blob: 0fa3422d95dae5077b6c292231b47acc16c8a21c [file] [log] [blame]
* nsm_client.c -- synthetic client and lockd simulator for testing statd
* Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Jeff Layton <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Very loosely based on "simulator.c" in the statd directory. Original
* copyright for that program follows:
* Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 1999 Jeffrey A. Uphoff
#include "config.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <rpc/pmap_clnt.h>
#include <rpcmisc.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "nfslib.h"
#include "nfsrpc.h"
#include "nsm.h"
#include "sm_inter.h"
#include "nlm_sm_inter.h"
#include "sockaddr.h"
#include "xcommon.h"
static void daemon_simulator(void);
static void sim_killer(int sig);
static int nsm_client_crash(char *);
static int nsm_client_mon(char *, char *, char *, char *, int, int);
static int nsm_client_stat(char *, char *);
static int nsm_client_notify(char *, char *, char *);
static int nsm_client_unmon(char *, char *, char *, int, int);
static int nsm_client_unmon_all(char *, char *, int, int);
extern void nlm_sm_prog_4(struct svc_req *rqstp, register SVCXPRT *transp);
extern void svc_exit(void);
* default to 15 retransmit interval, which seems to be the default for
* UDP clients w/ legacy glibc RPC
static struct timeval retrans_interval =
.tv_sec = 15,
static struct option longopts[] =
{ "help", 0, 0, 'h' },
{ "host", 0, 0, 'H' },
{ "name", 1, 0, 'n' },
{ "program", 1, 0, 'P' },
{ "version", 1, 0, 'v' },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0 },
static int
usage(char *program)
printf("%s [options] <command> [arg]...\n", program);
printf("where command is one of these with the specified args:\n");
printf("crash\t\t\t\ttell host to simulate crash\n");
printf("daemon\t\t\t\t\tstart up lockd daemon simulator\n");
printf("notify <mon_name> <state>\tsend a reboot notification to host\n");
printf("stat <mon_name>\t\t\tget status of <mon_name> on host\n");
printf("unmon_all\t\t\ttell host to unmon everything\n");
printf("unmon <mon_name>\t\t\ttell host to unmon <mon_name>\n");
printf("mon <mon_name> <cookie>\t\ttell host to monitor <mon_name> with private <cookie>\n");
return 1;
static int
hex2bin(char *dst, size_t dstlen, char *src)
int i;
unsigned int tmp;
for (i = 0; *src && i < dstlen; i++) {
if (sscanf(src, "%2x", &tmp) != 1)
return 0;
dst[i] = tmp;
if (!*src)
return 1;
static void
bin2hex(char *dst, char *src, size_t srclen)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
dst += sprintf(dst, "%02x", 0xff & src[i]);
main(int argc, char **argv)
int arg, err = 0;
int remaining_args;
char my_name[NI_MAXHOST], host[NI_MAXHOST];
char cookie[SM_PRIV_SIZE];
int my_prog = NLM_SM_PROG;
int my_vers = NLM_SM_VERS4;
my_name[0] = '\0';
host[0] = '\0';
while ((arg = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hHn:P:v:", longopts,
NULL)) != EOF) {
switch (arg) {
case 'H':
strncpy(host, optarg, sizeof(host));
case 'n':
strncpy(my_name, optarg, sizeof(my_name));
case 'P':
my_prog = atoi(optarg);
case 'v':
my_vers = atoi(optarg);
remaining_args = argc - optind;
if (remaining_args <= 0)
if (!my_name[0])
gethostname(my_name, sizeof(my_name));
if (!host[0])
strncpy(host, "", sizeof(host));
if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind], "daemon")) {
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind], "crash")) {
err = nsm_client_crash(host);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind], "stat")) {
if (remaining_args < 2)
err = nsm_client_stat(host, argv[optind + 2]);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind], "unmon_all")) {
err = nsm_client_unmon_all(host, my_name, my_prog, my_vers);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind], "unmon")) {
if (remaining_args < 2)
err = nsm_client_unmon(host, argv[optind + 1], my_name, my_prog,
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind], "notify")) {
if (remaining_args < 2)
err = nsm_client_notify(host, argv[optind + 1],
argv[optind + 2]);
} else if (!strcasecmp(argv[optind], "mon")) {
if (remaining_args < 2)
memset(cookie, '\0', SM_PRIV_SIZE);
if (!hex2bin(cookie, sizeof(cookie), argv[optind + 2])) {
fprintf(stderr, "SYS:%d\n", EINVAL);
printf("Unable to convert hex cookie %s to binary.\n",
argv[optind + 2]);
return 1;
err = nsm_client_mon(host, argv[optind + 1], cookie, my_name,
my_prog, my_vers);
} else {
err = usage(argv[0]);
return err;
static CLIENT *
nsm_client_get_rpcclient(const char *node)
unsigned short port;
struct addrinfo *ai;
struct addrinfo hints = { };
int err;
CLIENT *client = NULL;
#ifndef IPV6_ENABLED
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
#endif /* IPV6_ENABLED */
/* FIXME: allow support for providing port? */
err = getaddrinfo(node, NULL, &hints, &ai);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "EAI:%d\n", err);
if (err == EAI_SYSTEM)
fprintf(stderr, "SYS:%d\n", errno);
printf("Unable to translate host to address: %s\n",
err == EAI_SYSTEM ? strerror(errno) :
return client;
/* FIXME: allow for TCP too? */
port = nfs_getport(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, SM_PROG,
if (!port) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("Unable to determine port for service\n");
goto out;
nfs_set_port(ai->ai_addr, port);
client = nfs_get_rpcclient(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, IPPROTO_UDP,
SM_PROG, SM_VERS, &retrans_interval);
if (!client) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("RPC client creation failed\n");
return client;
static int
nsm_client_mon(char *calling, char *monitoring, char *cookie, char *my_name,
int my_prog, int my_vers)
CLIENT *client;
sm_stat_res *result;
mon mon;
int err = 0;
printf("Calling %s (as %s) to monitor %s\n", calling, my_name,
if ((client = nsm_client_get_rpcclient(calling)) == NULL)
return 1;
memcpy(mon.priv, cookie, SM_PRIV_SIZE);
mon.mon_id.my_id.my_name = my_name;
mon.mon_id.my_id.my_prog = my_prog;
mon.mon_id.my_id.my_vers = my_vers;
mon.mon_id.my_id.my_proc = NLM_SM_NOTIFY;
mon.mon_id.mon_name = monitoring;
if (!(result = sm_mon_1(&mon, client))) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("%s\n", clnt_sperror(client, "sm_mon_1"));
err = 1;
goto mon_out;
printf("SM_MON request %s, state: %d\n",
result->res_stat == stat_succ ? "successful" : "failed",
if (result->res_stat != stat_succ) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
err = 1;
return err;
static int
nsm_client_unmon(char *calling, char *unmonitoring, char *my_name, int my_prog,
int my_vers)
CLIENT *client;
sm_stat *result;
mon_id mon_id;
int err = 0;
printf("Calling %s (as %s) to unmonitor %s\n", calling, my_name,
if ((client = nsm_client_get_rpcclient(calling)) == NULL)
return 1;
mon_id.my_id.my_name = my_name;
mon_id.my_id.my_prog = my_prog;
mon_id.my_id.my_vers = my_vers;
mon_id.my_id.my_proc = NLM_SM_NOTIFY;
mon_id.mon_name = unmonitoring;
if (!(result = sm_unmon_1(&mon_id, client))) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("%s\n", clnt_sperror(client, "sm_unmon_1"));
err = 1;
goto unmon_out;
printf("SM_UNMON state: %d\n", result->state);
return err;
static int
nsm_client_unmon_all(char *calling, char *my_name, int my_prog, int my_vers)
CLIENT *client;
sm_stat *result;
my_id my_id;
int err = 0;
printf("Calling %s (as %s) to unmonitor all hosts\n", calling, my_name);
if ((client = nsm_client_get_rpcclient(calling)) == NULL) {
printf("RPC client creation failed\n");
return 1;
my_id.my_name = my_name;
my_id.my_prog = my_prog;
my_id.my_vers = my_vers;
my_id.my_proc = NLM_SM_NOTIFY;
if (!(result = sm_unmon_all_1(&my_id, client))) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("%s\n", clnt_sperror(client, "sm_unmon_all_1"));
err = 1;
goto unmon_all_out;
printf("SM_UNMON_ALL state: %d\n", result->state);
return err;
static int
nsm_client_crash(char *host)
CLIENT *client;
if ((client = nsm_client_get_rpcclient(host)) == NULL)
return 1;
if (!sm_simu_crash_1(NULL, client)) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("%s\n", clnt_sperror(client, "sm_simu_crash_1"));
return 1;
return 0;
static int
nsm_client_stat(char *calling, char *monitoring)
CLIENT *client;
sm_name checking;
sm_stat_res *result;
if ((client = nsm_client_get_rpcclient(calling)) == NULL)
return 1;
checking.mon_name = monitoring;
if (!(result = sm_stat_1(&checking, client))) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("%s\n", clnt_sperror(client, "sm_stat_1"));
return 1;
if (result->res_stat != stat_succ) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("stat_fail from %s for %s, state: %d\n", calling,
monitoring, result->state);
return 1;
printf("stat_succ from %s for %s, state: %d\n", calling,
monitoring, result->state);
return 0;
static int
nsm_client_notify(char *calling, char *mon_name, char *statestr)
CLIENT *client;
stat_chge stat_chge = { .mon_name = mon_name };
stat_chge.state = atoi(statestr);
if ((client = nsm_client_get_rpcclient(calling)) == NULL)
return 1;
if (!sm_notify_1(&stat_chge, client)) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC:%d\n", rpc_createerr.cf_stat);
printf("%s\n", clnt_sperror(client, "sm_notify_1"));
return 1;
return 0;
static void sim_killer(int sig)
(void) rpcb_unset(NLM_SM_PROG, NLM_SM_VERS4, NULL);
(void) pmap_unset(NLM_SM_PROG, NLM_SM_VERS4);
static void daemon_simulator(void)
signal(SIGHUP, sim_killer);
signal(SIGINT, sim_killer);
signal(SIGTERM, sim_killer);
/* FIXME: allow for different versions? */
nfs_svc_create("nlmsim", NLM_SM_PROG, NLM_SM_VERS4, nlm_sm_prog_4, 0);
void *nlm_sm_notify_4_svc(struct nlm_sm_notify *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp)
static char *result;
char priv[SM_PRIV_SIZE * 2 + 1];
bin2hex(priv, argp->priv, SM_PRIV_SIZE);
printf("state=%d:mon_name=%s:private=%s\n", argp->state,
argp->mon_name, priv);
return (void *) &result;
void *nlm_sm_notify_3_svc(struct nlm_sm_notify *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp)
return nlm_sm_notify_4_svc(argp, rqstp);