blob: f513d04fe189ae0ccca2211a7f7bfafe4922927b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/ksh -p
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. $STF_SUITE/tests/functional/slog/slog.kshlib
# Verify slogs are replayed correctly for a volume.
# The general idea is to build up an intent log from a bunch of
# diverse user commands without actually committing them to the
# file system. Then generate checksums for files and volume,
# replay the intent log and verify the checksums.
# To enable this automated testing of the intent log some minimal
# support is required of the file system. In particular, a
# "freeze" command is required to flush the in-flight transactions;
# to stop the actual committing of transactions; and to ensure no
# deltas are discarded. All deltas past a freeze point are kept
# for replay and comparison later. Here is the flow:
# 1. Create an empty volume (TESTVOL), set sync=always, and format
# it with an ext4 filesystem and mount it.
# 2. Freeze TESTVOL.
# 3. Create log records of various types to verify replay.
# 4. Generate checksums for all ext4 files.
# 5. Unmount filesystem and export the pool
# <at this stage TESTVOL is empty again and unfrozen, and the
# intent log contains a complete set of deltas to replay it>
# 6. Import TESTVOL <which replays the intent log> and mount it.
# 7. Verify the stored checksums
verify_runnable "global"
function cleanup_volume
if ismounted $MNTPNT ext4; then
log_must umount $MNTPNT
rmdir $MNTPNT
rm -f $TESTDIR/checksum.files
log_assert "Replay of intent log succeeds."
log_onexit cleanup_volume
log_must setup
# 1. Create an empty volume (TESTVOL), set sync=always, and format
# it with an ext4 filesystem and mount it.
log_must zpool create $TESTPOOL ${DISKS%% *}
log_must zfs create -V 128M $TESTPOOL/$TESTVOL
log_must zfs set compression=on $TESTPOOL/$TESTVOL
log_must zfs set sync=always $TESTPOOL/$TESTVOL
log_must mkdir -p $TESTDIR
echo "y" | newfs -t ext4 -v $VOLUME
log_must mkdir -p $MNTPNT
log_must mount -o discard $VOLUME $MNTPNT
log_must rmdir $MNTPNT/lost+found
log_must zpool sync
# 2. Freeze TESTVOL
log_must zpool freeze $TESTPOOL
# 3. Create log records of various types to verify replay.
log_must dd if=/dev/urandom of=$MNTPNT/latency-8k bs=8k count=1 oflag=sync
log_must dd if=/dev/urandom of=$MNTPNT/latency-128k bs=128k count=1 oflag=sync
log_must zfs set logbias=throughput $TESTPOOL/$TESTVOL
log_must dd if=/dev/urandom of=$MNTPNT/throughput-8k bs=8k count=1
log_must dd if=/dev/urandom of=$MNTPNT/throughput-128k bs=128k count=1
# TX_WRITE (holes)
log_must dd if=/dev/urandom of=$MNTPNT/holes bs=128k count=8
log_must dd if=/dev/zero of=$MNTPNT/holes bs=128k count=2 seek=2 conv=notrunc
if fallocate --punch-hole 2>&1 | grep -q "unrecognized option"; then
log_note "fallocate(1) does not support --punch-hole"
log_must dd if=/dev/urandom of=$MNTPNT/discard bs=128k count=16
log_must fallocate --punch-hole -l 128K -o 512K $MNTPNT/discard
log_must fallocate --punch-hole -l 512K -o 1M $MNTPNT/discard
# 4. Generate checksums for all ext4 files.
typeset checksum=$(cat $MNTPNT/* | sha256digest)
# 5. Unmount filesystem and export the pool
# At this stage TESTVOL is initialized with the random data and frozen,
# the intent log contains a complete set of deltas to replay.
log_must umount $MNTPNT
log_note "Verify transactions to replay:"
log_must zdb -iv $TESTPOOL/$TESTVOL
log_must zpool export $TESTPOOL
# 6. Import TESTPOOL, the intent log is replayed during minor creation.
# Import the pool to unfreeze it and claim log blocks. It has to be
# `zpool import -f` because we can't write a frozen pool's labels!
log_must zpool import -f $TESTPOOL
log_must mount $VOLUME $MNTPNT
# 7. Verify the stored checksums
log_note "Verify current block usage:"
log_must zdb -bcv $TESTPOOL
log_note "Verify checksums"
typeset checksum1=$(cat $MNTPNT/* | sha256digest)
[[ "$checksum1" == "$checksum" ]] || \
log_fail "checksum mismatch ($checksum1 != $checksum)"
log_pass "Replay of intent log succeeds."