blob: 99a547f3be0c44e4151f689a616c559667590027 [file] [log] [blame]
The Quarterback library Installation Guide
Please read COPYING for a description of the licensing of this software.
* Platforms Built and Tested On *
Quarterback has been tested on:
Linux: Fedora 12
MacOSX: Darwin latest update
It should build and run properly on the tested platforms as well as possibly
others with minimal effort. Quarterback requires a coherent mmap() system call
and will not operate on platforms which don't support coherent mmap().
* Building from git *
When building and installing from subversion, automake 2.61 or later is
required. Prior versions will result in build failures.
Step 1: check out a copy of the repository
git clone git://
Find the version you want to build. Usually this will be the "master"
branch. If you want to build a specific released
version check 'git tag -l'.
Step 2: Generate the makefiles
balance: ./
Step 3: Run the configure script
Note that this will install to /usr by default to install to /usr/local use --prefix=/usr/local
balance: ./configure
Step 4: build
balance: make
Step 5: Install the binaries
balance: sudo make install
* Building from tarball *
The tarball is distributed with pregenerated makefiles. There is no need
to run the script in this case.
Step 1: Run the configure script
balance:~/quarterback% ./configure
Step 2: Install the binaries
balance:~/quarterback% su
balance:~/quarterback# make install