| <!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [ |
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| <!ENTITY docbook "<productname>DocBook</productname>"> |
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| ]> |
| |
| <!-- Stolen from manual page for docbook-to-man, DocBook source file |
| (C) 1999 W. Borgert debacle@debian.org |
| |
| $Id: docbook-to-man.sgml,v 1.8 2002/04/27 15:28:02 debacle Exp $ --> |
| |
| <refentry> |
| <refentryinfo> |
| <address> |
| <email>jcm@jonmasters.org</email> |
| </address> |
| <author> |
| <firstname>Jon</firstname> |
| <surname>Masters</surname> |
| </author> |
| <date>2010-03-01</date> |
| </refentryinfo> |
| <refmeta> |
| <refentrytitle>modinfo</refentrytitle> |
| <manvolnum>8</manvolnum> |
| </refmeta> |
| <refnamediv> |
| <refname>modinfo</refname> <refpurpose>program to show information about a Linux Kernel module</refpurpose> |
| </refnamediv> |
| <refsynopsisdiv> |
| <cmdsynopsis> |
| <command>modinfo</command> |
| <arg><option>-0</option></arg> |
| <arg><option>-F <replaceable>field</replaceable></option></arg> |
| <arg><option>-k <replaceable>kernel</replaceable></option></arg> |
| <arg rep='repeat'>modulename|filename</arg> |
| </cmdsynopsis> |
| <cmdsynopsis> |
| <command>modinfo -V</command> |
| </cmdsynopsis> |
| <cmdsynopsis> |
| <command>modinfo -h</command> |
| </cmdsynopsis> |
| </refsynopsisdiv> |
| <refsect1> |
| <title>DESCRIPTION</title> |
| |
| <para><command>modinfo</command> extracts information from the Linux |
| Kernel modules given on the command line. If the module name is |
| not a filename, then the |
| <filename>/lib/modules/</filename><replaceable>version</replaceable> |
| directory is searched, as is also done by |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>modprobe</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> when loading kernel modules. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para><command>modinfo</command> by default lists each attribute |
| of the module in form <replaceable>fieldname</replaceable> : |
| <replaceable>value</replaceable>, for easy reading. The |
| filename is listed the same way (although it's not really an |
| attribute). |
| </para> |
| |
| <para>This version of <command>modinfo</command> can understand |
| modules of any Linux Kernel architecture.</para> |
| </refsect1> |
| <refsect1> |
| <title>OPTIONS</title> |
| <variablelist> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><option>-V</option> <option>--version</option> |
| </term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> |
| Print the modinfo version. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><option>-F</option> <option>--field</option> |
| </term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> |
| Only print this field value, one per line. This is most |
| useful for scripts. Field names are case-insenitive. |
| Common fields (which may not be in every module) include |
| <literal>author</literal>, <literal>description</literal>, |
| <literal>license</literal>, <literal>parm</literal>, |
| <literal>depends</literal>, and <literal>alias</literal>. |
| There are often multiple <literal>parm</literal>, |
| <literal>alias</literal> and <literal>depends</literal> |
| fields. The special field <literal>filename</literal> |
| lists the filename of the module. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><option>-k <replaceable>kernel</replaceable></option> |
| </term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> |
| Provide information about a kernel other than the running one. This |
| is particularly useful for distributions needing to extract |
| information from a newly installed (but not yet running) set of |
| kernel modules. For example, you wish to find which firmware files |
| are needed by various modules in a new kernel for which you must |
| make an initrd/initramfs image prior to booting. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><option>-0</option> <option>--null</option> |
| </term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> |
| Use the ASCII zero character to separate field values, |
| instead of a new line. This is useful for scripts, since |
| a new line can theoretically appear inside a field. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><option>-a</option> <option>-d</option> <option>-l</option> <option>-p</option> <option>-n</option> |
| </term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> |
| These are shortcuts for <literal>author</literal>, |
| <literal>description</literal>, |
| <literal>license</literal>. <literal>parm</literal> and |
| <literal>filename</literal> respectively, to ease the |
| transition from the old modutils |
| <command>modinfo</command>. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| </variablelist> |
| </refsect1> |
| <refsect1> |
| <title>COPYRIGHT</title> |
| <para> |
| This manual page originally Copyright 2003, Rusty Russell, IBM |
| Corporation. Maintained by Jon Masters and others. |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> |
| <refsect1> |
| <title>SEE ALSO</title> |
| |
| <para><citerefentry> |
| <refentrytitle>modprobe</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum> |
| </citerefentry> |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> |
| </refentry> |
| |
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