blob: 07a78ca2695cbaefaa4d9a9b10bf631aa1c75fa4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// stackwalker.h: Generic stackwalker.
// The Stackwalker class is an abstract base class providing common generic
// methods that apply to stacks from all systems. Specific implementations
// will extend this class by providing GetContextFrame and GetCallerFrame
// methods to fill in system-specific data in a StackFrame structure.
// Stackwalker assembles these StackFrame strucutres into a vector of
// StackFrames.
// Author: Mark Mentovai
#include "google/stack_frame.h"
#include "processor/memory_region.h"
namespace google_airbag {
class MinidumpModuleList;
class SymbolSupplier;
struct CrashReport;
class Stackwalker {
virtual ~Stackwalker() {}
// Fills the given vector of StackFrames by calling GetContextFrame and
// GetCallerFrame, and populating the returned frames with all available
// data.
void Walk(StackFrames *frames);
// memory identifies a MemoryRegion that provides the stack memory
// for the stack to walk. modules, if non-NULL, is a MinidumpModuleList
// that is used to look up which code module each stack frame is
// associated with. supplier is an optional caller-supplied SymbolSupplier
// implementation. If supplier is NULL, source line info will not be
// resolved. The CrashReport object will be passed to the SymbolSupplier's
// GetSymbolFile method.
Stackwalker(MemoryRegion* memory,
MinidumpModuleList* modules,
SymbolSupplier* supplier,
const CrashReport* report);
// The stack memory to walk. Subclasses will require this region to
// get information from the stack.
MemoryRegion* memory_;
// Obtains the context frame, the innermost called procedure in a stack
// trace. Returns false on failure.
virtual bool GetContextFrame(StackFrame* frame) = 0;
// Obtains a caller frame. Each call to GetCallerFrame should return the
// frame that called the last frame returned by GetContextFrame or
// GetCallerFrame. GetCallerFrame should return false on failure or
// when there are no more caller frames (when the end of the stack has
// been reached).
virtual bool GetCallerFrame(StackFrame* frame) = 0;
// A list of modules, for populating each StackFrame's module information.
// This field is optional and may be NULL.
MinidumpModuleList* modules_;
// The optional SymbolSupplier for resolving source line info.
SymbolSupplier* supplier_;
// The CrashReport object which is passed to the SymbolSupplier. May be null.
const CrashReport* report_;
} // namespace google_airbag