blob: 98badab90a41080511747627cca87f505a680b99 [file] [log] [blame]
# Using Standalone Configuration
# The standalone configuration can only be applied to the
# stonithd process while in standalone mode. This is achieved
# by using the --stand-alone option when launching stonithd.
# When in standalone mode, stonithd will look for a config
# file named stonith-ng.conf in the /etc/pacemaker directory.
# If the config file is present, it will be applied on startup.
# Below are examples of how to configure stonithd in standalone
# mode using this configuration file.
# Example 1: Standalone fence_ipmilan configuration
# for 2 hosts
device stonith-1 fence_ipmilan auth=md5 lanplus=true method=onoff \
power_wait=5 ipaddr=v02-a-control login=abc passwd=def
# Since there are no ports in fence_ipmilan, just give it
# the host(s) that is controlled by stonith-1. fence_ipmilan
# happens to only be able to control 1 host at a time.
ports stonith-1 v02-a
# There is no host checker for ipmilan and there is no host
# or port argument really, tell stonithd this.
options stonith-1 host_argument=none
# Example 2: fence_apc controlling 4 hosts, 1 port each
# Port assignment implies connection to device
device stonith-2 fence_apc ipaddr=north-apc login=apc passwd=apc
ports stonith-2 north-01=2 north-02=3 north-03=4 north-04=5
# Example 3: fence_wti controlling 2 hosts, 2 ports each
device stonith-3 fence_wti ipaddr= login=admin passwd=admin
ports stonith-3 v02-a="1,5" v02-b="2,6"
# Example 4: fence_xvm with special option
device stonith-4 fence_xvm
# Non-fencing agent option to give stonithd hints
options stonith-4 pcmk_arg_map="domain:uname"
# Example 5: external/ssh
device stonith-5 "external/ssh" livedangerously=yes
ports stonith-5 v02-a v02-b
# Example 6: Fence_scsi
# fence_scsi has no ports and no host list, so all we do is
# tell stonith what hosts it controls
device stonith-6 fence_scsi
ports stonith-6 v02-a v02-b
# Try to fence v02-a using stonith-6 and stonith-3. If either
# fails, move on to stonith-5.
priority v02-a 1 stonith-6 stonith-3
priority v02-a 2 stonith-5