blob: 96cf71aba59d5ca0663ae8482d47f4a6f530e87d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <EventsIo.h>
#include <cstring>
extern "C"
#include <errno.h>
// epoll_event datastructure slot indices
const int EventsIo::EVENTS_CTL_INDEX = 0;
const int EventsIo::SIG_CTL_INDEX = 1;
const int EventsIo::STDIN_CTL_INDEX = 2;
// Number of epoll_event datastructure slots
const int EventsIo::CTL_SLOTS_COUNT = 3;
// @throws std::bad_alloc, std::ios_base::failure
EventsIo::EventsIo(int events_input_fd):
ctl_events(new struct epoll_event[CTL_SLOTS_COUNT]),
fired_events(new struct epoll_event[CTL_SLOTS_COUNT]),
signal_buffer(new struct signalfd_siginfo),
events_buffer(new char[MAX_LINE_LENGTH])
// Zero termios datastructures
static_cast<void> (std::memset(static_cast<void*> (&orig_termios), 0,
sizeof (orig_termios)));
static_cast<void> (std::memset(static_cast<void*> (&adjusted_termios), 0,
sizeof (adjusted_termios)));
// Initialize the poll file descriptor
poll_fd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC);
if (poll_fd == -1)
throw EventsIoException();
// Initialize signalfds to enable polling for signals
// Block the default signal handlers for the same signals
sigset_t mask;
checked_int_rc(sigaddset(&mask, SIGTERM));
checked_int_rc(sigaddset(&mask, SIGHUP));
checked_int_rc(sigaddset(&mask, SIGINT));
checked_int_rc(sigaddset(&mask, SIGWINCH));
checked_int_rc(sigaddset(&mask, SIGCHLD));
checked_int_rc(sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, nullptr));
sig_fd = signalfd(-1, &mask, SFD_NONBLOCK | SFD_CLOEXEC);
if (sig_fd == -1)
throw EventsIoException();
// Initialize poll event data structures
static_cast<void> (std::memset(static_cast<void*> (ctl_events.get()), 0,
sizeof (struct epoll_event) * CTL_SLOTS_COUNT));
static_cast<void> (std::memset(static_cast<void*> (fired_events.get()), 0,
sizeof (struct epoll_event) * CTL_SLOTS_COUNT));
// Register the epoll() events
register_poll(events_fd, &(ctl_events[EVENTS_CTL_INDEX]), EPOLLIN);
register_poll(sig_fd, &(ctl_events[SIG_CTL_INDEX]), EPOLLIN);
register_poll(stdin_fd, &(ctl_events[STDIN_CTL_INDEX]), EPOLLIN);
catch (EventsIoException&)
// Cleanup modifies errno, so the relevant information must be cached
bool os_call_oom = (errno == ENOMEM);
if (os_call_oom)
throw std::bad_alloc();
catch (std::bad_alloc&)
EventsIo::~EventsIo() noexcept
// @throws EventsIoException
void EventsIo::register_poll(int fd, struct epoll_event* event_ctl_slot, uint32_t event_mask)
event_ctl_slot->data.fd = fd;
event_ctl_slot->events = event_mask;
int rc = epoll_ctl(poll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, event_ctl_slot);
if (rc != 0)
throw EventsIoException();
// @throws EventsIoException
EventsIo::event EventsIo::wait_event()
EventsIo::event event_id = EventsIo::event::NONE;
// If data is available in the buffer, look for event lines
// This check is turned off by prepare_line() if all the available
// data has been searched and more data must be read to find another
// event lines
// read_events() turns this check back on if more data was read
if (data_pending)
if (prepare_line())
event_id = EventsIo::event::EVENT_LINE;
while (event_id == EventsIo::event::NONE)
if (!pending_events)
current_event = 0;
errno = 0;
event_count = epoll_wait(poll_fd, fired_events.get(), CTL_SLOTS_COUNT, -1);
if (event_count > 0)
pending_events = true;
if (errno != 0 && errno != EINTR)
throw EventsIoException();
while (!pending_events);
int fired_fd = fired_events[current_event].data.fd;
if (fired_fd == events_fd)
// Events source data available
if (events_eof)
throw EventsIoException();
if (prepare_line())
event_id = EventsIo::event::EVENT_LINE;
if (fired_fd == sig_fd)
// Signal available
event_id = EventsIo::event::SIGNAL;
if (fired_fd == stdin_fd)
// Data available on stdin
event_id = EventsIo::event::STDIN;
// Unknown data source ready, this is not supposed to happen
throw EventsIoException();
// Select the next event for processing
if (current_event >= event_count)
pending_events = false;
return event_id;
// @throws EventsIoException
int EventsIo::get_signal()
int signal_id = 0;
errno = 0;
ssize_t read_size = 0;
read_size = read(sig_fd, signal_buffer.get(), sizeof (struct signalfd_siginfo));
if (read_size == sizeof (struct signalfd_siginfo))
signal_id = static_cast<int> (signal_buffer->ssi_signo);
if (read_size == 0)
throw EventsIoException();
while (read_size == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (read_size == -1)
throw EventsIoException();
return signal_id;
// @throws EventsIoException
void EventsIo::adjust_terminal()
// Store current terminal settings
checked_int_rc(tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &orig_termios));
have_orig_termios = true;
adjusted_termios = orig_termios;
// Non-canonical input without echo
tcflag_t flags_on = ISIG;
tcflag_t flags_off = ICANON | ECHO | ECHONL;
adjusted_termios.c_lflag |= flags_on;
adjusted_termios.c_lflag = (adjusted_termios.c_lflag | flags_off) ^ flags_off;
checked_int_rc(tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &adjusted_termios));
// @throws EventsIoException
void EventsIo::restore_terminal()
if (have_orig_termios)
// Restore original terminal settings
checked_int_rc(tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &orig_termios));
// @throws EventsIoException
void EventsIo::read_events()
// If there is space remaining in the buffer,
// read data into the buffer.
// If the buffer is full, it must be compacted or emptied by
// calls to get_event_line()
if (events_length < MAX_LINE_LENGTH)
size_t length = MAX_LINE_LENGTH - events_length;
int read_count = 0;
read_count = read(events_fd, &(events_buffer[events_length]), length);
while (read_count == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (read_count == 0)
events_eof = true;
if (read_count == -1)
if (errno != EAGAIN)
throw EventsIoException();
// Indicate that more data has been made available and
// should be checked for complete lines using prepare_line()
data_pending = true;
events_length += read_count;
std::string* EventsIo::get_event_line()
if (event_line == nullptr)
if (!data_pending)
line_pending = false;
return event_line.get();
void EventsIo::free_event_line()
event_line = nullptr;
// @throws std::bad_alloc, EventsIoException
bool EventsIo::prepare_line()
if (!line_pending)
if (event_line != nullptr)
event_line = nullptr;
bool have_line = false;
size_t event_end_pos = 0;
// Check for new complete lines in the buffer
char* input_data = events_buffer.get();
for (size_t index = event_begin_pos; index < events_length; ++index)
if (input_data[index] == '\n')
have_line = true;
event_end_pos = index + 1;
if (have_line)
if (discard_line)
discard_line = false;
event_line = std::unique_ptr<std::string>(
new std::string(&(input_data[event_begin_pos]), event_end_pos - event_begin_pos - 1)
line_pending = true;
event_begin_pos = event_end_pos;
// Indicate that all available data has been searched for event lines
// and more data needs to be read to find another event line
data_pending = false;
if (event_begin_pos > 0)
// No more lines in the buffer, compact buffer
size_t src_index = event_begin_pos;
size_t dst_index = 0;
while (src_index < events_length)
input_data[dst_index] = input_data[src_index];
events_length = events_length - event_begin_pos;
event_begin_pos = 0;
if (events_length == MAX_LINE_LENGTH)
// Buffer is full, but no lines were found
// Too long line, discard input
event_begin_pos = 0;
events_length = 0;
discard_line = true;
// Currently, a too long line is considered an error
// If throwing the exception is removed, too long lines
// will simply be discarded instead
throw EventsIoException();
return line_pending;
// Throws EventsIoException if rc is not equal to 0
// @throws EventsIoException
void EventsIo::checked_int_rc(int rc) const
if (rc != 0)
throw EventsIoException();
void EventsIo::cleanup() noexcept
if (poll_fd != -1)
poll_fd = -1;
if (events_fd != -1)
events_fd = -1;
if (sig_fd != -1)
sig_fd = -1;
// stdin_fd is not closed