blob: 99dc459f9e715a3d6b6803d16529e9651d504d57 [file] [log] [blame]
libqb coding style
Our coding style is basically
And any differences will be appended here.
Chapter 5: Typedefs
- Use int32_t integer types and not "int" / "long".
Chapter 4: Naming
- functions preferably named object_verb
Chapter 8: Commenting
- Document public functions using doxygen style comments in the header file.
We use doxygen to generate man pages.
== Fixing mistakes ==
Use "./Lindent <file>" to fix any indentation.
== VIM settings ==
set formatoptions=tcqlron
set cinoptions=:0,l1,t0,g0
set cindent
set noexpandtab
set tabstop=8
set shiftwidth=8
set textwidth=78
set smarttab