blob: 89b23a8f15b30fbf6386fea0b40e245bb3793628 [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use Test;
my $testdir;
my $scstadmin_pm_dir;
my $scstadmin_dir;
my $scstadmin;
my $redirect_file;
my $redirect;
$redirect_file = "/tmp/scstadmin-test-09-output.txt";
$testdir = dirname(abs_path($0));
$scstadmin_pm_dir = dirname($testdir);
$scstadmin_dir = dirname($scstadmin_pm_dir);
$scstadmin = File::Spec->catfile($scstadmin_dir, "scstadmin");
unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
unshift(@INC, File::Spec->catdir($scstadmin_pm_dir, "lib"));
plan tests => 43;
sub setup {
my $SCST = shift;
my ($drivers, $errorString) = $SCST->drivers();
my %drivers = map { $_ => 1 } @{$drivers};
# Run shell command $1 and return what it wrote to stdout and stderr as a
# string.
sub run {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $tmpfile = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir(),
my $res;
my $rc;
$rc = system("$cmd >$tmpfile 2>&1");
if (!open(my $file, $tmpfile)) {
$res = "failed to read $tmpfile";
} else {
local $/ = undef;
binmode $file;
$res = <$file>;
if (!defined($res)) {
$res = "";
close $file;
return $res;
sub testInvalidArgs {
ok(run("$scstadmin -open_dev -handler h -set_scst_attr $redirect"),
"Please specify only one non-query operation at a time.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -clear_config $redirect"),
"Please specify -force with -clear_config.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -list_tgrp $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group with -list_tgrp.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -list_tgt_attr t $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver with -list_tgt_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -list_grp_attr g $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver, -target and group with -list_grp_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -list_lun_attr l $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver and -target with -list_lun_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -list_init_attr i $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver, -target and -group with -list_init_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -list_tgrp_attr tg $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group with -list_tgrp_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -list_ttgt_attr tt $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group and -tgt_group with -list_ttgt_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_scst_attr $redirect"),
"Please specify -attributes with -set_scst_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_hnd_attr h $redirect"),
"Please specify -attributes with -set_hnd_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_dev_attr d $redirect"),
"Please specify -attributes with -set_dev_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_dgrp_attr dg $redirect"),
"Please specify -attributes with -set_dgrp_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_tgrp_attr tg $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group and -attributes with -set_tgrp_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_drv_attr d $redirect"),
"Please specify -attributes with -set_drv_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_tgt_attr t $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver and -attributes with -set_tgt_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_lun_attr l $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver -target -group and -attributes with -set_lun_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -set_init_attr i $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver -target -group and -attributes with -set_init_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_drv_attr d $redirect"),
"Please specify -attributes with -add_drv_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_tgt_attr t $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver and -attributes with -add_tgt_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_drv_attr d $redirect"),
"Please specify -attributes with -rem_drv_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_tgt_attr t $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver and -attributes with -rem_tgt_attr.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -open_dev d $redirect"),
"Please specify -handler with -open_dev/-close_dev.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -close_dev d $redirect"),
"Please specify -handler with -open_dev/-close_dev.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_target t $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver with -add_target.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_target t $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver with -rem_target.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_group g $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver and -target with -add_group/-rem_group.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_group g $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver and -target with -add_group/-rem_group.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_init i $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver -target and -group with -add_init/-rem_init/-clear_inits.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_init i $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver -target and -group with -add_init/-rem_init/-clear_inits.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -clear_inits $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver -target and -group with -add_init/-rem_init/-clear_inits.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -move_init i $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver -target -group and -to with -move_init.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_lun l $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver -target and -device with -add_lun/-replace_lun.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -replace_lun l $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver -target and -device with -add_lun/-replace_lun.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_lun l $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver and -target with -rem_lun/-clear_luns.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -clear_luns $redirect"),
"Please specify -driver and -target with -rem_lun/-clear_luns.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_dgrp_dev dg $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group with -add_dgrp_dev/-rem_dgrp_dev.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_dgrp_dev dg $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group with -add_dgrp_dev/-rem_dgrp_dev.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_tgrp tg $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group with -add_tgrp/-rem_tgrp.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_tgrp tg $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group with -add_tgrp/-rem_tgrp.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -add_tgrp_tgt t $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group and -tgt_group with -add_tgrp_tgt/-rem_tgrp_tgt.\n");
ok(run("$scstadmin -rem_tgrp_tgt t $redirect"),
"Please specify -dev_group and -tgt_group with -add_tgrp_tgt/-rem_tgrp_tgt.\n");
my $_DEBUG_ = 0;
if ($_DEBUG_) {
$redirect = ">>$redirect_file";
open(my $logfile, '>>', $redirect_file);
select $logfile;
} else {
$redirect = ">/dev/null";
my $SCST = eval { new SCST::SCST($_DEBUG_) };
die("Creation of SCST object failed") if (!defined($SCST));