blob: 2f3906379158a07985329acc235c9af3c3f4bbf6 [file] [log] [blame]
'''CTS: Cluster Testing System: LinuxHA v2 dependent modules...
__copyright__ = '''
Author: Huang Zhen <>
Copyright (C) 2004 International Business Machines
Additional Audits, Revised Start action, Default Configuration:
Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Beekhof <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import sys
from cts.CTSvars import *
from cts.CTS import *
from cts.CIB import *
from cts.CTStests import AuditResource
from cts.watcher import LogWatcher
from xml.dom.minidom import *
except ImportError:
sys.__stdout__.write("Python module xml.dom.minidom not found\n")
sys.__stdout__.write("Please install python-xml or similar before continuing\n")
# LinuxHA v2 dependent modules
class crm_lha(ClusterManager):
The linux-ha version 2 cluster manager class.
It implements the things we need to talk to and manipulate
linux-ha version 2 clusters
def __init__(self, Environment, randseed=None, name=None):
ClusterManager.__init__(self, Environment, randseed=randseed)
#HeartbeatCM.__init__(self, Environment, randseed=randseed)
#if not name: name="crm-lha"
#self["Name"] = name = name
self.fastfail = 0
self.clear_cache = 0
self.cib_installed = 0
self.config = None
self.cluster_monitor = 0
self.use_short_names = 1
if self.Env["DoBSC"]:
del self.templates["Pat:They_stopped"]
del self.templates["Pat:Logd_stopped"]
self.Env["use_logd"] = 0
self.check_transitions = 0
self.check_elections = 0
self.CIBsync = {}
self.CibFactory = ConfigFactory(self)
self.cib = self.CibFactory.createConfig(self.Env["Schema"])
def errorstoignore(self):
# At some point implement a more elegant solution that
# also produces a report at the end
'''Return list of errors which are known and very noisey should be ignored'''
return PatternSelector().get_patterns(, "BadNewsIgnore")
def install_config(self, node):
if not self.ns.WaitForNodeToComeUp(node):
self.log("Node %s is not up." % node)
return None
if not node in self.CIBsync and self.Env["ClobberCIB"] == 1:
self.CIBsync[node] = 1
self.rsh(node, "rm -f "+CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib*")
# Only install the CIB on the first node, all the other ones will pick it up from there
if self.cib_installed == 1:
return None
self.cib_installed = 1
if self.Env["CIBfilename"] == None:
self.log("Installing Generated CIB on node %s" % (node))
self.log("Installing CIB (%s) on node %s" % (self.Env["CIBfilename"], node))
if 0 != self.rsh.cp(self.Env["CIBfilename"], "root@" + (self.templates["CIBfile"] % node)):
raise ValueError("Can not scp file to %s %d"%(node))
self.rsh(node, "chown "+CTSvars.CRM_DAEMON_USER+" "+CTSvars.CRM_CONFIG_DIR+"/cib.xml")
def prepare(self):
'''Finish the Initialization process. Prepare to test...'''
self.partitions_expected = 1
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
self.ShouldBeStatus[node] = ""
if self.Env["experimental-tests"]:
def test_node_CM(self, node):
'''Report the status of the cluster manager on a given node'''
watchpats = [ ]
watchpats.append("Current ping state: (S_IDLE|S_NOT_DC)")
idle_watch = LogWatcher(self.Env["LogFileName"], watchpats, "ClusterIdle", hosts=[node], kind=self.Env["LogWatcher"])
out = self.rsh(node, self.templates["StatusCmd"]%node, 1)
self.debug("Node %s status: '%s'" %(node, out))
if not out or string.find(out, 'ok') < 0:
if self.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
"Node status for %s is %s but we think it should be %s"
% (node, "down", self.ShouldBeStatus[node]))
self.ShouldBeStatus[node] = "down"
return 0
if self.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "down":
"Node status for %s is %s but we think it should be %s: %s"
% (node, "up", self.ShouldBeStatus[node], out))
self.ShouldBeStatus[node] = "up"
# check the output first - because syslog-ng loses messages
if string.find(out, 'S_NOT_DC') != -1:
# Up and stable
return 2
if string.find(out, 'S_IDLE') != -1:
# Up and stable
return 2
# fall back to syslog-ng and wait
if not idle_watch.look():
# just up
self.debug("Warn: Node %s is unstable: %s" % (node, out))
return 1
# Up and stable
return 2
# Is the node up or is the node down
def StataCM(self, node):
'''Report the status of the cluster manager on a given node'''
if self.test_node_CM(node) > 0:
return 1
return None
# Being up and being stable is not the same question...
def node_stable(self, node):
'''Report the status of the cluster manager on a given node'''
if self.test_node_CM(node) == 2:
return 1
self.log("Warn: Node %s not stable" % (node))
return None
def partition_stable(self, nodes, timeout=None):
watchpats = [ ]
watchpats.append("Current ping state: S_IDLE")
self.debug("Waiting for cluster stability...")
if timeout == None:
timeout = self.Env["DeadTime"]
if len(nodes) < 3:
self.debug("Cluster is inactive")
return 1
idle_watch = LogWatcher(self.Env["LogFileName"], watchpats, "ClusterStable", timeout, hosts=nodes.split(), kind=self.Env["LogWatcher"])
for node in nodes.split():
# have each node dump its current state
self.rsh(node, self.templates["StatusCmd"] % node, 1)
ret = idle_watch.look()
while ret:
for node in nodes.split():
if, ret):
return 1
ret = idle_watch.look()
self.debug("Warn: Partition %s not IDLE after %ds" % (repr(nodes), timeout))
return None
def cluster_stable(self, timeout=None, double_check=False):
partitions = self.find_partitions()
for partition in partitions:
if not self.partition_stable(partition, timeout):
return None
if double_check:
# Make sure we are really stable and that all resources,
# including those that depend on transient node attributes,
# are started if they were going to be
for partition in partitions:
if not self.partition_stable(partition, timeout):
return None
return 1
def is_node_dc(self, node, status_line=None):
rc = 0
if not status_line:
status_line = self.rsh(node, self.templates["StatusCmd"]%node, 1)
if not status_line:
rc = 0
elif string.find(status_line, 'S_IDLE') != -1:
rc = 1
elif string.find(status_line, 'S_INTEGRATION') != -1:
rc = 1
elif string.find(status_line, 'S_FINALIZE_JOIN') != -1:
rc = 1
elif string.find(status_line, 'S_POLICY_ENGINE') != -1:
rc = 1
elif string.find(status_line, 'S_TRANSITION_ENGINE') != -1:
rc = 1
return rc
def active_resources(self, node):
# [SM].* {node} matches Started, Slave, Master
# Stopped wont be matched as it wont include {node}
(rc, output) = self.rsh(node, """crm_resource -c""", None)
resources = []
for line in output:
if"^Resource", line):
tmp = AuditResource(self, line)
if tmp.type == "primitive" and == node:
return resources
def ResourceLocation(self, rid):
ResourceNodes = []
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
cmd = self.templates["RscRunning"] % (rid)
(rc, lines) = self.rsh(node, cmd, None)
if rc == 127:
self.log("Command '%s' failed. Binary or pacemaker-cts package not installed?" % cmd)
for line in lines:
self.log("Output: "+line)
elif rc == 0:
return ResourceNodes
def find_partitions(self):
ccm_partitions = []
for node in self.Env["nodes"]:
if self.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
partition = self.rsh(node, self.templates["PartitionCmd"], 1)
if not partition:
self.log("no partition details for %s" % node)
elif len(partition) > 2:
nodes = partition.split()
partition = string.join(nodes, ' ')
found = 0
for a_partition in ccm_partitions:
if partition == a_partition:
found = 1
if found == 0:
self.debug("Adding partition from %s: %s" % (node, partition))
self.debug("Partition '%s' from %s is consistent with existing entries" % (partition, node))
self.log("bad partition details for %s" % node)
self.debug("Node %s is down... skipping" % node)
self.debug("Found partitions: %s" % repr(ccm_partitions) )
return ccm_partitions
def HasQuorum(self, node_list):
# If we are auditing a partition, then one side will
# have quorum and the other not.
# So the caller needs to tell us which we are checking
# If no value for node_list is specified... assume all nodes
if not node_list:
node_list = self.Env["nodes"]
for node in node_list:
if self.ShouldBeStatus[node] == "up":
quorum = self.rsh(node, self.templates["QuorumCmd"], 1)
if string.find(quorum, "1") != -1:
return 1
elif string.find(quorum, "0") != -1:
return 0
self.debug("WARN: Unexpected quorum test result from " + node + ":" + quorum)
return 0
def Components(self):
complist = []
common_ignore = [
"Pending action:",
"(ERROR|error): crm_log_message_adv:",
"(ERROR|error): MSG: No message to dump",
"pending LRM operations at shutdown",
"Lost connection to the CIB service",
"Connection to the CIB terminated...",
"Sending message to CIB service FAILED",
"Action A_RECOVER .* not supported",
"(ERROR|error): stonithd_op_result_ready: not signed on",
"pingd.*(ERROR|error): send_update: Could not send update",
"send_ipc_message: IPC Channel to .* is not connected",
"unconfirmed_actions: Waiting on .* unconfirmed actions",
"cib_native_msgready: Message pending on command channel",
r": Performing A_EXIT_1 - forcefully exiting the CRMd",
r"Resource .* was active at shutdown. You may ignore this error if it is unmanaged.",
stonith_ignore = [
r"Updating failcount for child_DoFencing",
r"(ERROR|error).*: Sign-in failed: triggered a retry",
"lrmd.*(ERROR|error): stonithd_receive_ops_result failed.",
ccm_ignore = [
"(ERROR|error): get_channel_token: No reply message - disconnected"
ccm = Process(self, "ccm", triggersreboot=self.fastfail, pats = [
"State transition .* S_RECOVERY",
"CCM connection appears to have failed",
"crmd.*Action A_RECOVER .* not supported",
r"crmd.*: Input I_TERMINATE .*from do_recover",
"Exiting to recover from CCM connection failure",
r"crmd.*: Could not recover from internal error",
"crmd.*exited with status 2",
"attrd.*exited with status 1",
"cib.*exited with status 2",
# Not if it was fenced
# "A new node joined the cluster",
# "WARN: determine_online_status: Node .* is unclean",
# "Scheduling Node .* for STONITH",
# "Executing .* fencing operation",
# "tengine_stonith_callback: .*result=0",
# "Processing I_NODE_JOIN:.* cause=C_HA_MESSAGE",
# "State transition S_.* -> S_INTEGRATION.*input=I_NODE_JOIN",
"State transition S_STARTING -> S_PENDING",
], badnews_ignore = ccm_ignore)
cib = Process(self, "cib", triggersreboot=self.fastfail, pats = [
"State transition .* S_RECOVERY",
"Lost connection to the CIB service",
"Connection to the CIB terminated...",
r"crmd.*: Input I_TERMINATE .*from do_recover",
r"crmd.*: Could not recover from internal error",
"crmd.*exited with status 2",
"attrd.*exited with status 1",
], badnews_ignore = common_ignore)
lrmd = Process(self, "lrmd", triggersreboot=self.fastfail, pats = [
"State transition .* S_RECOVERY",
"LRM Connection failed",
"State transition S_STARTING -> S_PENDING",
r"crmd.*: Input I_TERMINATE .*from do_recover",
r"crmd.*: Could not recover from internal error",
"crmd.*exited with status 2",
], badnews_ignore = common_ignore)
crmd = Process(self, "crmd", triggersreboot=self.fastfail, pats = [
# "WARN: determine_online_status: Node .* is unclean",
# "Scheduling Node .* for STONITH",
# "Executing .* fencing operation",
# "tengine_stonith_callback: .*result=0",
"State transition .* S_IDLE",
"State transition S_STARTING -> S_PENDING",
], badnews_ignore = common_ignore)
pengine = Process(self, "pengine", triggersreboot=self.fastfail, pats = [
"State transition .* S_RECOVERY",
r"crmd.*: Input I_TERMINATE .*from do_recover",
r"crmd.*: Could not recover from internal error",
r"crmd.*CRIT.*: Connection to the Policy Engine failed",
"crmd.*exited with status 2",
], badnews_ignore = common_ignore, dc_only=1)
if self.Env["DoFencing"] == 1 :
complist.append(Process(self, "stoniths", triggersreboot=self.fastfail, dc_pats = [
r"crmd.*CRIT.*: Fencing daemon connection failed",
"Attempting connection to fencing daemon",
], badnews_ignore = stonith_ignore))
if self.fastfail == 0:
"attrd .* exited with status 1",
"(ERROR|error): Respawning client .*attrd",
"cib.* exited with status 2",
"(ERROR|error): Respawning client .*cib",
"crmd.* exited with status 2",
"(ERROR|error): Respawning client .*crmd"
"attrd.* exited with status 1",
"(ERROR|error): Respawning client .*attrd",
"crmd.* exited with status 2",
"(ERROR|error): Respawning client .*crmd"
"crmd.* exited with status 2",
"(ERROR|error): Respawning client .*crmd"
"(ERROR|error): Respawning client .*crmd"
return complist
def NodeUUID(self, node):
lines = self.rsh(node, self.templates["UUIDQueryCmd"], 1)
for line in lines:
self.debug("UUIDLine:" + line)
m ='%s.+\((.+)\)' % node, line)
if m:
return ""
def StandbyStatus(self, node):
out=self.rsh(node, self.templates["StandbyQueryCmd"] % node, 1)
if not out:
return "off"
out = out[:-1]
self.debug("Standby result: "+out)
return out
# status == "on" : Enter Standby mode
# status == "off": Enter Active mode
def SetStandbyMode(self, node, status):
current_status = self.StandbyStatus(node)
cmd = self.templates["StandbyCmd"] % (node, status)
ret = self.rsh(node, cmd)
return True
def AddDummyRsc(self, node, rid):
rsc_xml = """ '<resources>
<primitive class=\"ocf\" id=\"%s\" provider=\"pacemaker\" type=\"Dummy\">
<op id=\"%s-interval-10s\" interval=\"10s\" name=\"monitor\"/
</resources>'""" % (rid, rid)
constraint_xml = """ '<constraints>
<rsc_location id=\"location-%s-%s\" node=\"%s\" rsc=\"%s\" score=\"INFINITY\"/>
""" % (rid, node, node, rid)
self.rsh(node, self.templates['CibAddXml'] % (rsc_xml))
self.rsh(node, self.templates['CibAddXml'] % (constraint_xml))
def RemoveDummyRsc(self, node, rid):
constraint = "\"//rsc_location[@rsc='%s']\"" % (rid)
rsc = "\"//primitive[@id='%s']\"" % (rid)
self.rsh(node, self.templates['CibDelXpath'] % constraint)
self.rsh(node, self.templates['CibDelXpath'] % rsc)
# A little test code...
# Which you are advised to completely ignore...
if __name__ == '__main__':