| This is a sample Android executable that can be used to test the |
| Google Breakpad client library on Android. |
| |
| Its purpose is simply to crash and generate a minidump under /data/local/tmp. |
| |
| Build instructions: |
| |
| cd android/sample_app |
| $NDK/ndk-build |
| |
| Where $NDK points to a valid Android NDK installation. |
| |
| Usage instructions: |
| |
| After buildind the test program, send it to a device, then run it as |
| the shell UID: |
| |
| adb push libs/armeabi/test_google_breakpad /data/local/tmp |
| adb shell /data/local/tmp/test_google_breakpad |
| |
| This will simply crash after dumping the name of the generated minidump |
| file. |
| |
| See jni/test_breakpad.cpp for details. |
| |
| Use 'armeabi-v7a' instead of 'armeabi' above to test the ARMv7-A version |
| of the binary. |
| |
| Note: |
| If you plan to use the library in a regular Android application, store |
| the minidump files either to your app-specific directory, or to the SDCard |
| (the latter requiring a specific permission). |