blob: 31e1d6e054d8bc8b6aba75e2d2ce840c9709bada [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
# text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2023 by The BRLTTY Developers.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
# Web Page:
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <>.
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. brltty-prologue.tcl]
set serialProperties [dict create]
set devicePath "/dev/ttyS0"
proc getSerialPropertyNames {} {
global serialProperties
return [dict keys $serialProperties]
proc isSerialPropertyDefined {name} {
return [lcontain [getSerialPropertyNames] $name]
proc getSerialPropertyLabel {name} {
global serialProperties
return [dict get $serialProperties $name label]
proc getSerialPropertyChoices {name} {
global serialProperties
return [dict get $serialProperties $name choices]
proc getSerialPropertyOptions {name} {
global serialProperties
return [dict get $serialProperties $name options]
proc getSerialPropertyDefault {name} {
global serialProperties
return [dict get $serialProperties $name default]
proc getSerialPropertySetting {name} {
global serialProperties
return [dict get $serialProperties $name setting]
proc verifySerialPropertyChoice {name value} {
if {![lcontain [getSerialPropertyChoices $name] $value]} {
return -code error "unknown serial [getSerialPropertyLabel $name]: $value"
proc setSerialPropertyField {name field value} {
global serialProperties
dict set serialProperties $name $field $value
proc defineSerialProperty {name label default args} {
if {[isSerialPropertyDefined $name]} {
return -code error "serial property already defined: $name"
global serialProperties
dict set serialProperties $name [dict create label $label choices $args options [dict create]]
verifySerialPropertyChoice $name $default
setSerialPropertyField $name default $default
setSerialPropertyField $name setting $default
proc addSerialOption {option property args} {
if {![isSerialPropertyDefined $property]} {
return -code error "serial property not defined: $property"
global serialProperties
foreach value $args {
verifySerialPropertyChoice $property $value
dict set serialProperties $property options $option $args
defineSerialProperty lineMode "mode" local local modem
defineSerialProperty lineBaud "baud" 38400 50 75 110 134 150 200 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 230400 460800 500000 576000 921600 1000000 1152000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000
defineSerialProperty flowControl "flow control" no no hardware software
defineSerialProperty dataParity "parity" none none odd even mark space
defineSerialProperty dataBits "data bits" 8 5 6 7 8
defineSerialProperty stopBits "stop bits" 1 1 2
addSerialOption clocal lineMode local
addSerialOption crtscts flowControl hardware
addSerialOption ixon flowControl software
addSerialOption parenb dataParity odd even mark space
addSerialOption parodd dataParity odd mark
addSerialOption cmspar dataParity mark space
addSerialOption cstopb stopBits 2
proc logSerialConfiguration {} {
global devicePath
set log "serial cofiguration: $devicePath"
foreach name [getSerialPropertyNames] {
append log ", [getSerialPropertySetting $name]"
append log " [getSerialPropertyLabel $name]"
logMessage task $log
proc configureSerialProperty {name value} {
verifySerialPropertyChoice $name $value
setSerialPropertyField $name setting $value
proc verifySerialDevice {path} {
foreach {test word} {exists "found" readable "readable" writable "writable"} {
if {![file $test $path]} {
semanticError "device not $word: $path"
if {![string equal [file type $path] characterSpecial]} {
semanticError "not a serial device: $path"
proc configureSerialDevice {{options {-g}}} {
global devicePath
set command [list]
lappend command stty -F $devicePath
eval lappend command $options
logNote "command: [join $command " "]"
lvarpush command exec
lappend command 2>@ stderr
if {[catch $command response] != 0} {
exit 9
return $response
proc addSettingUsage {linesVariable label specification default} {
upvar 1 $linesVariable lines
lappend lines "To set the $label, specify $specification (the default is $default)."
proc getArgumentsUsageSummary {} {
set lines [list]
global devicePath
addSettingUsage lines "port" "the absolute path to the corresponding serial device" $devicePath
foreach name [getSerialPropertyNames] {
set label [getSerialPropertyLabel $name]
set choices [getSerialPropertyChoices $name]
set default [getSerialPropertyDefault $name]
addSettingUsage lines $label [formatChoicesPhrase $choices] $default
return $lines
proc parseCommandLine {} {
set optionDefinitions {
processProgramArguments optionValues $optionDefinitions argumentValues "\[setting ...\]" getArgumentsUsageSummary
return $argumentValues
proc getRequestedConfiguration {} {
set configuration [list raw -echo -echoe -echok -echonl]
lappend configuration [getSerialPropertySetting lineBaud]
lappend configuration cs[getSerialPropertySetting dataBits]
foreach property [getSerialPropertyNames] {
set setting [getSerialPropertySetting $property]
set options [getSerialPropertyOptions $property]
foreach option [dict keys $options] {
if {![lcontain [dict get $options $option] $setting]} {
set option "-$option"
lappend configuration $option
return $configuration
foreach argument [parseCommandLine] {
if {[cequal [file pathtype $argument] absolute]} {
set devicePath $argument
} else {
set found 0
foreach name [getSerialPropertyNames] {
if {[lcontain [getSerialPropertyChoices $name] $argument]} {
set found 1
configureSerialProperty $name $argument
if {!$found} {
syntaxError "unrecognized serial property: $argument"
verifySerialDevice $devicePath
set originalConfiguration [configureSerialDevice]
set requestedConfiguration [getRequestedConfiguration]
try {
configureSerialDevice $requestedConfiguration
try {
withChannel deviceChannel [open $devicePath {RDWR NOCTTY NONBLOCK}] {
fconfigure $deviceChannel -buffering none -translation binary
fileevent $deviceChannel readable {
foreach byte [split [read $deviceChannel] ""] {
scan $byte %c number
puts -nonewline stdout [format "%02x " $number]
flush stdout
fileevent stdin readable {
if {[set length [gets stdin line]] == 0} {
set exitStatus 0
} elseif {$length > 0} {
puts -nonewline $deviceChannel [subst -nocommands -novariables $line]
flush $deviceChannel
} elseif {[eof stdin]} {
set exitStatus 0
vwait exitStatus
} trap {POSIX} {problem} {
semanticError $message
} finally {
configureSerialDevice $originalConfiguration
exit $exitStatus