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<refentry id="re-drbdadm">
<date>5 Dec 2008</date>
<refmiscinfo class="manual">System Administration</refmiscinfo>
<refpurpose>Administration tool for DRBD
<indexterm significance="normal">
<cmdsynopsis sepchar=" ">
<command moreinfo="none">drbdadm</command>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat">-d</arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat">-c<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat">-t<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat">-s<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat"><replaceable>cmd</replaceable></arg></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat">-m<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat"><replaceable>cmd</replaceable></arg></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat">-S</arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat">-h<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat"><replaceable>host</replaceable></arg></arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="norepeat">--<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat"><replaceable>backend-options</replaceable></arg></arg>
<arg choice="req" rep="norepeat">
<group choice="opt" rep="norepeat">
<arg choice="plain" rep="norepeat">all</arg>
<arg choice="plain" rep="repeat">
<para> <option>Drbdadm</option> is the high level tool of the DRBD program suite. <option>Drbdadm</option> is to
<option>drbdsetup</option> and <option>drbdmeta</option> what <option>ifup</option>/<option>ifdown</option> is to <option>ifconfig</option>. <option>Drbdadm</option> reads its
configuration file and performs the specified commands by calling the
<option>drbdsetup</option> and/or the <option>drbdmeta</option> program.
<term><option>-d</option>, <option>--dry-run</option></term>
<para> Just prints the calls of <option>drbdsetup</option> to stdout, but does not run
the commands.
<term><option>-c</option>, <option>--config-file</option> <replaceable>file</replaceable></term>
<para> Specifies the configuration file drbdadm will use. If this parameter
is not specified, drbdadm will look for <option>/etc/drbd-83.conf</option>,
<option>/etc/drbd-08.conf</option> and <option>/etc/drbd.conf</option>.
<term><option>-t</option>, <option>--config-to-test</option> <replaceable>file</replaceable></term>
<para> Specifies an additional configuration file drbdadm to check. This option
is only allowed with the dump and the sh-nop commands.
<term><option>-s</option>, <option>--drbdsetup</option> <replaceable>file</replaceable></term>
<para> Specifies the full path to the <option>drbdsetup</option> program. If this option is
omitted, drbdadm will look for <option>/sbin/drbdsetup</option> and <option>./drbdsetup</option>.
<term><option>-m</option>, <option>--drbdmeta</option> <replaceable>file</replaceable></term>
<para> Specifies the full path to the <option>drbdmeta</option> program. If this option is
omitted, drbdadm will look for <option>/sbin/drbdmeta</option> and
<term><option>-S</option>, <option>--stacked</option></term>
<para> Specifies that this command should be performed on a stacked resource.
<term><option>-P</option>, <option>--peer</option></term>
<para> Specifies to which peer node to connect. Only necessary if there are
more than two host sections in the resource you are working on.
<term><option>--</option> <replaceable>backend-options</replaceable></term>
<para>All options following the doubly hyphen are considered <replaceable>backend-options</replaceable>.
These are passed through to the backend command. I.e. to <option>drbdsetup</option>,
<option>drbdmeta</option> or <option>drbd-proxy-ctl</option>.
<para> Attaches a local backing block device to the DRBD resource's device.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>detach</secondary></indexterm>
Removes the backing storage device from a DRBD resource's device.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>connect</secondary></indexterm>
Sets up the network configuration of the resource's device. If the
peer device is already configured, the two DRBD devices will connect.
If there are more than two host sections in the resource you need
to use the <option>--peer</option> option to select the peer you want to
connect to.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>disconnect</secondary></indexterm>
Removes the network configuration from the resource. The device
will then go into StandAlone state.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>syncer</secondary></indexterm>
Loads the resynchronization parameters into the device.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>up</secondary></indexterm>
Is a shortcut for attach and connect.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>down</secondary></indexterm>
Is a shortcut for disconnect and detach.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>primary</secondary></indexterm>
Promote the resource's device into primary role. You need to do
this before any access to the device, such as creating or mounting a file system.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>secondary</secondary></indexterm>
Brings the device back into secondary role. This is needed since in
a connected DRBD device pair, only one of the two peers may have
primary role (except if <option>allow-two-primaries</option> is explicitly set in
the configuration file).
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>invalidate</secondary></indexterm>
Forces DRBD to consider the data on the <emphasis>local</emphasis> backing
storage device as out-of-sync. Therefore DRBD will copy each
and every block from its peer, to bring the local storage
device back in sync.
To avoid races, you need an established replication link,
or be disconnected Secondary.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>invalidate-remote</secondary></indexterm>
This command is similar to the invalidate command, however, the
<emphasis>peer's</emphasis> backing storage is invalidated and hence rewritten
with the data of the local node.
To avoid races, you need an established replication link,
or be disconnected Primary.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>resize</secondary></indexterm>
Causes DRBD to re-examine all sizing constraints, and resize the
resource's device accordingly. For example, if you increased the
size of your backing storage devices (on both nodes, of course),
then DRBD will adopt the new size after you called
this command on one of your nodes. Since new storage space must be
synchronised this command only works if there is at least one primary
node present.
<para>The <option>--assume-peer-has-space</option> allows you to
resize a device which is currently not connected to the peer.
Use with care, since if you do not resize the peer's disk as well,
further connect attempts of the two will fail.
<para>The <option>--assume-clean</option> allows you to resize an existing device and avoid
syncing the new space. This is useful when adding addtional blank storage to your device.
<programlisting format="linespecific">
# drbdadm -- --assume-clean resize r0</programlisting>
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>check-resize</secondary></indexterm>
Calls drbdmeta to eventually move internal meta data. If the backing
device was resized, while DRBD was not running, meta data has to be
moved to the end of the device, so that the next <option>attach</option> command
can succeed.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>create-md</secondary></indexterm>
Initializes the meta data storage. This needs to be
done before a DRBD resource can be taken online for the first
time. In case of issues with that command have a look at
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>get-gi</secondary></indexterm>
Shows a short textual representation of the data generation
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>show-gi</secondary></indexterm>
Prints a textual representation of the data generation
identifiers including explanatory information.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>dump-md</secondary></indexterm>
Dumps the whole contents of the meta data storage, including
the stored bit-map and activity-log, in a textual representation.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>outdate</secondary></indexterm>
Sets the outdated flag in the meta data.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>adjust</secondary></indexterm>
Synchronizes the configuration of the device with your configuration
file. You should always examine the output of the dry-run
mode before actually executing this command.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>wait-connect</secondary></indexterm>
Waits until the device is connected to its peer device.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>role</secondary></indexterm>
Shows the current roles of the devices (local/peer).
E.g. Primary/Secondary
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>state</secondary></indexterm>
Deprecated alias for "role", see above.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>cstate</secondary></indexterm>
Shows the current connection state of the devices.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>status</secondary></indexterm>
Shows the current status of all devices defined in the current config file,
in XML-like format. Example output:
<programlisting format="linespecific">&lt;drbd-status version="8.3.2" api="88"&gt;
&lt;resources config_file="/etc/drbd.conf"&gt;
&lt;resource minor="0" name="s0" cs="SyncTarget" st1="Secondary" st2="Secondary"
ds1="Inconsistent" ds2="UpToDate" resynced_precent="5.9" /&gt;
&lt;resource minor="1" name="s1" cs="WFConnection" st1="Secondary"
st2="Unknown" ds1="Inconsistent" ds2="Outdated" /&gt;
&lt;resource minor="3" name="dummy" cs="Unconfigured" /&gt;
&lt;!-- resource minor="4" name="scratch" not available or not yet created --&gt;
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>dump</secondary></indexterm>
Just parse the configuration file and dump it to stdout. May
be used to check the configuration file for syntactic correctness.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>outdate</secondary></indexterm>
Used to mark the node's data as outdated. Usually used by the
peer's fence-peer handler.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>verify</secondary></indexterm>
Starts online verify. During online verify, data on
both nodes is compared for equality. See
<filename moreinfo="none">/proc/drbd</filename> for online verify progress. If out-of-sync
blocks are found, they are <emphasis>not</emphasis> resynchronized
automatically. To do that, <command moreinfo="none">disconnect</command> and
<command moreinfo="none">connect</command> the resource when verification has completed.
<para>See also the notes on data integrity on the drbd.conf manpage.</para>
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>pause-sync</secondary></indexterm>
Temporarily suspend an ongoing resynchronization by setting the
local pause flag. Resync only progresses if neither the local
nor the remote pause flag is set. It might be desirable to
postpone DRBD's resynchronization until after any
resynchronization of the backing storage's RAID setup.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>resume-sync</secondary></indexterm>
Unset the local sync pause flag.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>new-current-uuid</secondary></indexterm>
Generates a new currend UUID and rotates all other UUID values.
<para> This can be used to shorten the initial resync of a cluster.
See the <option>drbdsetup</option> manpage for a more details.
<para><indexterm significance="normal"><primary>drbdadm</primary><secondary>dstate</secondary></indexterm>
Show the current state of the backing storage devices. (local/peer)
<para> Shows all commands undocumented on purpose.
<simpara>This document was revised for version 8.3.2 of the DRBD distribution.</simpara>
<simpara>Written by Philipp Reisner <email></email>
and Lars Ellenberg <email></email>
<title>Reporting Bugs</title>
<simpara>Report bugs to <email></email>.
<simpara>Copyright 2001-2008 LINBIT Information Technologies,
Philipp Reisner, Lars Ellenberg. This is free software;
see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty;
<title>See Also</title>
<citerefentry><refentrytitle>drbdmeta</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> and the
<ulink url=""><citetitle>DRBD project web site</citetitle></ulink></para>