blob: 2b65edcb8b9b7b63f635c0ac70b6430693c7fd4f [file] [log] [blame]
# libbrlapi - A library providing access to braille terminals for applications.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2023 by
# Alexis Robert <>
# Samuel Thibault <>
# libbrlapi comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
# Web Page:
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <>.
function brlCommand(name, symbol, value, help) {
writeCommandDefinition(name, value, help)
function brlBlock(name, symbol, value, help) {
if (name == "PASSCHAR") return
if (name == "PASSKEY") return
writeCommandDefinition(name, "(" value" << KEY_CMD_BLK_SHIFT)", help)
function brlKey(name, symbol, value, help) {
function brlFlag(name, symbol, value, help) {
if (value ~ /^0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+0000$/) {
value = tolower(substr(value, 1, length(value)-4))
if (name ~ /^CHAR_/) {
name = substr(name, 6)
} else {
value = value "00"
} else if (value ~ /^\(/) {
gsub("BRL_FLG_", "KEY_FLG_", value)
} else {
writePythonAssignment("KEY_FLG_" name, value, help)
function brlDot(number, symbol, value, help) {
writePythonAssignment("DOT" number, value, help)
function apiConstant(name, symbol, value, help) {
writePythonAssignment(name, value, help)
function apiMask(name, symbol, value, help) {
writePythonAssignment("KEY_" name, "c_brlapi." symbol, help)
function apiShift(name, symbol, value, help) {
value = hexadecimalValue(value)
writePythonAssignment("KEY_" name, value, help)
function apiType(name, symbol, value, help) {
value = hexadecimalValue(value)
writePythonAssignment("KEY_TYPE_" name, value, help)
function apiKey(name, symbol, value, help) {
value = hexadecimalValue(value)
if (name == "FUNCTION") {
for (i=0; i<35; ++i) {
key = "F" (i+1)
writeKeyDefinition(key, "(" value " + " i ")", "the " key " key")
} else {
writeKeyDefinition(name, value, help)
function apiRangeType(name, symbol, value, help) {
writePythonAssignment("rangeType_" name, value, help)
function writeCommandDefinition(name, value, help) {
writePythonAssignment("KEY_CMD_" name, value, help)
function writeKeyDefinition(name, value, help) {
writePythonAssignment("KEY_SYM_" name, value, help)
function writePythonAssignment(name, value, help) {
if (length(help) > 0) print "## " help
print name " = " value
function hexadecimalValue(value) {
value = tolower(value)
return value