blob: 0bf4f1c736a4d01afa4d778cd4a1d2e504939f0a [file] [log] [blame]
#include "drbd_endian.h"
#include "drbdmeta_parser.h"
#include "drbdtool_common.h"
static void bad_token(char*);
//#define DP printf("%s ",yytext);
#define DP
#define CP yylval.txt=yytext
#define YY_NO_INPUT 1
#define YY_NO_UNPUT 1
%option noyywrap
%option yylineno
%option nounput
/* remember to avoid backing up.
* tell user about bad/unexpected tokens. */
OP [{};\[\]]
WS [ \r\t\n]
COMMENT \#[^\n]*
/* 1<<63 is 19 digits. has to be enough.
* 20 digits would risk overflow of 64bit unsigned int */
NUM -?[0-9]{1,19}
U64 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{16}
U32 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}
INVALID_HEX 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{0,17}
STRING \"[^\"\r\n]{1,20}\"
INVALID_STRING \"[^\"\r\n]{1,20}
INVALID_TOKEN [-_a-zA-Z0-9]{1,100}
INVALID_CHAR [^-_a-zA-Z0-9 \t\r\n\";{}]
{WS} /* skip silently */
{COMMENT} /* skip silently */
{OP} DP; return yytext[0];
{STRING} unescape(yytext); DP; CP; return TK_STRING;
{U64} yylval.u64 = strto_u64(yytext, NULL, 16); DP; return TK_U64;
{U32} yylval.u64 = strto_u64(yytext, NULL, 16); DP; return TK_U32;
{NUM} yylval.u64 = strto_u64(yytext, NULL, 10); DP; return TK_NUM;
gc DP; CP; return TK_GC;
bm DP; CP; return TK_BM;
uuid DP; CP; return TK_UUID;
version DP; CP; return TK_VERSION;
la-size-sect DP; CP; return TK_LA_SIZE;
bm-byte-per-bit DP; CP; return TK_BM_BYTE_PER_BIT;
device-uuid DP; CP; return TK_DEVICE_UUID;
times DP; CP; return TK_TIMES;
flags DP; CP; return TK_FLAGS;
al-stripes DP; CP; return TK_AL_STRIPES;
al-stripe-size-4k DP; CP; return TK_AL_STRIPE_SIZE_4K;
la-peer-max-bio-size DP; CP; return TK_LA_BIO_SIZE;
node-id DP; CP; return TK_NODE_ID;
current-uuid DP; CP; return TK_CURRENT_UUID;
bitmap DP; CP; return TK_BITMAP;
bitmap-uuid DP; CP; return TK_BITMAP_UUID;
bitmap-dagtag DP; CP; return TK_BITMAP_DAGTAG;
history-uuids DP; CP; return TK_HISTORY_UUIDS;
peer DP; CP; return TK_PEER;
hash DP; CP; return TK_HASH;
max-peers DP; CP; return TK_MAX_PEERS;
bitmap-index DP; CP; return TK_BITMAP_INDEX;
{INVALID_STRING} CP; bad_token("invalid string"); return TK_INVALID;
{EMPTY_STRING} CP; bad_token("invalid string"); return TK_INVALID;
{INVALID_HEX} CP; bad_token("invalid hex number (only 8 or 16 hex digits accepted)"); return TK_INVALID;
{NUM_TOO_LONG} CP; bad_token("number too big"); return TK_INVALID;
{INVALID_TOKEN} CP; bad_token("unknown token"); return TK_INVALID;
static void bad_token(char *msg)
fprintf(stderr,"line %u: %s: %s ...\n", yylineno, msg, yytext);
int my_yy_unscaned_characters(void)
return (yy_n_chars) - ((yy_c_buf_p) - YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_ch_buf);