blob: 0413184fdec4add9a03d8701b9917a59abd76fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
iSCSI SCST target driver
ISCSI-SCST is a deeply reworked fork of iSCSI Enterprise Target (IET)
( Reasons of the fork were:
- To be able to use full power of SCST core.
- To fix all the problems, corner cases issues and iSCSI standard
violations which IET has.
See for more info
See in how to
configure iSCSI-SCST.
If you want to use Intel CRC32 offload and have corresponding hardware,
you should load crc32c-intel module. Then iSCSI-SCST will do all digest
calculations using this facility.
In 2.0.0 usage of iscsi-scstd.conf as well as iscsi-scst-adm utility is
obsolete. Use the sysfs interface facilities instead.
The flow of iSCSI-SCST inialization should be as the following:
1. Load of SCST and iSCSI-SCST kernel modules with necessary module
parameters, if needed.
2. Start iSCSI-SCST service.
3. Configure targets, devices, LUNs, etc. either using scstadmin
(recommended), or using the sysfs interface directly as described below.
It is recommended to use TEST UNIT READY ("tur") command to check if
iSCSI-SCST target is alive in MPIO configurations.
Also see SCST README file how to tune for the best performance.
CAUTION: Working of target and initiator on the same host isn't fully
======= supported. See SCST README file for details.
Sysfs interface
Root of SCST sysfs interface is /sys/kernel/scst_tgt. Root of iSCSI-SCST
is /sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi. It has the following entries:
- None, one or more subdirectories for targets with name equal to names
of the corresponding targets.
- IncomingUser[num] - optional one or more attributes containing user
name and password for incoming discovery user name. Not exist by
default and can be added through "mgmt" entry, see below.
- OutgoingUser - optional attribute containing user name and password
for outgoing discovery user name. Not exist by default and can be
added through "mgmt" entry, see below.
- iSNSServer - contains name or IP address of iSNS server with optional
"AccessControl" attribute, which allows to enable iSNS access
control. Empty by default.
- allowed_portal[num] - optional attribute, which specifies, on which
portals (target's IP addresses) this target will be available. If not
specified (default) the target will be available on all portals.
As soon as at least one allowed_portal specified, the target will be
accessible for initiators only on the specified portals. There might
be any number of the allowed_portal attributes. The portals
specification in the allowed_portal attributes can be a simple
DOS-type patterns, containing '*' and '?' symbols. '*' means match
all any symbols, '?' means match only any single symbol. For
instance, "" will match "10.170.7?.*". Additionally, you
can use negative sign '!' to revert the value of the pattern. For
instance, "" will match "!10.170.7?.*". See examples
- enabled - using this attribute you can enable or disable iSCSI-SCST
accept new connections. It allows to finish configuring global
iSCSI-SCST attributes before it starts accepting new connections. 0
by default.
- open_state - read-only attribute, which allows to see if the user
space part of iSCSI-SCST connected to the kernel part.
- per_portal_acl - if set, makes iSCSI-SCST work in the per-portal
access control mode. In this mode iSCSI-SCST registers all initiators
in SCST core as "initiator_name#portal_IP_address" pattern, like
"" for initiator connected through portal This mode
allows to make particular initiators be able to use only particular
portals on the target and don't see/be able to connect through
others. See below for more details.
- trace_level - allows to enable and disable various tracing
facilities. See content of this file for help how to use it.
- version - read-only attribute, which allows to see version of
iSCSI-SCST and enabled optional features.
- mgmt - main management entry, which allows to configure iSCSI-SCST.
Namely, add/delete targets as well as add/delete optional global and
per-target attributes. See content of this file for help how to use
Each iSCSI-SCST sysfs file (attribute) can contain in the last line mark
"[key]". It is automatically added mark used to allow scstadmin to see
which attributes it should save in the config file. You can ignore it.
Each target subdirectory contains the following entries:
- ini_groups - subdirectory defining initiator groups for this target,
used to define per-initiator access control. See SCST core README for
more details.
- luns - subdirectory defining LUNs of this target. See SCST core
README for more details.
- sessions - subdirectory containing connected to this target sessions.
- IncomingUser[num] - optional one or more attributes containing user
name and password for incoming user name. Not exist by default and can
be added through the "mgmt" entry, see above.
- OutgoingUser - optional attribute containing user name and password
for outgoing user name. Not exist by default and can be added through
the "mgmt" entry, see above.
- Entries defining default iSCSI parameters values used during iSCSI
parameters negotiation. Only entries which can be changed or make
sense are listed there.
- QueuedCommands - defines maximum number of commands queued to any
session of this target. Default is 32 commands.
- NopInInterval - defines interval between NOP-In requests, which the
target will send on idle connections to check if the initiator is
still alive. If there is no NOP-Out reply from the initiator in
NopInTimeout seconds, the corresponding connection will be closed. Default
is 30 seconds. If it's set to 0, then NOP-In requests are disabled.
- NopInTimeout - defines the maximum time in seconds a NOP-In request
can wait for response from initiator, otherwise the corresponding
connection will be closed. Default is 30 seconds.
- RspTimeout - defines the maximum time in seconds a command can wait for
response from initiator, otherwise the corresponding connection will
be closed. Default is 90 seconds.
- enabled - using this attribute you can enable or disable iSCSI-SCST
accept new connections to this target. It allows to finish
configuring it before it starts accepting new connections. 0 by
- redirect - allows to temporarily or permanently redirect login to the
target to another portal. Discovery sessions will not be impacted,
but normal sessions will be redirected before security negotiation.
The destination should be specified using format "<ip_addr>[:port] temp|perm".
IPv6 addresses need to be enclosed in [] brackets. To remove
redirection, provide an empty string. For example:
echo " temp" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
will temporarily redirect login to portal and port 32600.
- tid - TID of this target.
Subdirectory "sessions" contains one subdirectory for each connected
session with name equal to name of the connected initiator.
Each session subdirectory contains the following entries:
- One subdirectory for each TCP connection in this session. ISCSI-SCST
supports 1 connection per session, but the session subdirectory can
contain several connections: one active and other being closed.
- Entries defining negotiated iSCSI parameters. Only parameters which
can be changed or make sense are listed there.
- initiator_name - contains initiator name
- sid - contains SID of this session
- reinstating - contains reinstatement state of this session
- force_close - write-only attribute, which allows to force close this
session. This is the only writable session attribute.
- active_commands - contains number of active, i.e. not yet or being
executed, SCSI commands in this session.
- commands - contains overall number of SCSI commands in this session.
- thread_pid - Process IDs (PIDs) of the iscsi{wr,rd} kernel threads that
process the SCSI commands for this session.
Each connection subdirectory contains the following entries:
- cid - contains CID of this connection.
- ip - contains IP address of the connected initiator.
- state - contains processing state of this connection.
Each initiator group subdirectory contains:
- per_sess_dedicated_tgt_threads - if set, each iSCSI session has
dedicated, i.e. not shared with other sessions, pool of the
iscsi{wr,rd} kernel threads. Useful to control per-session CPU
affinity to improve performance. Default: not set.
See SCST README for info about other attributes.
Below is a sample script, which configures 1 virtual disk "disk1" using
/disk1 image and one target with all default
modprobe scst
modprobe scst_vdisk
echo "add_device disk1 filename=/disk1; nv_cache=1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/vdisk_fileio/mgmt
service iscsi-scst start
echo "add_target" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "add disk1 0" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/enabled
Below is another sample script, which configures 1 real local SCSI disk
0:0:1:0 and one target with all default parameters:
modprobe scst
modprobe scst_disk
echo "add_device 0:0:1:0" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/dev_disk/mgmt
service iscsi-scst start
echo "add_target" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "add 0:0:1:0 0" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/enabled
Below is an advanced sample script, which configures more virtual
devices of various types, including virtual CDROM and 2 targets, one
with all default parameters, another one with some not default
parameters, incoming and outgoing user names for CHAP authentication,
and special permissions for initiator,
which will see another set of devices. Also this sample configures CHAP
authentication for discovery sessions and iSNS server with access
modprobe scst
modprobe scst_vdisk
echo "add_device disk1 filename=/disk1; nv_cache=1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/vdisk_fileio/mgmt
echo "add_device disk2 filename=/disk2; blocksize=4096; nv_cache=1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/vdisk_fileio/mgmt
echo "add_device blockio filename=/dev/sda5" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/vdisk_blockio/mgmt
echo "add_device nullio" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/vdisk_nullio/mgmt
echo "add_device cdrom" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/vcdrom/mgmt
service iscsi-scst start
echo " AccessControl" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/iSNSServer
echo "add_attribute IncomingUser joeD 12charsecret" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "add_attribute OutgoingUser jackD 12charsecret1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "add_target" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "add disk1 0" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "add cdrom 1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "add_target" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "add_target_attribute IncomingUser1 joe2 12charsecret2" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "add_target_attribute IncomingUser joe 12charsecret" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "add_target_attribute OutgoingUser jim1 12charpasswd" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo "No" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "Yes" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "8192" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "8192" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "131072" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "32768" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "CRC32C,None" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "CRC32C,None" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "32" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "add disk2 0" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "add nullio 26" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "create special_ini" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "add blockio 0 read_only=1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo "add" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/enabled
The resulting overall SCST sysfs hierarchy with an initiator connected to
both iSCSI-SCST targets will look like:
|-- devices
| |-- blockio
| | |-- blocksize
| | |-- exported
| | | `-- export0 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
| | |-- filename
| | |-- handler -> ../../handlers/vdisk_blockio
| | |-- nv_cache
| | |-- read_only
| | |-- removable
| | |-- resync_size
| | |-- size_mb
| | |-- t10_dev_id
| | |-- threads_num
| | |-- threads_pool_type
| | |-- type
| | `-- usn
| |-- cdrom
| | |-- exported
| | | `-- export0 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
| | |-- filename
| | |-- handler -> ../../handlers/vcdrom
| | |-- size_mb
| | |-- t10_dev_id
| | |-- threads_num
| | |-- threads_pool_type
| | |-- type
| | `-- usn
| |-- disk1
| | |-- blocksize
| | |-- exported
| | | `-- export0 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
| | |-- filename
| | |-- handler -> ../../handlers/vdisk_fileio
| | |-- nv_cache
| | |-- o_direct
| | |-- read_only
| | |-- removable
| | |-- resync_size
| | |-- size_mb
| | |-- t10_dev_id
| | |-- type
| | |-- usn
| | `-- write_through
| |-- disk2
| | |-- blocksize
| | |-- exported
| | | `-- export0 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
| | |-- filename
| | |-- handler -> ../../handlers/vdisk_fileio
| | |-- nv_cache
| | |-- o_direct
| | |-- read_only
| | |-- removable
| | |-- resync_size
| | |-- size_mb
| | |-- t10_dev_id
| | |-- threads_num
| | |-- threads_pool_type
| | |-- threads_num
| | |-- threads_pool_type
| | |-- type
| | |-- usn
| | `-- write_through
| `-- nullio
| |-- blocksize
| |-- exported
| | `-- export0 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
| |-- handler -> ../../handlers/vdisk_nullio
| |-- read_only
| |-- removable
| |-- size_mb
| |-- t10_dev_id
| |-- threads_num
| |-- threads_pool_type
| |-- type
| `-- usn
|-- handlers
| |-- vcdrom
| | |-- cdrom -> ../../devices/cdrom
| | |-- mgmt
| | |-- trace_level
| | `-- type
| |-- vdisk_blockio
| | |-- blockio -> ../../devices/blockio
| | |-- mgmt
| | |-- trace_level
| | `-- type
| |-- vdisk_fileio
| | |-- disk1 -> ../../devices/disk1
| | |-- disk2 -> ../../devices/disk2
| | |-- mgmt
| | |-- trace_level
| | `-- type
| `-- vdisk_nullio
| |-- mgmt
| |-- nullio -> ../../devices/nullio
| |-- trace_level
| `-- type
|-- sgv
| |-- global_stats
| |-- sgv
| | `-- stats
| |-- sgv-clust
| | `-- stats
| `-- sgv-dma
| `-- stats
|-- targets
| `-- iscsi
| |-- IncomingUser
| |-- OutgoingUser
| |-- enabled
| |-- iSNSServer
| |--
| | |-- DataDigest
| | |-- FirstBurstLength
| | |-- HeaderDigest
| | |-- ImmediateData
| | |-- InitialR2T
| | |-- MaxBurstLength
| | |-- MaxOutstandingR2T
| | |-- MaxRecvDataSegmentLength
| | |-- MaxXmitDataSegmentLength
| | |-- NopInInterval
| | |-- QueuedCommands
| | |-- RspTimeout
| | |-- enabled
| | |-- ini_groups
| | | `-- mgmt
| | |-- luns
| | | |-- 0
| | | | |-- device -> ../../../../../devices/disk1
| | | | `-- read_only
| | | |-- 1
| | | | |-- device -> ../../../../../devices/cdrom
| | | | `-- read_only
| | | `-- mgmt
| | |-- per_portal_acl
| | |-- redirect
| | |-- rel_tgt_id
| | |-- sessions
| | | `--
| | | |--
| | | | |-- cid
| | | | |-- ip
| | | | `-- state
| | | |-- DataDigest
| | | |-- FirstBurstLength
| | | |-- HeaderDigest
| | | |-- ImmediateData
| | | |-- InitialR2T
| | | |-- MaxBurstLength
| | | |-- MaxOutstandingR2T
| | | |-- MaxRecvDataSegmentLength
| | | |-- MaxXmitDataSegmentLength
| | | |-- active_commands
| | | |-- commands
| | | |-- force_close
| | | |-- initiator_name
| | | |-- luns -> ../../luns
| | | |-- reinstating
| | | `-- sid
| | `-- tid
| |--
| | |-- DataDigest
| | |-- FirstBurstLength
| | |-- HeaderDigest
| | |-- ImmediateData
| | |-- IncomingUser
| | |-- IncomingUser1
| | |-- InitialR2T
| | |-- MaxBurstLength
| | |-- MaxOutstandingR2T
| | |-- MaxRecvDataSegmentLength
| | |-- MaxXmitDataSegmentLength
| | |-- OutgoingUser
| | |-- NopInInterval
| | |-- QueuedCommands
| | |-- RspTimeout
| | |-- enabled
| | |-- ini_groups
| | | |-- mgmt
| | | `-- special_ini
| | | |-- initiators
| | | | |--
| | | | `-- mgmt
| | | `-- luns
| | | |-- 0
| | | | |-- device -> ../../../../../../../devices/blockio
| | | | `-- read_only
| | | `-- mgmt
| | |-- luns
| | | |-- 0
| | | | |-- device -> ../../../../../devices/disk2
| | | | `-- read_only
| | | |-- 26
| | | | |-- device -> ../../../../../devices/nullio
| | | | `-- read_only
| | | `-- mgmt
| | |-- per_portal_acl
| | |-- redirect
| | |-- rel_tgt_id
| | |-- sessions
| | | `--
| | | |--
| | | | |-- cid
| | | | |-- ip
| | | | `-- state
| | | |-- DataDigest
| | | |-- FirstBurstLength
| | | |-- HeaderDigest
| | | |-- ImmediateData
| | | |-- InitialR2T
| | | |-- MaxBurstLength
| | | |-- MaxOutstandingR2T
| | | |-- MaxRecvDataSegmentLength
| | | |-- MaxXmitDataSegmentLength
| | | |-- active_commands
| | | |-- commands
| | | |-- force_close
| | | |-- initiator_name
| | | |-- luns -> ../../ini_groups/special_ini/luns
| | | |-- reinstating
| | | `-- sid
| | `-- tid
| |-- mgmt
| |-- open_state
| |-- trace_level
| `-- version
|-- threads
|-- trace_level
`-- version
Advanced initiators access control
ISCSI-SCST allows you to optionally control visibility and accessibility
of your target and its portals (IP addresses) to remote initiators. This
control includes both the target's portals SendTargets discovery as well
as regular LUNs access.
This facility supersedes the obsolete initiators.[allow,deny] method,
which is going to be removed in one of the future versions.
This facility is available only in the sysfs build of iSCSI-SCST.
By default, all portals are available for the initiators.
1. If you want to enable/disable one or more target's portals for all
initiators, you should define one ore more allowed_portal attributes.
For example:
echo 'add_target_attribute allowed_portal' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
will enable only portal and disable all other portals
echo 'add_target_attribute allowed_portal' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo 'add_target_attribute allowed_portal' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
will enable only portals and and disable all
other portals.
echo 'add_target_attribute allowed_portal 10.170.7?.2' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
will enable only portals 10.170.7x.2 and disable all other portals.
echo 'add_target_attribute allowed_portal !*' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
will disable all portals.
2. If you want to want to allow only specific set of initiators be
able to connect to your target, you should don't add any default LUNs
for the target and create for allowed initiators a security group to
which they will be assigned.
For example, we want initiator and only
it be able to access target
echo 'add_target' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo 'create allowed_ini' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 'add dev1 0' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 'add' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
Since there will be no default LUNs for the target, all initiators other
than will be blocked from accessing it.
Alternatively, you can create an empty security group and filter out in
it all initiators except the allowed one:
echo 'add_target' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
echo 'add dev1 0' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 'create denied_inis' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 'add !' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 1 >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
3. If you want to enable/disable one or more target's portals for
particular initiators, you should set per_portal_acl attribute to 1 and
specify SCST access control to those initiators. If an SCST security
group doesn't have any LUNs, all the initiator, which should be assigned
to it, will not see this target and/or its portal. For example:
(We assume that an empty group "BLOCKING_GROUP" is already created by for
target by command (see above for more information):
"echo 'create BLOCKING_GROUP' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
echo 'add' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
will block access of initiator to
target portal
Another example:
echo 'add*' >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
will block access of initiator to
all target portals.
If you have any problems, start troubleshooting from looking at the
kernel and system logs. In the kernel log iSCSI-SCST and SCST core send
their messages, in the system log iscsi-scstd sends its messages. In
most Linux distributions both those logs are put to /var/log/messages
Then, it might be helpful to increase level of logging. For kernel
modules you should make the debug build by enabling CONFIG_SCST_DEBUG.
If after looking on the logs the reason of your problem is still unclear
for you, report to SCST mailing list
Work if target's backstorage or link is too slow
In some cases you can experience I/O stalls or see in the kernel log
abort or reset messages. It can happen under high I/O load, when your
target's backstorage gets overloaded, or working over a slow link, when
the link can't serve all the queued commands on time,
To workaround it you can reduce QueuedCommands parameter for the
corresponding target to some lower value, like 8 (default is 32).
Also see SCST README file for more details about that issue and ways to
prevent it.
Performance advices
1. If you use Windows XP or Windows 2003+ as initiators, you can
consider to decrease TcpAckFrequency parameter to 1. See or google for "TcpAckFrequency"
for more details.
2. See how to get the maximum throughput from iSCSI, for instance, at
It's about VMware, but its recommendations apply to other environments
as well.
3. ISCSI initiators built in pre-CentOS/RHEL 5 reported to have some
performance problems. If you use it, it is strongly advised to upgrade.
4. If you are going to use your target in an VM environment, for
instance as a shared storage with VMware, make sure all your VMs
connected to the target via *separate* sessions, i.e. each VM has own
connection to the target, not all VMs connected using a single
connection. You can check it using SCST sysfs interface. If you
miss it, you can greatly loose performance of parallel access to your
target from different VMs. This isn't related to the case if your VMs
are using the same shared storage, like with VMFS, for instance. In this
case all your VM hosts will be connected to the target via separate
sessions, which is enough.
5. Many dual port network adapters are not able to transfer data
simultaneously on both ports, i.e. they transfer data via both ports on
the same speed as via any single port. Thus, using such adapters in MPIO
configuration can't improve performance. To allow MPIO to have double
performance you should either use separate network adapters, or find a
dual-port adapter capable to transfer data simultaneously on both
ports. You can check it by running 2 iperf's through both ports in
6. Since network offload works much better in the write direction, than
for reading (simplifying, in the read direction often there's additional
data copy) in many cases with 10GbE in a single initiator-target pair
the initiator's CPU is a bottleneck, so you can see the initiator can
read data on much slower rate, than write. You can check it by watching
*each particular* CPU load to find out if any of them is close to 100%
load, including IRQ processing load. Note, many tools like vmstat give
aggregate load on all CPUs, so with 4 cores 25% corresponds to 100% load
of any single CPU.
7. For high speed network adapters it can be better if you configure
them to serve connections, e.g., from initiator on CPU0 and from
initiator Y on CPU1. Then you can bind threads processing them also to
CPU0 and CPU1 correspondingly using cpu_mask attribute of their targets
or security groups. In NUMA-like configurations it can signficantly
boost IOPS performance.
8. See SCST core's README for more advices. Especially pay attention to
have io_grouping_type option set correctly.
Compilation options
There are the following compilation options, that could be commented
in/out in the kernel's module Makefile:
- CONFIG_SCST_DEBUG - turns on some debugging code, including some logging.
Makes the driver considerably bigger and slower, producing large amount of
log data.
- CONFIG_SCST_TRACING - turns on ability to log events. Makes the driver
considerably bigger and leads to some performance loss.
- CONFIG_SCST_EXTRACHECKS - adds extra validity checks in the various places.
- CONFIG_SCST_ISCSI_DEBUG_DIGEST_FAILURES - simulates digest failures in
random places.
Thanks to:
* Ming Zhang <> for fixes
* Krzysztof Blaszkowski <> for many fixes
* Alexey Kuznetsov <> for comments and help in
* Tomasz Chmielewski <> for testing and suggestions
* Bart Van Assche <> for a lot of help
Vladislav Bolkhovitin <>,