| %define kmod_name scst |
| # kversion: Kernel version as it appears under /lib/modules. |
| # The algorithm for setting the variable kversion is as follows: |
| # - If the variable kversion has been set, use its value. |
| # - If the variable kdir has been set, derive the kernel version from kdir. |
| # - Otherwise use the version number of the running kernel. |
| %{!?kversion: |
| %{?kdir:%define kversion %{expand:%%( |
| make -sC "%{kdir}" kernelversion | grep -v ^make)}} |
| %{!?kdir: |
| %define kversion %{expand:%%(uname -r)}}} |
| %{echo:kdir=%{kdir} kversion=%{kversion} |
| } |
| # kernel_rpm: Name of the kernel RPM if the kernel is available as an RPM. |
| # krpmver: Version of the kernel RPM. Not necessarily identical to kversion. |
| %if %{expand:%%(rpm --quiet -qf /lib/modules/%{kversion}/kernel/arch 2>/dev/null; |
| echo $((1-$?)))} |
| %define kernel_rpm %{expand:%%( |
| rpm -q --qf '%%%%{name}\\n' -f \\ |
| /lib/modules/%%{kversion}/kernel/arch | uniq |
| )} |
| %define krpmver %{expand:%%( |
| rpm -q --qf '%%%%{version}-%%%%{release}\\n' -f \\ |
| /lib/modules/%%{kversion}/kernel/arch | uniq |
| )} |
| %else |
| %if %{expand:%%(rpm --quiet -q kernel-headers; echo $((1-$?)))} |
| %define kernel_rpm kernel |
| %define krpmver %{expand:%%( |
| rpm -q --qf '%%%%{BUILDTIME} %%%%{version}-%%%%{release}\\n' \\ |
| kernel-headers | sort | tail -n1 | { read a b; echo $b; } |
| )} |
| %endif |
| %endif |
| %{?kernel_rpm: |
| %{echo:kernel_rpm=%{kernel_rpm} |
| } |
| %{echo:krpmver=%{krpmver} |
| }} |
| # kernel_devel_rpm: Name of the kernel development RPM. |
| %if 0%{?kernel_rpm:1} |
| %if %([ %{kernel_rpm} = kernel-plus-core ]; echo $((1-$?))) |
| # CentOSPlus |
| %define kernel_devel_rpm kernel-plus-devel |
| %else |
| %if %([ %{kernel_rpm} = kernel-ml-core ]; echo $((1-$?))) |
| # RHEL/CentOS elrepo mainline |
| %define kernel_devel_rpm kernel-ml-devel |
| %else |
| %if %([ %{kernel_rpm} = kernel-core ]; echo $((1-$?))) |
| # Fedora |
| %define kernel_devel_rpm kernel-devel |
| %else |
| %if %([ %{kernel_rpm} = kernel-uek-core ]; echo $((1-$?))) |
| # UEK 7 |
| %define kernel_devel_rpm kernel-uek-devel |
| %else |
| # Other Linux distros |
| %define kernel_devel_rpm %{kernel_rpm}-devel |
| %endif |
| %endif |
| %endif |
| %endif |
| %{echo:kernel_devel_rpm=%{kernel_devel_rpm} |
| } |
| %endif |
| # Version of the RPM that is being built. |
| %define rpm_version @rpm_version@ |
| # Make command with or without flags. |
| %define make %{expand:%%(echo ${MAKE:-make})} |
| %define pkgrel 1 |
| |
| Name: %{kmod_name}-%{kversion} |
| Version: %{rpm_version} |
| Release: %{pkgrel}%{?dist} |
| Summary: SCST mid-layer kernel drivers |
| Group: System/Kernel |
| License: GPLv2 |
| Vendor: http://scst.sourceforge.net/ |
| URL: http://scst.sourceforge.net/ |
| # Unfortunately the Red Hat / CentOS kernel-debug-devel RPM provides |
| # kernel-devel so a workaround is needed to match the kernel-devel RPM. |
| BuildRequires: %{?kernel_rpm:%{kernel_rpm} = %{krpmver} %{kernel_devel_rpm} = %{krpmver}} gcc make |
| |
| Source: %{kmod_name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 |
| BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build |
| AutoReqProv: no |
| Requires: %{?kernel_rpm:%{kernel_rpm} = %{krpmver}} @depmod@ %{expand:%%(for c in find rm; do echo -n "$(PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin which $c) "; done)} |
| Provides: scst |
| |
| %description |
| A generic SCSI target subsystem for Linux that allows to convert any Linux |
| server into a sophisticated storage server. The three layers in SCST are the |
| target driver layer; the SCSI target core and the device handler layer. SCST |
| target drivers realize communication with an initiator and implement a storage |
| protocol like iSCSI, FC or SRP. SCST device handlers implement a SCSI |
| interface on top of local storage. Examples of such local storage are SCSI |
| RAID controller (dev_disk handler), block device (vdisk_blockio handler), file |
| (vdisk_fileio handler) or custom block device behavior implemented in user |
| space (scst_user). |
| |
| Authors: |
| -------- |
| Vladislav Bolkhovitin, Bart Van Assche and others |
| |
| %package devel |
| Summary: SCST mid-layer kernel driver development package |
| Group: Development/Kernel |
| BuildArch: noarch |
| |
| %description devel |
| A generic SCSI target subsystem for Linux (SCST) that allows to convert |
| any Linux server into a sophisticated storage server. SCST target drivers |
| implement protocols like iSCSI, FC or SRP. SCST device handlers either |
| provide access to a local SCSI RAID controller (dev_disk), block device |
| (vdisk_blockio), file (vdisk_fileio) or custom block device behavior |
| implemented in user space (scst_user). |
| |
| Authors: |
| -------- |
| Vladislav Bolkhovitin, Bart Van Assche and others |
| |
| %prep |
| |
| %setup -q -n %{kmod_name}-%{version} |
| |
| %build |
| %{?kdir:export KDIR=%{kdir}} |
| %{!?kdir:%{?kversion:export KVER=%{kversion}}} |
| export PREFIX=%{_prefix} |
| make 2release |
| for d in scst fcst iscsi-scst qla2x00t-32gbit/qla2x00-target scst_local srpt usr; do |
| %{make} -C $d |
| done |
| |
| %install |
| %{?kdir:export KDIR=%{kdir}} |
| %{!?kdir:%{?kversion:export KVER=%{kversion}}} |
| export PREFIX=%{_prefix} MANDIR=%{_mandir} DEPMOD=true |
| for d in scst; do |
| DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %{make} -C $d install |
| done |
| for d in fcst iscsi-scst qla2x00t-32gbit/qla2x00-target scst_local srpt usr; do |
| DESTDIR=%{buildroot} INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{buildroot} %{make} -C $d install |
| done |
| # Set the executable bit such that /usr/lib/rpm/find-debuginfo.sh can find the |
| # SCST kernel modules. |
| find %{buildroot}/lib/modules -name '*.ko' -print0 | xargs -0 chmod u+x |
| rm -f %{buildroot}/lib/modules/%{kversion}/[Mm]odule* |
| |
| %clean |
| rm -rf %{buildroot} |
| |
| %pre |
| # Remove any existing ib_srpt.ko kernel modules |
| find /lib/modules/%{kversion} -name ib_srpt.ko -exec rm {} \; |
| # Remove files installed by "make install" |
| rm -f /usr/local/man/man5/iscsi-scstd.conf.5 |
| rm -f /usr/local/man/man8/iscsi-scst-adm.8 |
| rm -f /usr/local/man/man8/iscsi-scstd.8 |
| rm -f /usr/local/sbin/iscsi-scst-adm |
| rm -f /usr/local/sbin/iscsi-scstd |
| rm -rf /usr/local/include/scst |
| |
| %post |
| @depmod@ -a %{kversion} |
| |
| %files |
| %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/fcst.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/ib_srpt.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/iscsi-scst.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/isert-scst.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/qla2x00tgt.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/qla2xxx_scst.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/scst.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/scst_local.ko |
| %dir /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_cdrom.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_changer.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_disk.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_modisk.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_processor.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_raid.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_tape.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_user.ko |
| /lib/modules/%{kversion}/extra/dev_handlers/scst_vdisk.ko |
| %defattr(-,root,root,0755) |
| %{_mandir}/man5/iscsi-scstd.conf.5.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/iscsi-scst-adm.8.gz |
| %{_mandir}/man8/iscsi-scstd.8.gz |
| %{_sbindir}/iscsi-scst-adm |
| %{_sbindir}/iscsi-scstd |
| %dir /var/lib/scst/dif_tags |
| %dir /var/lib/scst/pr |
| %dir /var/lib/scst/vdev_mode_pages |
| /usr/bin/scst/fileio_tgt |
| /usr/bin/scst/scst_on_stpg |
| /usr/sbin/stpgd |
| |
| %files devel |
| %defattr(-,root,root,0755) |
| %dir /usr/include/scst |
| /usr/include/scst/Module.symvers |
| /usr/include/scst/backport.h |
| /usr/include/scst/build_mode.h |
| /usr/include/scst/scst.h |
| /usr/include/scst/scst_const.h |
| /usr/include/scst/scst_debug.h |
| /usr/include/scst/scst_itf_ver.h |
| /usr/include/scst/scst_sgv.h |
| /usr/include/scst/scst_user.h |
| |
| %changelog |
| * Sun Mar 8 2020 Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@acm.org> |
| - Added support for the CentOSPlus kernel. |
| * Tue Oct 8 2019 Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@acm.org> |
| - Make this spec file compatible with rpmbuild v4.14. |
| * Wed May 6 2015 Bart Van Assche <bart.vanassche@sandisk.com> |
| - Build in release mode instead of debug mode. |
| * Mon May 4 2015 Bart Van Assche <bart.vanassche@sandisk.com> |
| - Added iSER target driver. |
| * Mon Feb 23 2015 Bart Van Assche <bart.vanassche@sandisk.com> |
| - Split spec file into a non-DKMS and a DKMS spec file. |
| * Fri Jan 16 2015 Bart Van Assche <bart.vanassche@sandisk.com> |
| - Added DKMS support. |
| * Fri Nov 22 2013 Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@acm.org> |
| - Initial spec file. |