 7.0 && fln < 15.0)
xdmy = x;
xdmln = xln;
xinc = 0.0;
if (x < xmin) {
nx = (int)x;
xinc = xmin - nx;
xdmy = x + xinc;
xdmln = log(xdmy);
/* generate w(n+mm-1, x) by the asymptotic expansion */
t = fn * xdmln;
t1 = xdmln + xdmln;
t2 = t + xdmln;
tk = fmax2(fabs(t), fmax2(fabs(t1), fabs(t2)));
if (tk <= elim) /* for all but large x */
goto L10;
nz++; /* nz := #{underflows} */
ans[mm] = 0.;
if (mm == 0)
} /* end{for()} */
nn = (int)fln + 1;
np = n + 1;
t1 = (n + 1) * xln;
t = exp(-t1);
s = t;
den = x;
for(i=1; i <= nn; i++) {
den += 1.;
trm[i] = pow(den, (double)-np);
s += trm[i];
ans[0] = s;
if (n == 0 && kode == 2)
ans[0] = s + xln;
if (mm != 1) { /* generate higher derivatives, j > n */
tol = wdtol / 5.0;
for(j = 1; j < mm; j++) {
t /= x;
s = t;
tols = t * tol;
den = x;
for(i=1; i <= nn; i++) {
den += 1.;
trm[i] /= den;
s += trm[i];
if (trm[i] < tols)
ans[j] = s;
tss = exp(-t);
tt = 0.5 / xdmy;
t1 = tt;
tst = wdtol * tt;
if (nn != 0)
t1 = tt + 1.0 / fn;
rxsq = 1.0 / (xdmy * xdmy);
ta = 0.5 * rxsq;
t = (fn + 1) * ta;
s = t * bvalues[2];
if (fabs(s) >= tst) {
tk = 2.0;
for(k = 4; k <= 22; k++) {
t = t * ((tk + fn + 1)/(tk + 1.0))*((tk + fn)/(tk + 2.0)) * rxsq;
trm[k] = t * bvalues[k-1];
if (fabs(trm[k]) < tst)
s += trm[k];
tk += 2.;
s = (s + t1) * tss;
if (xinc != 0.0) {
/* backward recur from xdmy to x */
nx = (int)xinc;
np = nn + 1;
if (nx > n_max) {
*ierr = 3;
else {
if (nn==0)
goto L20;
xm = xinc - 1.0;
fx = x + xm;
/* this loop should not be changed. fx is accurate when x is small */
for(i = 1; i <= nx; i++) {
trmr[i] = pow(fx, (double)-np);
s += trmr[i];
xm -= 1.;
fx = x + xm;
ans[mm-1] = s;
if (fn == 0)
goto L30;
/* generate lower derivatives, j < n+mm-1 */
for(j = 2; j <= mm; j++) {
tss *= xdmy;
t1 = tt;
if (fn!=0)
t1 = tt + 1.0 / fn;
t = (fn + 1) * ta;
s = t * bvalues[2];
if (fabs(s) >= tst) {
tk = 4 + fn;
for(k=4; k <= 22; k++) {
trm[k] = trm[k] * (fn + 1) / tk;
if (fabs(trm[k]) < tst)
s += trm[k];
tk += 2.;
s = (s + t1) * tss;
if (xinc != 0.0) {
if (fn == 0)
goto L20;
xm = xinc - 1.0;
fx = x + xm;
for(i=1 ; i<=nx ; i++) {
trmr[i] = trmr[i] * fx;
s += trmr[i];
xm -= 1.;
fx = x + xm;
ans[mm - j] = s;
if (fn == 0)
goto L30;
for(i = 1; i <= nx; i++)
s += 1. / (x + (nx - i)); /* avoid disastrous cancellation, PR#13714 */
if (kode != 2) /* always */
ans[0] = s - xdmln;
else if (xdmy != x) {
xq = xdmy / x;
ans[0] = s - log(xq);
} /* dpsifn() */
# define ML_TREAT_psigam(_IERR_) \
if(_IERR_ != 0) { \
errno = EDOM; \
return ML_NAN; \
# define ML_TREAT_psigam(_IERR_) \
if(_IERR_ != 0) \
return ML_NAN
double psigamma(double x, double deriv)
/* n-th derivative of psi(x); e.g., psigamma(x,0) == digamma(x) */
double ans;
int nz, ierr, k, n;
return x;
deriv = R_forceint(deriv);
n = (int)deriv;
if(n > n_max) {
MATHLIB_WARNING2(_("deriv = %d > %d (= n_max)\n"), n, n_max);
return ML_NAN;
dpsifn(x, n, 1, 1, &ans, &nz, &ierr);
/* Now, ans == A := (-1)^(n+1) / gamma(n+1) * psi(n, x) */
ans = -ans; /* = (-1)^(0+1) * gamma(0+1) * A */
for(k = 1; k <= n; k++)
ans *= (-k);/* = (-1)^(k+1) * gamma(k+1) * A */
return ans;/* = psi(n, x) */
double digamma(double x)
double ans;
int nz, ierr;
if(ISNAN(x)) return x;
dpsifn(x, 0, 1, 1, &ans, &nz, &ierr);
return -ans;
double trigamma(double x)
double ans;
int nz, ierr;
if(ISNAN(x)) return x;
dpsifn(x, 1, 1, 1, &ans, &nz, &ierr);
return ans;
double tetragamma(double x)
double ans;
int nz, ierr;
if(ISNAN(x)) return x;
dpsifn(x, 2, 1, 1, &ans, &nz, &ierr);
return -2.0 * ans;
double pentagamma(double x)
double ans;
int nz, ierr;
if(ISNAN(x)) return x;
dpsifn(x, 3, 1, 1, &ans, &nz, &ierr);
return 6.0 * ans;