blob: 9c1118134b96cf535e6c212ede8072f040672be9 [file] [log] [blame]
5 of 28 resource instances DISABLED and 0 BLOCKED from further action due to failure
Current cluster status:
Online: [ hex-0 hex-9 ]
OFFLINE: [ hex-7 hex-8 ]
vm-00 (ocf::heartbeat:Xen): Stopped ( disabled )
Clone Set: base-clone [base-group]
Resource Group: base-group:0
dlm (ocf::pacemaker:controld): Started hex-0
o2cb (ocf::ocfs2:o2cb): Stopped
clvm (ocf::lvm2:clvmd): Stopped
cmirrord (ocf::lvm2:cmirrord): Stopped
vg1 (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Stopped ( disabled )
ocfs2-1 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Stopped
Stopped: [ hex-7 hex-8 hex-9 ]
vm-01 (ocf::heartbeat:Xen): Stopped
fencing-sbd (stonith:external/sbd): Started hex-9
dummy1 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started hex-0
Transition Summary:
* Start o2cb:0 (hex-0)
* Start clvm:0 (hex-0)
* Start cmirrord:0 (hex-0)
* Start dlm:1 (hex-9)
* Start o2cb:1 (hex-9)
* Start clvm:1 (hex-9)
* Start cmirrord:1 (hex-9)
* Start vm-01 ( hex-9 ) due to unrunnable base-clone running (blocked)
Executing cluster transition:
* Resource action: vg1:1 monitor on hex-9
* Pseudo action: base-clone_start_0
* Pseudo action: load_stopped_hex-9
* Pseudo action: load_stopped_hex-8
* Pseudo action: load_stopped_hex-7
* Pseudo action: load_stopped_hex-0
* Pseudo action: base-group:0_start_0
* Resource action: o2cb:0 start on hex-0
* Resource action: clvm:0 start on hex-0
* Resource action: cmirrord:0 start on hex-0
* Pseudo action: base-group:1_start_0
* Resource action: dlm:1 start on hex-9
* Resource action: o2cb:1 start on hex-9
* Resource action: clvm:1 start on hex-9
* Resource action: cmirrord:1 start on hex-9
Revised cluster status:
Online: [ hex-0 hex-9 ]
OFFLINE: [ hex-7 hex-8 ]
vm-00 (ocf::heartbeat:Xen): Stopped ( disabled )
Clone Set: base-clone [base-group]
Resource Group: base-group:0
dlm (ocf::pacemaker:controld): Started hex-0
o2cb (ocf::ocfs2:o2cb): Started hex-0
clvm (ocf::lvm2:clvmd): Started hex-0
cmirrord (ocf::lvm2:cmirrord): Started hex-0
vg1 (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Stopped ( disabled )
ocfs2-1 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Stopped
Resource Group: base-group:1
dlm (ocf::pacemaker:controld): Started hex-9
o2cb (ocf::ocfs2:o2cb): Started hex-9
clvm (ocf::lvm2:clvmd): Started hex-9
cmirrord (ocf::lvm2:cmirrord): Started hex-9
vg1 (ocf::heartbeat:LVM): Stopped ( disabled )
ocfs2-1 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Stopped
Stopped: [ hex-7 hex-8 ]
vm-01 (ocf::heartbeat:Xen): Stopped
fencing-sbd (stonith:external/sbd): Started hex-9
dummy1 (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started hex-0