blob: f0869d52c7961b1270fdc468e9db61c825ddbe12 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef SG_PT_H
#define SG_PT_H
* Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Douglas Gilbert.
* All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the BSD_LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* This declaration hides the fact that each implementation has its own
* structure "derived" (using a C++ term) from this one. It compiles
* because 'struct sg_pt_base' is only referenced (by pointer: 'objp')
* in this interface. An instance of this structure represents the
* context of one SCSI command. */
struct sg_pt_base;
/* The format of the version string is like this: "2.01 20090201".
* The leading digit will be incremented if this interface changes
* in a way that may impact backward compatibility. */
const char * scsi_pt_version();
/* Returns >= 0 if successful. If error in Unix returns negated errno. */
int scsi_pt_open_device(const char * device_name, int read_only, int verbose);
/* Similar to scsi_pt_open_device() but takes Unix style open flags OR-ed
* together. Returns valid file descriptor( >= 0 ) if successful, otherwise
* returns -1 or a negated errno.
* In Win32 O_EXCL translated to equivalent. */
int scsi_pt_open_flags(const char * device_name, int flags, int verbose);
/* Returns 0 if successful. If error in Unix returns negated errno. */
int scsi_pt_close_device(int device_fd);
/* Creates an object that can be used to issue one or more SCSI commands
* (or task management functions). Returns NULL if problem.
* Once this object has been created it should be destroyed with
* destruct_scsi_pt_obj() when it is no longer needed. */
struct sg_pt_base * construct_scsi_pt_obj(void);
/* Clear state information held in *objp . This allows this object to be
* used to issue more than one SCSI command. */
void clear_scsi_pt_obj(struct sg_pt_base * objp);
/* Set the CDB (command descriptor block) */
void set_scsi_pt_cdb(struct sg_pt_base * objp, const unsigned char * cdb,
int cdb_len);
/* Set the sense buffer and the maximum length that it can handle */
void set_scsi_pt_sense(struct sg_pt_base * objp, unsigned char * sense,
int max_sense_len);
/* Set a pointer and length to be used for data transferred from device */
void set_scsi_pt_data_in(struct sg_pt_base * objp, /* from device */
unsigned char * dxferp, int dxfer_len);
/* Set a pointer and length to be used for data transferred to device */
void set_scsi_pt_data_out(struct sg_pt_base * objp, /* to device */
const unsigned char * dxferp, int dxfer_len);
/* The following "set_"s implementations may be dummies */
void set_scsi_pt_packet_id(struct sg_pt_base * objp, int pack_id);
void set_scsi_pt_tag(struct sg_pt_base * objp, uint64_t tag);
void set_scsi_pt_task_management(struct sg_pt_base * objp, int tmf_code);
void set_scsi_pt_task_attr(struct sg_pt_base * objp, int attribute,
int priority);
/* Following is a guard which is defined when set_scsi_pt_flags() is
* present. Older versions of this library may not have this function. */
/* If neither QUEUE_AT_HEAD nor QUEUE_AT_TAIL are given, or both
* are given, use the pass-through default. */
/* Set (potentially OS dependant) flags for pass-through mechanism.
* Apart from contradictions, flags can be OR-ed together. */
void set_scsi_pt_flags(struct sg_pt_base * objp, int flags);
/* If OS error prior to or during command submission then returns negated
* error value (e.g. Unix '-errno'). This includes interrupted system calls
* (e.g. by a signal) in which case -EINTR would be returned. Note that
* system call errors also can be fetched with get_scsi_pt_os_err().
* Return 0 if okay (i.e. at the very least: command sent). Positive
* return values are errors (see SCSI_PT_DO_* defines). */
int do_scsi_pt(struct sg_pt_base * objp, int fd, int timeout_secs,
int verbose);
#define SCSI_PT_RESULT_STATUS 1 /* other than GOOD and CHECK CONDITION */
/* highest numbered applicable category returned */
int get_scsi_pt_result_category(const struct sg_pt_base * objp);
/* If not available return 0 */
int get_scsi_pt_resid(const struct sg_pt_base * objp);
/* Returns SCSI status value (from device that received the
command). */
int get_scsi_pt_status_response(const struct sg_pt_base * objp);
/* Actual sense length returned. If sense data is present but
actual sense length is not known, return 'max_sense_len' */
int get_scsi_pt_sense_len(const struct sg_pt_base * objp);
/* If not available return 0 */
int get_scsi_pt_os_err(const struct sg_pt_base * objp);
char * get_scsi_pt_os_err_str(const struct sg_pt_base * objp, int max_b_len,
char * b);
/* If not available return 0 */
int get_scsi_pt_transport_err(const struct sg_pt_base * objp);
char * get_scsi_pt_transport_err_str(const struct sg_pt_base * objp,
int max_b_len, char * b);
/* If not available return -1 */
int get_scsi_pt_duration_ms(const struct sg_pt_base * objp);
/* Should be invoked once per objp after other processing is complete in
* order to clean up resources. For ever successful construct_scsi_pt_obj()
* call there should be one destruct_scsi_pt_obj(). */
void destruct_scsi_pt_obj(struct sg_pt_base * objp);
#ifdef SG_LIB_WIN32
#define SG_LIB_WIN32_DIRECT 1
/* Request SPT direct interface when state_direct is 1, state_direct set
* to 0 for the SPT indirect interface. Default setting selected by build
* (i.e. library compile time) and is usually indirect. */
void scsi_pt_win32_direct(int state_direct);
/* Returns current SPT interface state, 1 for direct, 0 for indirect */
int scsi_pt_win32_spt_state(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus