blob: 13c9b95e06612bf9e4a47b0864bfdec3191be0ff [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/ksh -p
# This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0.
# You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version
# 1.0 of the CDDL.
# A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this
# source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at
# Copyright (c) 2019 by Tim Chase. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
. $STF_SUITE/include/libtest.shlib
. $STF_SUITE/tests/functional/trim/trim.kshlib
. $STF_SUITE/tests/functional/trim/trim.cfg
# Verify automatic trim and manual trim coexist correctly.
# 1. Create a pool on sparse file vdevs to trim.
# 2. Set autotrim=on to enable asynchronous pool trimming.
# 3. Generate some interesting pool data which can be trimmed.
# 4. While generating data issue manual trims.
# 4. Verify trim IOs of the expected type were issued for the pool.
# 5. Verify data integrity of the pool after trim.
# 6. Repeat test for striped, mirrored, and RAIDZ pools.
verify_runnable "global"
log_assert "Set 'autotrim=on', run 'zpool trim' and verify pool data integrity"
function cleanup
if poolexists $TESTPOOL; then
destroy_pool $TESTPOOL
log_must rm -f $TRIM_VDEVS
log_must set_tunable64 TRIM_EXTENT_BYTES_MIN $trim_extent_bytes_min
log_must set_tunable64 TRIM_TXG_BATCH $trim_txg_batch
log_onexit cleanup
# Minimum trim size is decreased to verify all trim sizes.
typeset trim_extent_bytes_min=$(get_tunable TRIM_EXTENT_BYTES_MIN)
log_must set_tunable64 TRIM_EXTENT_BYTES_MIN 4096
# Reduced TRIM_TXG_BATCH to make trimming more frequent.
typeset trim_txg_batch=$(get_tunable TRIM_TXG_BATCH)
log_must set_tunable64 TRIM_TXG_BATCH 8
for type in "" "mirror" "raidz" "raidz2" "draid" "draid2"; do
log_must truncate -s 1G $TRIM_VDEVS
log_must zpool create -f $TESTPOOL $type $TRIM_VDEVS
log_must zpool set autotrim=on $TESTPOOL
# Add and remove data from the pool in a random fashion in order
# to generate a variety of interesting ranges to be auto trimmed.
for n in {0..10}; do
dir="/$TESTPOOL/autotrim-$((RANDOM % 5))"
filesize=$((4096 + ((RANDOM * 691) % 131072) ))
log_must rm -rf $dir
log_must fill_fs $dir 10 10 $filesize 1 R
zpool sync
if [[ $((n % 4)) -eq 0 ]]; then
log_must timeout 120 zpool trim -w $TESTPOOL
log_must du -hs /$TESTPOOL
verify_trim_io $TESTPOOL "ind" 10
verify_pool $TESTPOOL
log_must zpool destroy $TESTPOOL
log_must rm -f $TRIM_VDEVS
log_pass "Automatic trim and manual trim coexistence successfully validated"