blob: 1983a3ea18483679a969475d3fc670fcb858a937 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/ksh -p
# This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0.
# You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version
# 1.0 of the CDDL.
# A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this
# source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at
# Copyright (c) 2015 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
. $STF_SUITE/tests/functional/rsend/rsend.kshlib
. $STF_SUITE/include/properties.shlib
# Description:
# Verify that compressed streams can contain embedded blocks.
# Strategy:
# 1. Create a filesystem with compressible data and embedded blocks.
# 2. Verify the created streams can be received correctly.
# 3. Verify the presence / absence of embedded blocks in the compressed stream,
# as well as the receiving file system.
verify_runnable "both"
log_assert "Verify that compressed streams can contain embedded blocks."
log_onexit cleanup_pool $POOL2
typeset objs obj recsize
typeset sendfs=$POOL2/sendfs
typeset recvfs=$POOL2/recvfs
typeset stream=$BACKDIR/stream
typeset dump=$BACKDIR/dump
typeset recvfs2=$POOL2/recvfs2
typeset stream2=$BACKDIR/stream2
typeset dump2=$BACKDIR/dump2
log_must zfs create -o compress=lz4 $sendfs
log_must zfs create -o compress=lz4 $recvfs
log_must zfs create -o compress=lz4 $recvfs2
typeset dir=$(get_prop mountpoint $sendfs)
# Populate the send dataset with compressible data and embedded block files.
write_compressible $dir 16m
for recsize in "${recsize_prop_vals[@]}"; do
# For lz4, this method works for blocks up to 16k, but not larger
[[ $recsize -eq $((32 * 1024)) ]] && break
if is_linux; then
log_must truncate -s $recsize $dir/$recsize
log_must dd if=/dev/urandom of=$dir/$recsize \
seek=$((recsize - 8)) bs=1 count=8 conv=notrunc
log_must mkholes -h 0:$((recsize - 8)) -d $((recsize - 8)):8 \
# Generate the streams and zstreamdump output.
log_must zfs snapshot $sendfs@now
log_must eval "zfs send -c $sendfs@now >$stream"
log_must eval "zstreamdump -v <$stream >$dump"
log_must eval "zfs recv -d $recvfs <$stream"
cmp_ds_cont $sendfs $recvfs
verify_stream_size $stream $sendfs
log_mustnot stream_has_features $stream embed_data
log_must eval "zfs send -c -e $sendfs@now >$stream2"
log_must eval "zstreamdump -v <$stream2 >$dump2"
log_must eval "zfs recv -d $recvfs2 <$stream2"
cmp_ds_cont $sendfs $recvfs2
verify_stream_size $stream2 $sendfs
log_must stream_has_features $stream2 embed_data
# Verify embedded blocks are present only when expected.
for recsize in "${recsize_prop_vals[@]}"; do
[[ $recsize -eq $((32 * 1024)) ]] && break
typeset send_obj=$(get_objnum $(get_prop mountpoint $sendfs)/$recsize)
typeset recv_obj=$(get_objnum \
$(get_prop mountpoint $recvfs/sendfs)/$recsize)
typeset recv2_obj=$(get_objnum \
$(get_prop mountpoint $recvfs2/sendfs)/$recsize)
log_must eval "zdb -ddddd $sendfs $send_obj >$BACKDIR/sendfs.zdb"
log_must eval "zdb -ddddd $recvfs/sendfs $recv_obj >$BACKDIR/recvfs.zdb"
log_must eval "zdb -ddddd $recvfs2/sendfs $recv2_obj >$BACKDIR/recvfs2.zdb"
grep -q "EMBEDDED" $BACKDIR/sendfs.zdb || \
log_fail "Obj $send_obj not embedded in $sendfs"
grep -q "EMBEDDED" $BACKDIR/recvfs.zdb || \
log_fail "Obj $recv_obj not embedded in $recvfs"
grep -q "EMBEDDED" $BACKDIR/recvfs2.zdb || \
log_fail "Obj $recv2_obj not embedded in $recvfs2"
grep -q "WRITE_EMBEDDED object = $send_obj offset = 0" $dump && \
log_fail "Obj $obj embedded in zstreamdump output"
grep -q "WRITE_EMBEDDED object = $send_obj offset = 0" $dump2 || \
log_fail "Obj $obj not embedded in zstreamdump output"
log_pass "Compressed streams can contain embedded blocks."