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package test;
import java.beans.*;
import javax.activation.*;
public class CommandMapTest
public static void main(String[] inArguments) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
CommandMap lCommandMap = CommandMap.getDefaultCommandMap();
if(inArguments.length >= 2)
for(int lIndex = 1; lIndex < inArguments.length; ++lIndex)
File lFile = new File(inArguments[lIndex]);
FileDataSource lFileSource = new FileDataSource(lFile);
DataHandler ldh = new DataHandler(lFileSource);
System.out.println("Name: " + lFileSource.getName());
String lMIMEType = lFileSource.getContentType();
System.out.println("Type: " + lFileSource.getContentType());
processType(lCommandMap, lMIMEType, ldh);
else if(inArguments[0].equals("url"))
System.out.println("URL not supported...");
// for(int lIndex = 1; lIndex < inArguments.length; ++lIndex)
// {
// URL lURL = new URL(inArguments[lIndex]);
// URLConnection lURLSource = lURL.openConnection();
// lURLSource.connect();
// System.out.println("Name: " + lURLSource.getName());
// String lMIMEType = lURLSource.getContentType();
// System.out.println("Type: " + lURLSource.getContentType());
// processType(lCommandMap, lMIMEType);
// System.out.println("");
// }
System.out.println("usage: CommandMapTest <sourcetype> <sources>");
// MH we now passed in a dh, currently there's no acccessor for CommandInfo.className.
// so use dh.getBean().getClass().getClassName(). if/when there is an accessor just do:
// System.out.println(" " + lPreferredCmds[lCmdIndex].getClassName());
private static void processType(CommandMap inCmdMap, String inType, DataHandler dh)
Object lBean;
Class lBeanClass;
// grab the preferred commands and enumerate them
System.out.println("Preferred commands:");
CommandInfo[] lPreferredCmds = inCmdMap.getPreferredCommands(inType);
for(int lCmdIndex = 0; lCmdIndex < lPreferredCmds.length; ++lCmdIndex)
lBean = dh.getBean(lPreferredCmds[lCmdIndex]);
if (lBean != null)
lBeanClass = lBean.getClass();
System.out.println(" " + lBeanClass.getName());
System.out.print("No Bean for command " + lPreferredCmds[lCmdIndex].getCommandName());
// grab all commands and enumerate them
System.out.println("All commands:");
CommandInfo[] lAllCmds = inCmdMap.getAllCommands(inType);
for(int lCmdIndex = 0; lCmdIndex < lAllCmds.length; ++lCmdIndex)
lBean = dh.getBean(lAllCmds[lCmdIndex]);
if (lBean != null)
lBeanClass = lBean.getClass();
System.out.println(" " + lBeanClass.getName());
System.out.print("No Bean for command " + lAllCmds[lCmdIndex].getCommandName());
// grab the commands for the default three verbs view, edit & print
CommandInfo lCmd = inCmdMap.getCommand(inType, "view");
if(lCmd != null)
lBean = dh.getBean(lCmd);
lBeanClass = lBean.getClass();
System.out.println(" " + lBeanClass.getName());
System.out.println(" None");
lCmd = inCmdMap.getCommand(inType, "edit");
if(lCmd != null)
lBean = dh.getBean(lCmd);
lBeanClass = lBean.getClass();
System.out.println(" " + lBeanClass.getName());
System.out.println(" None");
lCmd = inCmdMap.getCommand(inType, "print");
if(lCmd != null)
lBean = dh.getBean(lCmd);
lBeanClass = lBean.getClass();
System.out.println(" " + lBeanClass.getName());
System.out.println(" None");